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Commit v0.33

kwmccabe edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 8 revisions

v0.33 - Refactor as item.item_status

Files changed (15)

File mysql/scripts/seeddata.sql MODIFIED

  • Add item_status column to test data.
 DELETE FROM `item`;
-INSERT INTO `item` (keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES ("one","One","One here");
-INSERT INTO `item` (keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES ("two","Two","Two here");
-INSERT INTO `item` (keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES ("three","Three","Three here");
-INSERT INTO `item` (keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES ("four","Four","Four here");
-INSERT INTO `item` (keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES ("five","Five","Five here");
-INSERT INTO `item` (keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES ("six","Six","Six here");
+INSERT INTO `item` (item_status,keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES (3,"one","One","One here");
+INSERT INTO `item` (item_status,keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES (2,"two","Two","Two here");
+INSERT INTO `item` (item_status,keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES (1,"three","Three","Three here");
+INSERT INTO `item` (item_status,keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES (0,"four","Four","Four here");
+INSERT INTO `item` (item_status,keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES (3,"five","Five","Five here");
+INSERT INTO `item` (item_status,keyname,item_title,item_text) VALUES (3,"six","Six","Six here");

File mysql/scripts/tables.sql MODIFIED

  • Rename active column as item_status.
 CREATE TABLE `item` (
     `id`            bigint(20)      NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
-    `active`        tinyint(1)      NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
     `keyname`       varchar(63)     NOT NULL,
+    `item_status`   tinyint(1)      NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
     `item_title`    varchar(255)    DEFAULT NULL,


     UNIQUE KEY `item_keyname` (`keyname`),
-    KEY `item_active` (`active`),
+    KEY `item_status` (`item_status`),
     KEY `item_title` (`item_title`),

File web/app/ MODIFIED

  • Remove previous status string param.
  • Create new item_status integer param.
                 logging.debug('create session[%s]' % (session_key))
                 session[session_key] = { \
-                    'itemcnt'   : 0, \
-                    'pagecnt'   : 0, \
-                    'status'    : 'all', \
-                    'user_role' : -1, \
-                    'sort'      : 'id', \
-                    'order'     : 'asc', \
-                    'offset'    : 0, \
-                    'limit'     : 10, \
-                    'page'      : 1, \
+                    'itemcnt'     : 0, \
+                    'pagecnt'     : 0, \
+                    'user_role'   : -1, \
+                    'item_status' : -1, \
+                    'sort'        : 'id', \
+                    'order'       : 'asc', \
+                    'offset'      : 0, \
+                    'limit'       : 10, \
+                    'page'        : 1, \
             # get updates
             S = session[session_key]
-            status    = request.values.get('status',    S['status'])
-            user_role = request.values.get('user_role', S['user_role'])
-            sort      = request.values.get('sort',      S['sort'])
-            order     = request.values.get('order',     S['order'])
-            limit     = int(request.values.get('limit', S['limit']))
-            page      = int(request.values.get('page',  S['page']))
+            user_role   = request.values.get('user_role',   S['user_role'])
+            item_status = request.values.get('item_status', S['item_status'])
+            sort        = request.values.get('sort',        S['sort'])
+            order       = request.values.get('order',       S['order'])
+            limit       = int(request.values.get('limit',   S['limit']))
+            page        = int(request.values.get('page',    S['page']))
-            if status in ['all','active','inactive']:
-                S['status'] = status
-            if user_role in ['-1','0','1','2','3']:
+            if user_role in [-1,0,1,2,3]:
                 S['user_role'] = int(user_role)
+            if item_status in [-1,0,1,2,3]:
+                S['item_status'] = item_status

File web/app/item/ MODIFIED

  • Replace active BooleanField with item_status SelectField.
  • Populate select options in __init__() using current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS'] and related values.
+from flask import current_app


