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Class diagrams

laurenttainturier edited this page Jul 26, 2018 · 8 revisions

Visual Paradigm

The class diagrams in API Extended Document were made using Visual Paradigm. This is a paid software, however you can have a free-trial for 30 days.

You have to know, when exporting diagrams, because it is a free trial, some parasitic text appears:

For removing them, we export diagrams in an SVG format, it allows us to modify the diagram very easily. To remove parasites, open the SVG file with a text editor (Atom, etc.). Go to the bottom of the file, and remove everything similar to what is underlined in this image.

You have then a clean SVG file, if you want to be able to visualize it on github you need to convert the SVG to a new png file. It can be done using an svg to png converter, many are available on the Internet.

We then get this:

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