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Releases: SenseNet/sensenet

Developer and content management improvements

26 Jan 09:14
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This release contains bug fixes and minor features to support the upcoming service infrastructure.

Bug fixes

  • Users with only preview permissions could not access preview images.
  • Copy and Move operations have been fixed for cases when working in content lists.

sensenet as a service improvements


  • We started to work on a new integration test framework to be able to test our changes more quickly and reliably.


To get started please visit

Public admin and user registration improvements

14 Dec 15:03
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This release contains bug fixes and minor features to support the upcoming service infrastructure.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a datetime minvalue issue by using the built-in .Net datetime minvalue instead of the old SQL value, which was too restrictive.
  • From now on we save longtext values in unicode format to prevent loosing some characters.
  • When an OData post contained certain special characters (the '=' or '&' sign for example), the server parsed it incorrectly.
  • A protected group's initial import runs correctly, even if there are no real users in the group yet.

sensenet as a service improvements

  • We added a new public admin user to let customers create different types of clients that work with the repository.
  • When users register to SNaaS using their external accounts (Google or GitHub) and we already have the user in the system, we'll simply merge these accounts.


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Field registration and binary improvements

20 Nov 09:32
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This release contains new features and bug fixes to support the upcoming service infrastructure.


  • Improved admin and group protection: it is not possible to lock out ourselves from the repository anymore by deleting the last admin, or disabling certain users.

OData improvements

Bug fixes

  • Unknown property error after adding a new field to the CTD.
  • Uploading an existing file threw error in some cases.
  • We handle well-known field name registration correctly to provide a more meaningful error message.
  • Auto-patch fix: an installer will run only once, even if there is a faulty patch in the db.
  • Removed default value from birthday field of users to prevent UI date value confusion.

sensenet as a service improvements

  • The ModifiedBy field became hidden by default to avoid UI clutter.
  • It is possible to configure the system to delete binaries immediately instead of relying on a background job.


To get started please visit

Enhanced automatic patching

22 Oct 08:44
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This release contains new features and bug fixes to support the upcoming service infrastructure.

Enhanced automatic patching

We added the second set of features to the automatic patching infrastructure: developers are able to execute patch operations before and after the repository has started. This makes it possible to install or patch features that require database changes.

We also made sure that patches run exclusively, even if there are other app domain (re)starting in the environment at the same time.

From now on you do not have to re-create the database every time we add or change content in the main repository - just get the latest packages from NuGet. Those packages will contain the necessary automatic patches for your repository. Patches will run on application start and store the results in the database. You will be able to see the currently installed components and executed packages using the GetVersionInfo action.

OData features

  • We added the original path info to the Move and Copy batch OData actions so that the client can manage the UI after the operations.
  • The field information returned by the GetSchema action contains enum names instead of their integer representation.

Bug fixes

sensenet as a service improvements

  • We are working towards an enterprise loggin infrastructure. Registering the necessary ILogger types is the first step.
  • Audit event writer is configurable so that an empty audit writer can be set in certain applications to keep the database log smaller.


To get started please follow the instructions in the Install sensenet from NuGet article.

sensenet automatic patching

29 Sep 11:46
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This release contains new features, bug fixes and package additions to support the upcoming service infrastructure.

Automatic patching

The first elements of the new in-memory patching API is published in this release. It lets us import content items from an embedded resource package or edit string resources and CTDs.

From now on you do not have to re-create the database every time we add or change content in the main repository - just get the latest packages from NuGet. Those packages will contain the necessary automatic patches for your repository. Patches will run on application start and store the results in the database. You will be able to see the currently installed components and executed packages using the GetVersionInfo action.

Bug fixes


To get started please follow the instructions in the Install sensenet from NuGet article.

sensenet app start and configuration improvements

09 Sep 15:36
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This release contains new features, bug fixes and package additions to support the upcoming service infrastructure.