 class EditItemForm(FlaskForm):
-    id         = HiddenField('id')
-    keyname    = StringField('Keyname', validators=[InputRequired(),Length(2,63),validate_keyname], filters=[filter_keyname])
-    active     = BooleanField('Active')
-    item_title = StringField('Title', validators=[InputRequired(),Length(1,255)])
-    item_text  = TextAreaField('Text')
-    mod_create = DateTimeField('Item Created')
-    mod_update = DateTimeField('Item Updated')
-    owner_id   = SelectField('Item Owner', choices=[], coerce=int)
-    users_id   = SelectMultipleField('Editors', choices=[], coerce=int)
-    submit     = SubmitField('Update Item')
+    id          = HiddenField('id')
+    keyname     = StringField('Keyname', validators=[InputRequired(),Length(2,63),validate_keyname], filters=[filter_keyname])
+    item_status = SelectField('Item Status', choices=[], coerce=int)
+    item_title  = StringField('Title', validators=[InputRequired(),Length(1,255)])
+    item_text   = TextAreaField('Text')
+    mod_create  = DateTimeField('Item Created')
+    mod_update  = DateTimeField('Item Updated')
+    owner_id    = SelectField('Item Owner', choices=[], coerce=int)
+    users_id    = SelectMultipleField('Editors', choices=[], coerce=int)
+    submit      = SubmitField('Update Item')
     def __init__(self, item, *args, **kwargs):
         super(EditItemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.item_status.choices = [
+            (current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_DRAFT'], current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS'][current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_DRAFT']]),
+            (current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_COMPLETED'], current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS'][current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_COMPLETED']]),
+            (current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_APPROVED'],current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS'][current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_APPROVED']]),
+            (current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN'], current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS'][current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN']]),
+            ]
         self.item = item

File web/app/item/ MODIFIED

  • Replace active boolean column with item_status integer column.
 class ItemModel(db.Model):
     __tablename__ = 'item'
-    id         = db.Column(db.BigInteger, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)
-    active     = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, index=True, default=1)
-    keyname    = db.Column(db.String(63), nullable=False, index=True, unique=True, default='')
-    item_title = db.Column(db.String(255))
-    item_text  = db.Column(db.Text)
-    mod_create = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
-    mod_update = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, onupdate=datetime.utcnow, index=True)
+    id          = db.Column(db.BigInteger, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)
+    item_status = db.Column(db.SmallInteger, nullable=False, index=True, default=1)
+    keyname     = db.Column(db.String(63), nullable=False, index=True, unique=True, default='')
+    item_title  = db.Column(db.String(255))
+    item_text   = db.Column(db.Text)
+    mod_create  = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
+    mod_update  = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, onupdate=datetime.utcnow, index=True)


     def to_json(self):
         json_item = {
             'url': url_for('api.get_item',, _external=True),
-            'id'        :,
-            'active'    :,
-            'keyname'   : self.keyname,
-            'item_title': self.item_title,
-            'item_text' : self.item_text,
-            'mod_create': self.mod_create,
-            'mod_update': self.mod_update,
-            'url_owner' : url_for('api.get_item_owner',, _external=True),
-            'owner_id'  : self.owner_id,
-            'url_editor': url_for('api.get_item_editor',, _external=True),
-            'editor_id' : [iu.user_id for iu in self.item_users]
+            'id'         :,
+            'keyname'    : self.keyname,
+            'item_status': self.item_status,
+            'item_title' : self.item_title,
+            'item_text'  : self.item_text,
+            'mod_create' : self.mod_create,
+            'mod_update' : self.mod_update,
+            'url_owner'  : url_for('api.get_item_owner',, _external=True),
+            'owner_id'   : self.owner_id,
+            'url_editor' : url_for('api.get_item_editor',, _external=True),
+            'editor_id'  : [iu.user_id for iu in self.item_users]
         return json_item
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         super(ItemModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-         = kwargs.get('id',        None)
-     = kwargs.get('active',    True)
-        self.keyname    = kwargs.get('keyname',   None)
-        self.item_title = kwargs.get('item_title',None)
-        self.item_text  = kwargs.get('item_text', 0)
-        self.mod_create = kwargs.get('mod_create',None)
-        self.mod_update = kwargs.get('mod_update',None)
+          = kwargs.get('id',          None)
+        self.keyname     = kwargs.get('keyname',     None)
+        self.item_status = kwargs.get('item_status', 1)
+        self.item_title  = kwargs.get('item_title',  None)
+        self.item_text   = kwargs.get('item_text',   0)
+        self.mod_create  = kwargs.get('mod_create',  None)
+        self.mod_update  = kwargs.get('mod_update',  None)

     def __repr__(self):
-        return '<ItemModel(id=%r,active=%r,keyname=%r,item_title=%r,item_text=%r,mod_create=%r,mod_update=%r)>' \
-                % (,,self.keyname,self.item_title,self.item_text,self.mod_create,self.mod_update)
+        return '<ItemModel(id=%r,keyname=%r,item_status=%r,item_title=%r,item_text=%r,mod_create=%r,mod_update=%r)>' \
+                % (,self.keyname,self.item_status,self.item_title,self.item_text,self.mod_create,self.mod_update) 

