Packages for the simulation of the RB-Kairos.
This package contains the configuration files and worlds to launch the Gazebo environment along with the simulated robot.
Launch files that launch the complete simulation of the robot/s.
This simulation has been tested using Gazebo 9.19 version. To facilitate the installation you can use the vcstool:
sudo apt-get install -y python3-vcstool
mkdir catkin_ws
cd catkin_ws
vcs import --input \
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y -r
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch rbkairos_sim_bringup rbkairos_complete.launch
This launch files runs Gazebo and the ROS controllers to work with the RB-KAIROS robot. This launch accepts multiple parameters to work with.
By default it runs a full world with all the standard packages for navigation, localization and manipulation.
If you want to launch Moveit you have to run:
roslaunch rbkairos_sim_bringup rbkairos_complete.launch moveit_movegroup_a:=true
The default configuration will load a RB-Kairos + UR5 + EGH gripper. Other configurations are also available.
In order to run this simulation you will need nvidia graphical accelation
- docker
- nvidia-docker
- nvidia-drivers
git clone
cd rbkairos_sim
git checkout melodic-devel
export ROS_BU_PKG="rbkairos_sim_bringup"
export ROS_BU_LAUNCH="rbkairos_complete.launch"
cd docker
docker compose up