The coolest way to whip out NuGet releases from GitHub and AppVeyor.
CoolWhip creates a default AppVeyor configuration.
On check in AppVeyor will build your project and run tests.
When a GitHub release or git tag is created
- Your project is built
- Your tests are run
- All NuGet packages are packaged and
- Attached to the release in GitHub
- Pushed to NuGet
- Pushed to Symbol Source
- Install CoolWhip
PM> Install-Package CoolWhip
- Encrypt GitHub & Nuget key in App Veyor
- Update the appveyor.yaml with the keys from above
- Save/commit changes
- Link AppVeyor to your repo
- AppVeyor: #1 Continuous Delivery service for Windows
- Robert Daniel Moore for his NuGet Test Harness also on GitHub
- NuGet for being awesome