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Real‐world Example of a Tab Nabbing Attack

Raydo Matthee edited this page Jun 16, 2024 · 2 revisions

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Real-world Example of a Tab Nabbing Attack

Share a real-world example or case study of a tab nabbing attack to illustrate the importance of rel="noopener noreferrer". Explain how the attack was carried out, its impact, and how it could have been prevented with the correct use of this attribute.

Tabnabbing Attack Example

Imagine Sarah, a user, is browsing her favorite social media platform. She opens a link to an interesting article in a new tab. While reading the article, she gets distracted and switches to another tab. Meanwhile, the malicious website she opened earlier quietly changes its content to mimic a login page for the social media platform. Sarah, thinking it’s a legitimate login page, enters her credentials. [Unfortunately,](

Example: Sarah’s credentials are stolen due to the malicious tab nabbing attack.

How the Attack Works

Tabnabbing attacks exploit a vulnerability in the same-origin policy, which isolates different websites from each other. Here are the common ways this attack can occur:

  • Malicious Page Opening a Window:
    • The attacker’s website opens a new window or tab via
    • After some time, the attacker redirects the opened window to their malicious page.
    • For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> var windowHandle ='https://goodsite.example'); // ... windowHandle.location.replace('https://hacked.example'); </syntaxhighlight>
  • Good Site Opening a Window:
    • Your website opens a new window or tab via
    • The malicious website can then get a handle to your website’s window using window.opener.
    • For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">'https://evil.example'); // ... window.opener.location.replace('https://hacked.example'); </syntaxhighlight>
  • Links with target="_blank":
    • If you link to a malicious website with target="_blank", it opens in a new tab/window.
    • The linked website can refer to the previous window via window.opener.
    • For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="html"> <a href="https://hacked.example" target="_blank">Click here</a> </syntaxhighlight>
  • Frames (e.g., Advertisements):
    • If your website loads another website in an iframe (e.g., advertisements), the malicious website in the frame can get a handle to the parent window using window.parent.
    • For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="html"> &lt;iframe src=&quot;https://malicious&#45;ad.example&quot;&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt; </syntaxhighlight>

Prevention Measures

To prevent tabnabbing attacks, use the rel="noopener noreferrer" attribute when opening links in new tabs/windows. This attribute ensures that the new window/tab cannot access the original window, protecting users from potential phishing attempts. [Always](

Remember: A little precaution can go a long way in protecting users from such attacks! 😊