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Commit v0.19

kwmccabe edited this page Apr 13, 2018 · 8 revisions

Move item_list() options to session

Files changed (3)

File web/app/item/ MODIFIED

  • Move locally-scoped variables status, sort, order, offset, and limit into the session.
  • Values updated via the request.
-from flask import flash, redirect, render_template, request, url_for
+from flask import flash, redirect, render_template, request, session, url_for


-    status = 'all'  # in [all, active, inactive]
-    sort   = 'id'   # in [cols]
-    order  = 'asc'  # in [asc, desc]
-    offset = 0      # [none, (page-1)*perpage]
-    limit  = 0      # [unlimited, per page]
-    if status in ['active', 'inactive']:
+    # set default session values
+    session_key = 'item_list_opts'
+    if not session_key in session:
+        logging.debug('create session[%s]' % (session_key))
+        session[session_key] = { \
+            'itemcnt' : 0, \
+            'status'  : 'all', \
+            'sort'    : 'id', \
+            'order'   : 'asc', \
+            'offset'  : 0, \
+            'limit'   : 0, \
+            }
+    # get session updates
+    S = session[session_key]
+    status = request.values.get('status', S['status'])
+    sort   = request.values.get('sort',   S['sort'])
+    order  = request.values.get('order',  S['order'])
+    offset = int(request.values.get('offset',  S['offset']))
+    limit  = int(request.values.get('limit', S['limit']))
+    S['itemcnt'] = db.session.query(ItemModel).count()
+    if status in ['all','active','inactive']:
+        S['status'] = status
+    if sort in cols and sort != S['sort']:
+        S['sort']  = sort
+        S['order'] = 'asc'
+    elif order in ['asc','desc']:
+        S['order'] = order
+    if limit > 0 and limit != S['limit']:
+        S['limit'] = limit
+    if offset > 0 and offset != S['offset']:
+        S['offset'] = offset
+    # set session result
+    session[session_key] = S
+    # use session values to filter/order items
+    if S['status'] in ['active', 'inactive']:
         rows = rows.filter( == (status == 'active'))
-    if sort in cols:
-        if order == 'desc':
-            rows = rows.order_by(getattr( ItemModel, sort ).desc())
+    if S['sort'] in cols:
+        if S['order'] == 'desc':
+            rows = rows.order_by(getattr( ItemModel, S['sort'] ).desc())
-            rows = rows.order_by(getattr( ItemModel, sort ).asc())
-    if offset > 0:
-        rows = rows.offset(offset)
-    if limit > 0:
-        rows = rows.limit(limit)
+            rows = rows.order_by(getattr( ItemModel, S['sort'] ).asc())
+    if S['offset'] > 0:
+        rows = rows.offset(S['offset'])
+    if S['limit'] > 0:
+        rows = rows.limit(S['limit'])
     rows = rows.all()
     rowcnt = len(rows)

File web/app/main/templates/base.html MODIFIED

  • Add debug output to display current session values.
 TEMPLATES: {% block templates %}base.html{% endblock %}
 REQUEST.ARGS: {{ request.args }}
+SESSION: {{ session }}

File web/app/main/ MODIFIED

  • Create utility route /info/session to display current session values.
  • Create utility route /info/session_clear to reset the ``session.
-from flask import abort, current_app, escape, redirect, render_template, url_for
+from flask import abort, current_app, escape, redirect, render_template, request, session, url_for


     result += '<br/><a href="'+url_for('.info_config')+'">show app.config</a>'
     result += '<br/><a href="'+url_for('.info_url_map')+'">show url_map</a>'
     result += '<br/><a href="'+url_for('.info_request')+'">show request</a>'
+    result += '<br/><a href="'+url_for('.info_session')+'">show session</a>'
+    result += '<br/><a href="'+url_for('.info_session_clear')+'">clear session</a>'
     return result
+def info_session():
+    result = ''
+    for key in session.keys():
+        result += "<br/>"+key+" : "+str(session[key])
+    return "Session : "+result
+def info_session_clear():
+    session.clear()
+    return redirect(url_for('.info_session'))

Commit-v0.18 | Commit-v0.19 | Commit-v0.20

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