File web/app/item/templates/item_edit.html MODIFIED

  • Update panel display according to item.item_status values.
  • Replace active form elements with item_status elements.
-<div id="item_edit_panel" class="panel {% if %}panel-info{% else %}panel-warning{% endif %}">
+<div id="item_edit_panel" class="panel {%
+        if == config['ITEM_STATUS_APPROVED'] %}panel-success{%
+        elif == config['ITEM_STATUS_DRAFT'] %}panel-warning{%
+        elif == config['ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN'] %}panel-danger{%
+        else %}panel-info{%
+        endif %}">


     <div class="form-group">
-        {{ }}
-        {{'form-control') }}
+        {{ form.item_status.label }}
+        {{ form.item_status(class_='form-control') }}

File web/app/item/templates/item_list.html MODIFIED

  • Replace All | Active | Inactive links with All | Draft | Completed | Approved | Hidden dropdown menu.
  • Translate item_status integer to proper display values.
  • Replace active | inactive actions with approved | completed | draft | hidden.
-    [ <a href="{{ url_for('.item_create') }}">Create Item</a> ]
+    <a href="{{ url_for('.item_create') }}" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" role="button">New Item...</a>
 <td class="text-right">
-    {% if session[opts_key]['status'] == 'active' %}
-        [<a href="{{ url_for('.item_list') }}?status=all">All</a>]
-        [Active]
-        [<a href="{{ url_for('.item_list') }}?status=inactive">Inactive</a>]
-    {% elif session[opts_key]['status'] == 'inactive' %}
-        [<a href="{{ url_for('.item_list') }}?status=all">All</a>]
-        [<a href="{{ url_for('.item_list') }}?status=active">Active</a>]
-        [Inactive]
-    {% else %}
-        [All]
-        [<a href="{{ url_for('.item_list') }}?status=active">Active</a>]
-        [<a href="{{ url_for('.item_list') }}?status=inactive">Inactive</a>]
-    {% endif %}
+    <div id="list-item-status" class="form-group-sm">
+        <label for="item_status" class="sr-only">Role</label>
+        <select id="item_status" name="item_status" class="form-control" onchange="window.location='{{ url_for('.item_list') }}?item_status='+this.value;">
+            <option value="-1"{% if session[opts_key]['item_status'] == -1 %} selected{% endif %}>All Items</option>
+            <option value="{{ config['ITEM_STATUS_DRAFT'] }}"{%
+                if session[opts_key]['item_status'] == config['ITEM_STATUS_DRAFT'] %} selected{% endif
+                %}>{{ config['ITEM_STATUS'][config['ITEM_STATUS_DRAFT']] }}</option>
+            <option value="{{ config['ITEM_STATUS_COMPLETED'] }}"{%
+                if session[opts_key]['item_status'] == config['ITEM_STATUS_COMPLETED'] %} selected{% endif
+                %}>{{ config['ITEM_STATUS'][config['ITEM_STATUS_COMPLETED']] }}</option>
+            <option value="{{ config['ITEM_STATUS_APPROVED'] }}"{%
+                if session[opts_key]['item_status'] == config['ITEM_STATUS_APPROVED'] %} selected{% endif
+                %}>{{ config['ITEM_STATUS'][config['ITEM_STATUS_APPROVED']] }}</option>
+            <option value="{{ config['ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN'] }}"{%
+                if session[opts_key]['item_status'] == config['ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN'] %} selected{% endif
+                %}>{{ config['ITEM_STATUS'][config['ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN']] }}</option>
+        </select>
+    </div>


     {% for col in cols %}
         <td onclick="window.location='{{ url_for('.item_view', }}';">
-            {% if col == 'owner_id' and row.owner %}
+            {% if col == "owner_id" and row.owner %}
                 <a href="{{ url_for('user.user_view', id=row[col]) }}">{{ row.owner.keyname }}</a>
+            {% elif col == "item_status" %}
+                {{ config['ITEM_STATUS'][(row[col]|int)] }}
             {% else %}
                 {{ row[col] }}
             {% endif %}


         <select id="action" name="action" class="form-control">
             <option value="">Selected Items...</option>
-            <option value="active">Set Active</option>
-            <option value="inactive">Set Inactive</option>
+            <option value="approved">Set Status '{{ config['ITEM_STATUS'][config['ITEM_STATUS_APPROVED']] }}'</option>
+            <option value="completed">Set Status '{{ config['ITEM_STATUS'][config['ITEM_STATUS_COMPLETED']] }}'</option>
+            <option value="draft">Set Status '{{ config['ITEM_STATUS'][config['ITEM_STATUS_DRAFT']] }}'</option>
+            <option value="hidden">Set Status '{{ config['ITEM_STATUS'][config['ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN']] }}'</option>
             <option value="delete">Delete</option>

