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API Documentation

laurenttainturier edited this page Jul 27, 2018 · 11 revisions


This document presents all the functionalities provided by the API Extended Document. This API is available on this server.

Note: In the following, we consider that the default route is However if you do not want to use this server, you can run your own localhost server by following these instructions. The routes presented in the following will remain valid.

Available functionalities

Extended Document functionalities

Method Route Description
POST /addDocument Creation of a new document
GET /getDocument/doc_id Get the document with the id value is doc_id
GET /getDocuments Get all documents matching some criteria
POST /editDocument/doc_id Edit the document with the the id doc_id
GET /deleteDocument/doc_id Delete the document with the id doc_id
GET /uploadFile/doc_id Redirection to update file
POST /uploadFile/doc_id Update the file associated to the document doc_id
GET /getFile/filename Download filenamefrom the server

Guided Tour functionalities

Method Route Description
GET /addGuidedTour Creation of a guided tour
GET /getGuidedTour/tour_id Get the guided tour with the id tour_id
GET /getGuidedTours Get the guided tours matching some criteria
GET /addDocumentToGuidedTour Add a document to a guided tour
POST /editGuidedTour/tour_id Edit the guided tour with the id tour_id
POST /editGuidedTourDocument/tour_id Edit a document associated with tour_id
GET /deleteGuidedTour/tour_id Delete the tour with the id tour_id

HTTP Status Code

Code Description
200 Everything is fine
204 No result were found
400 At least one parameter is missing
404 The resource does not exist
405 Method not allowed
422 SQL integrity error (not null, etc.)
500 An internal error happen

Detailed functionalities

Note: The type date is just a string with a certain format: aaaa-mm-dd




  • Create a new document with the values passed in parameters. Some of these parameters are needed.
  • Return the document just created in a JSON format.


Any parameter can be added in the request, but only those who are effectively present in the document model will be taken into account:

Needed Parameter Type Description
✔️ title string title of the document
✔️ subject string subject of the document
✔️ description string description of the document
refDate date date references the content of the document
publicationDate date date when the document was published
type string type of the document (pdf, png, etc.)
quaternionX float X axis of the rotation of the document
quaternionY float Y axis of the rotation of the document
quaternionZ float Z axis of the rotation of the document
quaternionW float W axis of the rotation of the document
positionX float X axis of the coordinates of the document
positionY float Y axis of the coordinates of the document
positionZ float Z axis of the coordinates of the document

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  • Return the document whose the id is equal to doc_id.


Name Type Description
doc_id Integer Id of the document

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Needed Parameter Type Research Description
title string attributes title of the document
subject string attributes subject of the document
description string attributes description of the document
refDate date temporal date references the content of the document
publicationDate date temporal date when the document was published
keyword date keyword keyword on which we make the research

On a date attribute, it is possible to make a temporal research, which means, we can specify an interval on whom we make the research. To do that, we simply add one of the special characters <and > after the name of the attribute. For instance, if we want all the documents with a refDate between the 12/07/1998 and the 15/07/2018 we can make the request:


We have four new parameters:

Needed Parameter Type
refDate< date
refDate> date
publicationDate< date
publicationDate> date

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  • Update the content of the document whose the id is equal to doc_id.
  • Return the updated document.


Name Type Description
doc_id Integer Id of the document


Needed Parameter Type Description
title string title of the document
subject string subject of the document
description string description of the document
refDate date date references the content of the document
publicationDate date date when the document was published
type string type of the document (pdf, png, etc.)
quaternionX float X axis of the rotation of the document
quaternionY float Y axis of the rotation of the document
quaternionZ float Z axis of the rotation of the document
quaternionW float W axis of the rotation of the document
positionX float X axis of the coordinates of the document
positionY float Y axis of the coordinates of the document
positionZ float Z axis of the coordinates of the document

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/deleteDocument/{id of the document}

Delete the document whose the id is equal to doc_id


Name Type Description
doc_id Integer Id of the document

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  • Redirect on an html page from whom we can upload a file to the server
  • When we push the button upload it will send the post request just below.
  • The file is send using form data



  • Upload to the server a file, it will be save as {doc_id}.{ext} where ext is the extension of the original file.

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  • Download the file, if it exists, located in the server whose name is filename


Name Type Description
filename string name of the file to get

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  • Create a new guided tour with the values passed in parameters.
  • Return the guided tour just created in a JSON format.


Needed Parameter Type Description
✔️ name string Name of the guided tour
✔️ description string Description of the guided tour

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  • Return the guided tour whose the id is equal to tour_id.


Name Type Description
tour_id Integer Id of the document

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  • Add the document whose id is equal to doc_id to the guided tour whose the id is equal to tour_id.
  • Return the updated guided tour


Needed Parameter Type Description
✔️ tour_id string ID of the guided tour
✔️ doc_id string ID of the document

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  • Update the guided tour whose the id is equal to tour_id
  • Return the updated guided tour


Name Type Description
tour_id Integer Id of the guided tour


Needed Parameter Type Description
✔️ name string Name of the guided tour
✔️ description string Description of the guided tour

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Name Type Description
tour_id Integer Id of the guided tour


Needed Parameter Type Description
✔️ doc_position integer Position of the document in the guided tour
text1 string information text 1 about the document
text2 string information text 2 about the document
title string title of the document in the guided tour

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  • Delete the guided tour whose the id is equal to tour_id


Name Type Description
tour_id Integer Id of the guided tour

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Route names

The names of the routes are not relevant and do not respect the REST specifications. They should have been like this:

Extended Document

Method Route Description
POST /document Creation of a new document
GET /document Get all documents matching some criteria
GET /document/doc_id Get the document with the id value is doc_id
PUT /document/doc_id Edit the document with the the id doc_id
DELETE /document/doc_id Delete the document with the id doc_id

Guided tour

Method Route Description
POST /guidedtour Creation of a guided tour
POST /guidedtour/tour_id/document Add a document to the guided tour tour_id
GET /guidedtour Get the guided tours matching some criteria
GET /guidedtour/tour_id Get the guided tour with the id tour_id
PUT /guidedtour/tour_id Edit the guided tour with the id tour_id
PUT /guidedtour/tour_id/document Edit a document associated with tour_id
DELETE /guidedtour/tour_id Delete the tour with the id tour_id