New OData features

  • We improved the GetAcl action to prepare it for client-side permission editing.

Backend improvements

  • Backend packages and service registration methods are being refactored to let developers start sensenet applications a lot easier.
  • We ported the previous .Net Framework setting for defining an upload size limit in the system.
  • A new Email configuration has been added to let developers and operators provide email server information easily.

Bug fixes

  • Content Type Definition operations now work correctly: it is possible to delete a CTD and add-remove fields through the OData REST api.
  • Alowed child types list is now filtered for distinct values to avoid confusion.
  • We added a couple of missing actions for content types that were not available before.
  • The Effective allowed types field now returns only the available types correctly (or an empty list if there is none).
  • We removed the Add action from the ContextMenu scenario.

sensenet as a service improvements

  • Default user type and groups is now configurable. This involved simplifying startup configuration of sensenet to unify app startup processes.
  • We are constantly working on improving our documentation. This time we added code documentation for the most common OData actions.


To get started please follow the instructions in the Install sensenet from NuGet article.

sensenet application start and OData improvements

25 Aug 08:01
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This release contains many new features, bug fixes and package additions to support the upcoming service infrastructure.

New OData features

  • The new GetAcl action returns the information necessary for the client to manage permission settings.
  • Our OData API has the ability to filter actions similarly to content collections. This will help reduce the response size.
  • Some of our actions now return a JSON response instead of a null value to let the client handle the response correctly.

Backend improvements

  • We ported the old Membership Extender feature to the .Net Core environment.
  • We started to refactor our test projects to .Net Core to make tests run faster and be more flexible.
  • We started working on modernizing the application start API to work seamlessly with the new .Net Core dependency injection infrastructure.

Bug fixes

  • Uploading a CTD is now possible: the backend recognizes the correct parent type from the provided xml.
  • Download is fixed on localhost sites by modifying cookie settings.
  • The maintenance log was flooded with trace messages, because of incorrect type load.

sensenet as a service improvements

  • When a user registers to the repository using an external provider (e.g. GitHub or Google) their avatar is saved to the repository.
  • Several content field defaults, allowed child types and localization values have changed to support the service admin UI.


To get started please follow the instructions in the Install sensenet from NuGet article.

sensenet Limiters and Content protectors

28 Jul 11:42
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This release contains some new features and package additions to support the upcoming service infrastructure.

New features

  • Added new fields to the User and Group types to expose role membership.
  • From now on there are protected content items in the repository that cannot be deleted or moved. This will prevent users accidentally deleting system content. The default list is extendable through configuration.
  • The new response size limiter feature is able to prevent clients downloading a huge amount of data.

Bug fixes

sensenet as a service improvements

  • Added a few content items to the default package that will be used by all installations.

Breaking changes

  • We had to refactor a couple of our namespaces to be consistent with the industry standard Dependency Injection namespace name. All of our DI extension methods were moved to the SenseNet.Extensions.DependencyInjection namespace. If you encounter build errors, please add a using statement for this new namespace to your code.


To get started please follow the instructions in the Install sensenet from NuGet article.

sensenet OData parameter improvements

25 Jun 11:18
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This release contains several bug fixes and OData action parameter improvements.

OData features

Bug fixes

  • UploadText can be called from a client without throwing an exception.
  • We added a more meaningful error message when the user tries to delete a content without the appropriate permissions.

sensenet as a service improvements


To get started please follow the instructions in the Install sensenet from NuGet article.

sensenet Index backup API

02 Jun 08:02
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This release contains several bug fixes and the basics of the new index backup feature.


  • Added several custom CTDs and field visibility options to the base package.
  • Index backup API added as part of the backup EPIC.
  • Binary fields are expandable on the OData API.

Bug fixes

  • OData action array parameters are recognized correctly.
  • The preview provider became configurable using the repo builder interface.
  • Checking saving action on a headonly node works.


To get started please follow the instructions in the Install sensenet from NuGet article.