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Installation & Getting Started

TSGut edited this page Jan 15, 2018 · 2 revisions

Since BProbeM is a Wolfram Mathematica package, Mathematica is required to run it.

Note that this package was developed using Mathematica version 10.0 and is not tested thoroughly for previous versions. It is therefore highly recommended to use this package with Mathematica version 10.0 or higher. It has been tested thoroughly for Mathematica version 10.0 and Mathematica version 11.0.

Automatic Installation

The fastest way to install this package is by just copying the following command into a local Mathematica notebook and evaluate it:


Manual Installation

You can also opt for a manual installation of the package. To do this, download the latest BProbeM tarball from here and extract it into Mathematica’s application folder (which can be found by evaluating

FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}]

within a Mathematica notebook).

Loading the package

You can check whether the installation was successful by trying to load the package via the Mathematica command:

<< BProbeM`

If no error message is produced, it can be assumed that the package loaded correctly and the installation was successful.


For a full deinstallation of the package, just delete the folder given by the Mathematica command:

FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications", "BProbeM"}]

For example on Linux machines ~/.Mathematica/Applications/BProbeM.