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Timon Salar Gutleb edited this page Apr 27, 2018 · 9 revisions

MatrixRepSU3 returns a specific matrix representation of the group SU(3) with highest weight as given via non-optional argument, e.g. for {1,0} it will return the Gell-Mann matrices. The method returns a List of eight matrices.

This method admits no options.


MatrixRepSU3 has the following (non-optional) arguments:

Argument Description
hightest_weight The input argument is the highest weight of the desired matrix SU(3) representation. It is represented as List of two integers.


<< BProbeM`

(* The following method returns a 3-dimensional representation, *)
(* namely a list of Gell-Mann matrices in the usual order*)
(* up to a factor of 2. *)

(* The following returns the trivial representation. *)