Update for new interface version 1.13.4 (11304)
Add support for zhCN locale
Add support for ammoslot(0)
This requires a migration during the update to v1.3.0 and is done automatically
Implement support for macrobridge
Add support for adding items into the combatqueue directly from within a macro
Add support for clearing the combatqueue for a specific slotId directly from within a macro
Fix #42 Adapt changemenusize after resizing gearslots
Check for both bagNumber and bagPos when searching an item
Fix handling of drag and drop while in combatlockdown
Fix dragging item onto a slot while in combat. The item is now properly put into the combatQueue
Fix dragging items between slots e.g. trinket1 onto trinket2. The item that is dragged is now properly put into the combatQueue of the targetslot
Use a more general approach with GetItemInfo for retrieving an items
Fix #54 Rework detection whether the player is dead or not
Prevent attempting to change gear while the player is dead
Add project setup for automated twitch releases
Replace hardcoded includeBaseDirectory for assembly-development
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