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BSC.01 SLSP.01

Sunil Anandatheertha edited this page Aug 15, 2021 · 5 revisions

Particle limited grain growth

  1. Use XTal_Start_level_n().m to set and check folders. It also sets up some basic figure options.

  1. Set the following properties in Build___INPUT_PARAMS___Struct().m
% Set the following to define the domain size. i and j correspond to x and y, i.e. horz. and vert. axes respectively.
Lattice.size.i          = 50;
Lattice.size.j          = 50;

% Set the total number of states in the simulation domain. This is nothing but the total number of unique orientations in the simulation domain at the first Monte-Carlo time step.
Lattice.q               = 10;

% Define the slsp parameters
Lattice.zener.slsp.want_slsp = 1;
Lattice.zener.slsp.Vol_Frac  = 5.000; % Volume fraction (IN PERCENTAGE)

% Input the total number of Monte-Carlo steps
MC_Param.Num_MC_Steps     = 10000; 

% Specift which algorithm to use
MC_Param.MCP__ALGORITHM   = 1;

% Specify "n in every nth Monte-Carlo steps" to write data from the simulation to disk
MC_Loop.DataOperation.txtwriteint          = 1000;

  1. Use Build___INPUT_PARAMS___Struct() to provide input parameters

  1. USe Initialize___MCSolver_DATA().m to initialize the data

  1. Use plazp2d().m to visualize particle locations, as in below image. Tutorial-01-A

  1. Use Minimize_Del_H_2D().m to simulate grain growth.

  1. Use [CFN] = plotgrainstructure2d(colorplot,grainboundarylineplot,pitf, CFN) to visualize grain structure. Set colorplot = 0 if colour plots of grains are not needed, grainboundarylineplot = 1 to plot the grain boundaries,pitf = 0 to avoid printing visualization to .jpeg file, and CFN = 998 for Current Figure Number. PLease retain the last option until further update. Grain structure may not be the same as seen below (not if rng(1) is set initially). Tutorial-01-B Appropriate changes to values for variables colorplot and grainboundarylineplot are provided in above figures.

This type of data visualization gives limited information, but is very fast compared to others avaiable in PXO and also that which can be made using 3rd party programs, as of 01-07-2021. NEXT STEPS HERE

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