Releases: Rain-World-Modding/RegionKit
Releases · Rain-World-Modding/RegionKit
3.16.1: 1.16.1 version bump
New Features:
- Multi-color Snow Sources by LudoCrypt
- Zipper insects by Alduris
- No Batfly Lurk Zone by Alduris
- Turbo Baker by Vigaro, integrated by Alduris
- WaterWarble shader by Cactus
- FanLight by M4rbleL1ne (ported from Howling Rift Code Stuff)
- DenseFog by M4rbleL1ne (ported from Foresaken Station Code Stuff)
- BackgroundBuilder rubble config & sprite container config by Bro
- Inspector Recolor Property by Bro
- Additional ExtendedGates alt artwork by Tat011
- SpinningFans don't break other sprites (fixed by DryCryCrystal)
- SteamHazard not FPS dependent (fixed by Alduris)
- RGB snow now works without MSC
- BackgroundBuilder atmosphereColor and multiplyColor now work with day\night cycle
See the release notes for RegionKit 3.15 for the changes in the major update
new features:
- HSLSnow and RGBElectricDeath effects by Cactus
- EffectColorButterfly insect by Alduris
- Remix menu by Forthbridge, which lets you enable or disable some controversial features
- SlipperyZone object by Bro
- some new BackgroundBuilder features by Bro, finally supporting the Metropolis background
What's Changed
- Add MurkyWater and ReflectiveWater effects by ASlightlyOvergrownCactus
- Improved Shortcut Cannons that now work underwater with 7 levels by Bro
- BackgroundBuilder RoofTopView fix by Bro
- FadePalettes in room templates by Bro
- AlphaColor shader by Henpemaz and ColorEffect shader by Vigaro
- DecalPreviewer by IsBjorn
- Many bugfixes; WindRect no longer deletes all objects, BackgroundBuilder RoofTopView sprites appear in the right positions, Fog & Backgrounds can appear in gates and shelters, Machinery shaders load properly now.
This update does not yet include ways to disable undesired features
Enjoy your coal
What's Changed
- Fixes exception caused by shaders being loaded twice. by @Isbjorn52 in #52
- Change default thickness of CGCosmeticLeaves by @henpemaz in #54
- Misc Fixes by @Bro748 in #55
- Add MossWaterRGB by @ASlightlyOvergrownCactus in #58
- Fixed issue where not all gate graphics were positioned correctly by @Isbjorn52 in #56
- CustomProjections, GuardProtectNode, & MiscObjects category population by @Bro748 in #59
- Add devtools iggy by @thalber in #60
- Unfuck machinery by @thalber
This poorly-holiday-timed update contains exactly one unnecessary, unrequested and annoying Clippy clone with animation loop by MerFaruk. The two people out there using RegionKit.Machinery can now benefit from V2 which has the exact same feature set, no documentation (yet) and the benefit of not being completely unmaintainable on the inside this time (V1 doesn't work at all anymore, have fun redevtooling).
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 3.12...3.13
What's Changed
- Fix RainSong crashes by @SortaUnknown in #44
- Minor Bugfixes by @Bro748 in #43
- mergeback rainsong fixes by @thalber in #46
- Add logfix by @thalber in #45
- Gate Customization by @Isbjorn52 in #48
- Individual Placed Object Viewer by @Isbjorn52 in #49
Full Changelog: 3.11.1...3.12
What's Changed
- Add customizable wall mycelia by @MatheusVigaro in #36
- Add Rain song by @SortaUnknown in #38
- Add slideshowobject by @thalber in #40
- Fade palette combiner by @Isbjorn52 in #39
New Contributors
- @SortaUnknown made their first contribution in #38
- @Isbjorn52 made their first contribution in #39
Full Changelog: 3.10.1...3.11