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🧠 psychonauts-TH-translation 🧠


It is a translation of the game Psychonauts into Thai. It will collect the Dialogues files that have been translated into Thai.

The extraction code and replacement code are originally from TrupSteam/psychonauts-translator and have been further developed to support python3.X.

🧠 What have we here ?

  • Extract dialogues from game file (.lub file) to csv
  • dialogues/ to store csv file of dialogues that are being translated or have been translated
  • cutscenes/ to store dialogue files according to cutscenes for easy translation
  • ⚠️Develop⚠️ Replace dialogues from csv into game file (.lub file)
    • ❌💥 Do not use at this time because the game font does not support Thai language.

🪴 Translated Progress

Total: 14/28

dialogues/AS_StringTable.csv 196/1002
dialogues/AS_StringTablePC.csv 0/0
dialogues/BB_StringTable.csv 333/333
dialogues/BB_StringTablePC.csv 6/6
dialogues/BV_StringTable.csv 56/750
dialogues/BV_StringTablePC.csv 0/0
dialogues/CA_StringTable.csv 624/2542
dialogues/CA_StringTablePC.csv 0/12
dialogues/GLOBAL_StringTable.csv 482/1428
dialogues/GLOBAL_StringTablePC.csv 4/116
dialogues/LL_StringTable.csv 12/57
dialogues/LL_StringTablePC.csv 0/0
dialogues/LO_StringTable.csv 51/245
dialogues/LO_StringTablePC.csv 0/0
dialogues/MC_StringTable.csv 53/188
dialogues/MC_StringTablePC.csv 0/0
dialogues/MI_StringTable.csv 1/322
dialogues/MI_StringTablePC.csv 1/1
dialogues/MM_StringTable.csv 29/707
dialogues/MM_StringTablePC.csv 0/0
dialogues/NI_StringTable.csv 116/116
dialogues/NI_StringTablePC.csv 0/0
dialogues/SA_StringTable.csv 37/171
dialogues/SA_StringTablePC.csv 2/2
dialogues/TH_StringTable.csv 41/803
dialogues/TH_StringTablePC.csv 0/0
dialogues/WW_StringTable.csv 0/399
dialogues/WW_StringTablePC.csv 0/0

🧠 Sample Dialogues csv file

see sample in dialogues/

id character origin_dialogue translated_dialogue
CABD001RA RA Dogen! Are you okay? โดแกน! นายไม่เป็นอะไรใช่ไหม?

id: There will be 9 characters consisting of 3 UPPER Characters + 3 numbers + 2 UPPER Characters, where the last 2 characters are an abbreviation of the name of the character being spoken.

character: It is derived from the last two characters of id and is like an abbreviation of the character name or you can view it as a "character id". We will store the character abbreviation and the full name in a separate file named character_name.json.

origin_dialogue: The original English dialogue, some of which may contain special characters such as \n.

translated_dialogue: Column for adding Thai translations

Note: File CSV use delimeter ; and endline \r\n

🧠 Pre-request

  • Install Python 3.X (recommend 3.10+)

Comming Soon !!

  • Workspace to Easy Development
    • Docker
    • Devcontainer

🧠 Extract dialogue from game file

The game will store dialogue files in a path like this Psychonauts/WorkResource/Localization/English/**_StringTable.lub Which can be extracted into a CSV file using the command

Extract each dialogue file

Example: Need a CSV file of dialogue from AS_StringTable.lub

python --file AS_StringTable.lub

You will get a file dialogues/AS_StringTable.csv

Extract all file in folder

Example: Need a CSV file of all dialogues from Psychonauts/WorkResource/Localization/English

python --folder Psychonauts/WorkResource/Localization/English

The file will be in dialogues/


Sometimes if you want to change the destination folder where you want to save the csv from dialogues/ to another folder, you can do it by adding the --dest flag, for example:

python --folder Psychonauts/WorkResource/Localization/English --dest new_dialogues/

🧠 Extract Character Name

Command to extract character from dialogue CSV file and store in character_name.json

Usage: save [OPTIONS]

  -d, --dialogue-folder DIRECTORY
                                  [default: dialogues]
  -n, --name FILE                 [default: character_name.json]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


python save

🧠 Update Character Name to Dialogue CSV

If you update the full name in the file character_name.json and want to update the full name in the dialogue CSV file, you can do so with the following command.

Usage: update-dialogue [OPTIONS]

  -d, --dialogue-folder DIRECTORY
                                  [default: dialogues]
  -n, --name FILE                 [default: character_name.json]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


python update-dialogue

Sample result

Notice the column character


id character origin_dialogue translated_dialogue
ASGD027GL GL Oh, no! โอ้, ไม่นะ!


id character origin_dialogue translated_dialogue
ASGD027GL Gloria Oh, no! โอ้, ไม่นะ!

🧠 Create Cutscene Dialogue Files

The principle of creating cutscene dialogue file is to use .dfs file in Folder psychonauts/WorkResource/cutscenes/prerendered/*.dfs to search for dialogue in each cutscene and the result file will be stored in folder cutscenes.

Usage: generate [OPTIONS] [FILE_PATH]...

  Generate cutscene dialogue

  FILE_PATH: .dfs file path or folder path e.g.

   - file path: generate

   - folder path: generate

  -c, --cutscene-folder, --dest-folder DIRECTORY
                                  [default: cutscenes]
  -d, --dialogue-folder DIRECTORY
                                  [default: dialogues]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Extract from some cutscene

Example of extracting from some .dfs files such as CABD.dfs and CABV.dfs.

python generate /psychonauts/WorkResource/cutscenes/prerendered/CABD.dfs /psychonauts/WorkResource/cutscenes/prerendered/CABV.dfs

Result file cutscenes/CABD_dialogue.txt and cutscenes/CABD_dialogue.txt

Extarct all folder .dfs

python generate /psychonauts/WorkResource/cutscenes/prerendered/

🧠 Update Dialogue CSV from Cutscene Dialogue

If we have translated the dialogue from the cutscene dialogue file (cutscenes/*_dialogue.txt) and want to update the translated dialogue into the dialogue CSV file (the file is in the folder dialogues/).

Usage: update-csv [OPTIONS] [FILE_PATH]...

  Update cutscene to csv dialogue

  FILE_PATH: file path or folder path of cutscene e.g.

   - file path: update-csv cutscenes/CASA_dialogue.txt

   - folder path: update-csv cutscenes

  --all                           Update all cutscene in folder 'cutscenes'
  -d, --dialogue-folder DIRECTORY
                                  [default: dialogues]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Update all

python update-csv --all

Update from some cutscene dialogue

Example of updating from cutscenes/CASA_dialogue.txt and cutscenes/CASB_dialogue.txt

python update-csv cutscenes/CASA_dialogue.txt cutscenes/CASB_dialogue.txt


🧠 translation of the game Psychonauts into Thai.







  • Python 100.0%