This repository includes a modified implentation of the methods in Representation Based Regression for Object Distance Estimation. Our group used the Regressor Model to create a distance estimator for inter-object distances.
Modification authors: Benedikt Schröter, Nils Möbus, Carla Frenzel, Tim Rosenkranz - Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Original Readme:
Software environment:
1. Python with the following version and libraries.
python == 3.7.7
tensorflow == 2.1.0
Numpy == 1.18.5
Matplotlib == 3.2.2
SciPy == 1.5.0
scikit-learn == 0.24.1
argparse == 1.1
OpenCV == 4.2.0
pandas == 1.0.4
tqdm == 4.46.1
2. MATLAB -> MATLAB R2019a.
- Citation
- Getting started with the KITTI Dataset
- Feature Extraction
- Distance Estimation via Representation-based Classification
- Distance Estimation using Representation-based Regression (RbR)
- Distance Estimation using Support Vector Regressor (SVR)
- References
If you use method(s) provided in this repository, please cite the following paper:
title={Representation Based Regression for Object Distance Estimation},
author={Mete Ahishali and Mehmet Yamac and Serkan Kiranyaz and Moncef Gabbouj},
The left color images of object dataset and the corresponding training labels can be obtained from 3D Object Detection Evaluation 2017.
After unzipping, move them under kitti-data/
folder and using
script generate a csv file for the KITTI annotations:
python kitti-data/ \
--input=kitti-data/training/label_2/ \
Further, for our modified model it is necessary to run the scripts
Features are extracted using
script. The supported models are DenseNet121
, VGG19
, and ResNet50
(DenseNet-121 [1], VGG19 [2], ResNet-50 [3]):
python --model VGG19 [-s <sample size>]
We added the optional argument for a sample size. The default value is 20,000 and we advise to not go below that value. The maximum number of samples is ~140,000.
Next, the features are further processed and ordered using processFeatures.m
. In the script, please also set the proper model name param.modelName
to either DenseNet121
, VGG19
, or ResNet50
and param.DicDesign
to 2D
or 1D
corresponding to the dictionary designs used in CSEN and CL-CSEN approaches. This procedure is only needed for the CSEN, CL-CSEN, and SVR approaches. If you are only interested in running SRC and CRC methods, you may proceed to the related sections: SRC and CRC. Note that the script of processFeatures.m
produces the predicted distances using the CRC-light model that is discussed in the paper.
We formulate the distance estimation task as a representation-based classification problem by estimating the quantized distance values. For example, for the objects between [0.5, 60.5] meters away from the camera, we estimate a quantized distance level from 60 different distance levels ranging between [1, 60] with 1-meter senstivity.
There are implemented 8 different SRC algorithms for the distance estimation task including ADMM [4], Dalm [5], OMP [5], Homotopy [6], GPSR [7], L1LS [8], ℓ1-magic [9], and Palm [5]. You may run all of them in once as follows:
cd src/
run main.m
Alternatively or preferably (e.g., you may choose a specific SRC method since the required run-time is huge for running all SRC methods in once), the selected ones can be defined in the script:
l1method={'solve_ADMM','solve_dalm','solve_OMP','solve_homotopy','solveGPSR_BCm', 'solve_L1LS','solve_l1magic','solve_PALM'}; %'solve_PALM' is very slow
Similarly, please also set the proper model name param.modelName
to either DenseNet121
, VGG19
, or ResNet50
Distance estimation using the CRC method [10] can be run as follows:
cd crc\
run main.m
The CRC-light model can be run by setting CRC_light = 1
in the script. Please change the model name param.modelName
to DenseNet121
, VGG19
, or ResNet50
to try different features.
Contrary to previous methos, it is possible to directly estimate the object distance information without the quantization step using CSEN and CL-CSEN approaches. As CSEN and CL-CSEN approaches still utilize the representative dictionary, we introduce the term Representation-based Regression (RbR) for the proposed framework.
The CSEN implementation is run as follows:
python --method CSEN --feature_type DenseNet121
Note that similarly, the feature type can be set to DenseNet121
, VGG19
, or ResNet50
. If you like, only testing can be performed using the provided weights:
python --method CSEN --feature_type DenseNet121 --weights True
The CL-CSEN implementation is run as follows:
python --method CL-CSEN --feature_type DenseNet121
The parameter --feature_type
can be set to DenseNet121
, VGG19
, or ResNet50
Testing of CL-CSEN with the provided weights:
python --method CL-CSEN --feature_type DenseNet121 --weights True
The SVR method is implemented as a competing regressor. We use the Nystroem method for the kernel approximation since it is unfeasible to compute exact kernel mapping with the given high-dimensional dataset. Hyperparameter search is applied with grid search and then the performance is computed with the found optimal SVR parameters:
python --method SVR --feature_type DenseNet121
The parameter --feature_type
can be set to DenseNet121
, VGG19
, or ResNet50
[1] G. Huang, Z. Liu, L. Van Der Maaten, and K. Q. Weinberger, "Densely connected convolutional networks," in Proc. IEEE Conf. Comput. Vision and Pattern Recognit. (CVPR), 2017, pp. 4700–4708.
[2] K. Simonyan and A. Zisserman, "Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition," arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.1556, 2014.
[3] K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun, "Deep residual learning for image recognition," in Proc. IEEE Conf. Comput. Vision and Pattern Recognit. (CVPR), 2016, pp. 770–778.
[4] S. Boyd, N. Parikh, E. Chu, B. Peleato, J. Eckstein et al., "Distributed optimization and statistical learning via the alternating direction method of multipliers," Found. Trends Mach. Learn., vol. 3, no. 1, 2011.
[5] A. Y. Yang, Z. Zhou, A. G. Balasubramanian, S. S. Sastry, and Y. Ma, "Fast l1-minimization algorithms for robust face recognition," IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 3234–3246, 2013.
[6] D. M. Malioutov, M. Cetin, and A. S. Willsky, "Homotopy continuation for sparse signal representation," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP), vol. 5, 2005, pp. 733–736.
[7] M. A. Figueiredo, R. D. Nowak, and S. J. Wright, "Gradient projection for sparse reconstruction: Application to compressed sensing and other inverse problems," IEEE J. Sel. Topics Signal Process., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 586–597, 2007.
[8] K. Koh, S.-J. Kim, and S. Boyd, "An interior-point method for large-scale l1-regularized logistic regression," J. Mach. Learn. Res., vol. 8, pp. 1519–1555, 2007.
[9] E. Candes and J. Romberg, "l1-magic: Recovery of sparse signals via convex programming," Caltech, Tech. Rep., 2005. [Online]. Available:∼candes/software/l1magic/downloads/l1magic.pdf
[10] L. Zhang, M. Yang, and X. Feng, "Sparse representation or collaborative representation: Which helps face recognition?" in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vision (ICCV), 2011, pp. 471–478.