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Commit v0.17

kwmccabe edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 9 revisions

v0.17 - item_action() route and item checkboxes

Files changed (2)

File web/app/item/templates/item_list.html MODIFIED

  • Wrap item <table> in HTML &lt;form&gt;.
  • Add <checkbox> for each row.
  • Add <select> menu for Action types.
  • Add <submit> button.
  • Post selection(s) to route /admin/item/action.
 <!-- BLOCK: content -->
 {% block content %}
+<form class="form-inline" action="{{ url_for('.item_action') }}" method="post">


 <div class="table-responsive">
 <table class="table table-condensed table-hover">
 {% for col in cols %}
     <th>{{ col }}</th>
 {% endfor %}


 {% for row in rows %}
+    <td>
+        <input type="checkbox" name="item_id" value="{{}}">
+    </td>
     {% for col in cols %}
         <td onclick="window.location='{{ url_for('.item_view', }}';">{{ row[col] }}</td>
     {% endfor %}
         [ <a href="{{ url_for('.item_edit', }}">edit</a> ]
-        [ <a data-confirm-link="Delete Item? This action cannot be undone." href="{{ url_for('.item_delete', }}">delete</a> ]
 {% endfor %}


     <div class="panel-footer">
-        panel-footer
+<div id="list-actions">
+    <div class="form-group">
+        <label for="action" class="sr-only">Action</label>
+        <select id="action" name="action" class="form-control">
+            <option value="">Selected Items...</option>
+            <option value="active">Set Active</option>
+            <option value="inactive">Set Inactive</option>
+            <option value="delete">Delete</option>
+        </select>
+    </div>
+    <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">Apply</button>
     </div> <!-- end class="panel-footer" -->
 </div> <!-- end class="panel" -->
 {% endblock content %}

File web/app/item/ MODIFIED

  • Create POST-only route /admin/item/action for form at /admin/item/list.
  • Apply action to all selected item_id.
  • Redirect to /item/admin/list to show results.
+@item.route('/admin/item/action', methods=['POST'])
+def item_action():
+    action   = request.values.get('action', '')
+    item_ids = request.form.getlist('item_id')
+    id_str = "["+",".join([str(id) for id in item_ids])+"]"
+    if action and item_ids:
+        if action == 'delete':
+            for id in item_ids:
+                item = ItemModel.query.get_or_404(id)
+                db.session.delete(item)
+            db.session.commit()
+            flash('Items Deleted (id='+id_str+')')
+        if action == 'active':
+            for id in item_ids:
+                item = ItemModel.query.get_or_404(id)
+       = True
+                db.session.add(item)
+            db.session.commit()
+            flash('Items Activated (id='+id_str+')')
+        if action == 'inactive':
+            for id in item_ids:
+                item = ItemModel.query.get_or_404(id)
+       = False
+                db.session.add(item)
+            db.session.commit()
+            flash('Items Deactivated (id='+id_str+')')
+'item_action - action:%s, item_ids:%s' % (action, id_str))
+    return redirect(url_for('.item_list'))

Commit-v0.16 | Commit-v0.17 | Commit-v0.18

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