File web/app/item/templates/item_view.html MODIFIED

  • Update panel display according to item.item_status values.
  • Translate item_status integer to proper display value.
-<div id="item_list_panel" class="panel {% if %}panel-info{% else %}panel-warning{% endif %}">
+<div id="item_list_panel" class="panel {%
+        if item.item_status == config['ITEM_STATUS_APPROVED'] %}panel-success{%
+        elif item.item_status == config['ITEM_STATUS_DRAFT'] %}panel-warning{%
+        elif item.item_status == config['ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN'] %}panel-danger{%
+        else %}panel-info{%
+        endif %}">


-        <h3 class="condensed">Item '{{ item.keyname }}'{% if not %} - inactive{% endif %}</h3>
+        <h3 class="condensed">Item '{{ item.keyname }}'</h3>


 {% for col in cols %}
     <td>{{ col }}</td>
-    <td>{{ item[col] }}</td>
+    <td>
+    {% if col == "item_status" %}
+        {{ config['ITEM_STATUS'][(item[col]|int)] }}
+    {% else %}
+        {{ item[col] }}
+    {% endif %}
+    </td>
 {% endfor %}

File web/app/item/ MODIFIED

  • Update item_action() function for approved, completed, draft and hidden actions.
  • Update rows.filter() within item_list() function to use item_status value.
-from flask import abort, flash, redirect, render_template, request, session, url_for
+from flask import abort, current_app, flash, redirect, render_template, request, session, url_for


-            flash('Items Deleted (id='+id_str+')')
+            flash('Items Deleted (id='+id_str+')','success')
-        if action == 'active':
+        if action in ['approved','completed','draft','hidden']:
+            new_status = current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_APPROVED']
+            if action == 'completed':
+                new_status = current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_COMPLETED']
+            elif action == 'draft':
+                new_status = current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_DRAFT']
+            elif action == 'hidden':
+                new_status = current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN']
             for id in item_ids:
                 item = ItemModel.query.get_or_404(id)
-       = True
-                db.session.add(item)
+                if item.item_status != new_status:
+                    item.item_status = new_status
+                    db.session.add(item)
-            flash('Items Activated (id='+id_str+')')
+            flash("Items set %s (id=%s)" % (current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS'][new_status],id_str),'success')
-        if action == 'inactive':
-            for id in item_ids:
-                item = ItemModel.query.get_or_404(id)
-       = False
-                db.session.add(item)
-            db.session.commit()
-            flash('Items Deactivated (id='+id_str+')')


-    flash('Item deleted (id=%s)' % (
+    flash('Item deleted (id=%s)' % (,'success')


-        flash('Item created (id=%s)' % (
+        flash('Item created (id=%s)' % (,'success')


-        flash('Item updated (id=%s)' % (
+        flash('Item updated (id=%s)' % (,'success')


-    if S['status'] in ['active', 'inactive']:
-        rows = rows.filter( == (S['status'] == 'active'))
+    if S['item_status'] >= current_app.config['ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN']:
+        rows = rows.filter(ItemModel.item_status == S['item_status'])

File web/app/user/ MODIFIED

  • Force user_role form values to be integers, so they are integers everywhere.
 class EditUserForm(FlaskForm):
     id         = HiddenField('id')
     keyname    = StringField('Username', validators=[InputRequired(),Length(2,63),validate_username], filters=[filter_username])
-    user_role  = SelectField('User Role')
+    user_role  = SelectField('User Role', choices=[], coerce=int)
     user_email = StringField('Email', validators=[InputRequired(),Length(1,63),Email(),validate_usermail], filters=[filter_useremail])


     def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs):
         super(EditUserForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         self.user_role.choices = [
-            (str(current_app.config['USER_ROLE_ADMIN']),current_app.config['USER_ROLE'][current_app.config['USER_ROLE_ADMIN']]),
-            (str(current_app.config['USER_ROLE_EDIT']), current_app.config['USER_ROLE'][current_app.config['USER_ROLE_EDIT']]),
-            (str(current_app.config['USER_ROLE_VIEW']), current_app.config['USER_ROLE'][current_app.config['USER_ROLE_VIEW']]),
-            (str(current_app.config['USER_ROLE_NONE']), current_app.config['USER_ROLE'][current_app.config['USER_ROLE_NONE']]),
+            (current_app.config['USER_ROLE_ADMIN'],current_app.config['USER_ROLE'][current_app.config['USER_ROLE_ADMIN']]),
+            (current_app.config['USER_ROLE_EDIT'], current_app.config['USER_ROLE'][current_app.config['USER_ROLE_EDIT']]),
+            (current_app.config['USER_ROLE_VIEW'], current_app.config['USER_ROLE'][current_app.config['USER_ROLE_VIEW']]),
+            (current_app.config['USER_ROLE_NONE'], current_app.config['USER_ROLE'][current_app.config['USER_ROLE_NONE']]),
         self.user = user

File web/app/user/templates/user_edit.html MODIFIED

-<div id="item_edit_panel" class="panel {%
-        if == config['USER_ROLE_ADMIN']|string %}panel-success{%
-        elif == config['USER_ROLE_NONE']|string %}panel-danger{%
+<div id="user_edit_panel" class="panel {%
+        if == config['USER_ROLE_ADMIN'] %}panel-success{%
+        elif == config['USER_ROLE_NONE'] %}panel-danger{%
         else %}panel-info{%
         endif %}">

File web/app/user/templates/user_list.html MODIFIED

  • Update action menu for admin, edit, view and none actions.
-<div id="item_list_panel" class="panel panel-info">
+<div id="user_list_panel" class="panel panel-info">


         <select id="action" name="action" class="form-control">
             <option value="">Selected Users...</option>
-            <option value="active">Set Active</option>
-            <option value="inactive">Set Inactive</option>
+            <option value="admin">Set Role '{{ config['USER_ROLE'][config['USER_ROLE_ADMIN']] }}'</option>
+            <option value="edit">Set Role '{{ config['USER_ROLE'][config['USER_ROLE_EDIT']] }}'</option>
+            <option value="view">Set Role '{{ config['USER_ROLE'][config['USER_ROLE_VIEW']] }}'</option>
+            <option value="none">Set Role '{{ config['USER_ROLE'][config['USER_ROLE_NONE']] }}'</option>
             <option value="delete">Delete</option>

File web/app/user/templates/user_view.html MODIFIED

-<div id="item_list_panel" class="panel {%
+<div id="user_list_panel" class="panel {%

File web/app/user/ MODIFIED

  • Update user_action() for admin, edit, view and none actions.
-        flash('Invalid username or password','warning')
+        flash('Invalid username or password','danger')


-    flash('You have been logged out.')
+    flash('You have been logged out.','success')


-            flash('Users Deleted (id='+id_str+')')
+            flash('Users Deleted (id='+id_str+')','success')
-        if action == 'active':
+        if action in ['admin','edit','view','none']:
+            new_role = current_app.config['USER_ROLE_ADMIN']
+            if action == 'edit':
+                new_role = current_app.config['USER_ROLE_EDIT']
+            elif action == 'view':
+                new_role = current_app.config['USER_ROLE_VIEW']
+            elif action == 'none':
+                new_role = current_app.config['USER_ROLE_NONE']
             for id in user_ids:
                 user = UserModel.query.get_or_404(id)
-                if user.user_role == current_app.config['USER_ROLE_NONE']:
-                    user.user_role = current_app.config['USER_ROLE_VIEW']
+                if user.user_role != new_role:
+                    user.user_role = new_role
-            flash('Users Activated (id='+id_str+')')
+            flash("Users set %s (id=%s)" % (current_app.config['USER_ROLE'][new_role],id_str),'success')
-        if action == 'inactive':
-            for id in user_ids:
-                user = UserModel.query.get_or_404(id)
-                user.user_role = current_app.config['USER_ROLE_NONE']
-                db.session.add(user)
-            db.session.commit()
-            flash('Users Deactivated (id='+id_str+')')


-    flash('User deleted (id=%s)' % (
+    flash('User deleted (id=%s)' % (,'success')


-        flash('User created (id=%s)' % (
+        flash('User created (id=%s)' % (,'success')


-        flash('User updated (id=%s)' % (
+        flash('User updated (id=%s)' % (,'success')

File web/ MODIFIED

  • Create constants for item_status values and display strings.
+    # item.item_status
+    ITEM_STATUS = {
+        ITEM_STATUS_HIDDEN: 'Hidden',
+        ITEM_STATUS_DRAFT: 'Draft',
+        ITEM_STATUS_COMPLETED: 'Completed',
+        ITEM_STATUS_APPROVED: 'Approved',
+    }

Commit-v0.32 | Commit-v0.33 | Commit-v0.34

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