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User Stories and Design Doc Info

milloypr edited this page Sep 25, 2018 · 2 revisions

Types of Users:

Foodbank Director - can access and modify all information in the database – shipments, receipts, products, customers, providers, staff, and all reports – via a secure login from any Web browser

Warehouse Staff - can access a more limited range of information in the database by logging into the system from any Web browser. View, create, and modify a receipt, shipment, or product record.

Office Staff - can only view current providers and customers, and can generate reports.

User Stories

Foodbank Director

Product Forms

  • As the Foodbank Director, I can search for a product form by searching for information that would be on each product form
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can create a new product form
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can update an existing product form’s information
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can view more than one product form side-by-side
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can merge two product forms into one

Staff Members

  • As the Foodbank Director, I can search for staff members in the database by their information
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can create a new staff member to add to the database
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can update the information of a staff member in the database
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can reset a staff member’s password
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can delete a staff member from the database


  • As the Foodbank Director, I can search for customers in the database by their information
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can create a new customer to add to the database
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can update the information of a customer in the database
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can delete a customer’s record


  • As the Foodbank Director, I can search for providers in the database by their information
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can create a new provider to add to the database
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can update the information of a provider in the database
  • As the Foodbank Director, I can delete a provider’s record

Warehouse Staff (All of these uses are also allowed by Foodbank Director)

Product Receipts

  • As warehouse staff, I can search for a product receipt
  • As warehouse staff, I can add a product receipt
  • As warehouse staff, I can edit an existing product receipt
  • As warehouse staff, I can delete a product receipt

Invoices and Shipment Labels

  • As warehouse staff, I can search for an invoice
  • As warehouse staff, I can add an invoice
  • As warehouse staff, I can edit an existing invoice
  • As warehouse staff, I can delete an invoice

Foodbank Director/Office Staff


  • As office staff, I can generate a Shipment Summary Report
  • As office staff, I can generate a Warehouse Receipt Report
  • As office staff, I can generate a report on the current inventory
  • As office staff, I can generate a report on all current customers
  • As office staff, I can generate a report on all receipts from providers
  • As office staff, I can generate a report on all current products
  • As office staff, I can generate a report on all current funding sources
  • As office staff, I can generate a CSFP Report
  • As office staff, I can generate a TEFAP Report
  • As office staff, I can generate a EFAP Report
  • As office staff, I can generate an Annual Food Bank Report
  • As office staff, I can export any report as a CSV file

Each product has a Name, Weight per case lot, Initial Stock (case lot count), Minimum Level (case lot count), and an automatically-generated (but uneditable) Product ID field

Receiving Donation: The current date, product provider, and a list of items received with their weights and case lot counts are entered on the form. A funding source and a Billed Amount are used for products that are purchased. A receipt ID number appears to be auto-generated. When the receipt is completed, it can be previewed and printed.

Other options on the form allow the operator to delete the receipt, add a new one, or move forward or back to the next/previous receipt in the sequence. No other search facility is provided on this form.

Preparing Shipment: Each shipment identifies the customer, the contract reference (source of funding for the shipment), the shipper (BMAC, the customer, or other), a per-pound rate, a date, and a list of products, weights, and case lots in the shipment. The form does not show total weight or total price.

Print shipping label and invoice

Customer Records: A customer record contains a name, address, phone number, fax number, and contact name. This form also contains a checkbox to discontinue a customer and a button to print the Current Customer Report.

Donation Categories: Juice Ramen Cereal Dry Goods Cereal 6. Corn 7. Mixed Vegetables 8. Tomato Products 9. Glass 10. Potatoes 11. Tuna 12. Prepared (canned) 13. Fruit 14. Chili/Beans 15. Soup

Types of Records:

Shipment Summary Report – collated by product, weight, date over a date range Figure 10. Warehouse Receipt Report – collated by product, weight, date over a date range Figure 11. Current Inventory – collated by product, initial stock, shipments, receipts, current stock Figure 12. Current Customers – shows name, address, contact info Figure 13. Current Providers – collates individual receipts by provider, date, receipt id, and dollar value (based on a fixed rate per pound) Figure 14. Current Products – shows all products by name, units per case load, and ID Figure 15. Current Funding Sources – shows all financial contributors

Monthly Reports:

Created by Foodbank Director

CSFP Report (USDA) – shows breakdown of units distributed by food types and client age group and other demographics. TEFAP Report (USDA) – shows breakdown of units distributed by food types and client household sizes. EFAP Report (State) – shows breakdown of units distributed by client age group and county. Annual Food Bank Report – shows summary of units distributed to each customer under TEFAP and EFAP, by month and number of households served.

Key Features of Update:

On-line support for the Foodbank Director to easily view and update current inventory levels for all products in the warehouse, using a laptop in the warehouse connected to a Wi-Fi network. This includes the ability to easily add, remove, or merge duplicate records for any individual product. The goal is to allow the database and the warehouse inventory levels to be completely in sync with each other at all times. On-line support for the Foodbank Director or staff to easily create a Warehouse Receipt for a new donation received at the warehouse. The system will automatically update inventory levels for each individual product listed on the receipt. On-line support for the Foodbank Director or staff to easily create a Shipment Invoice and Label for each shipment out of the warehouse to a customer. The system will automatically update inventory levels for each individual product listed on the invoice. On-line support for the Foodbank Director or office staff member to generate receipt and shipping summaries for any date range and other key selection criteria (such as for an individual customer or provider over time). On-line support for the Foodbank Director or office staff member to export receipt, shipment, and inventory data for any date range and other key selection criteria (such as for an individual customer or provider over time). On-line support for the Foodbank Director or office staff member to generate lists of products, customers, and/or providers using a variety of key selection criteria. Automatic backup and recovery for the entire database on a regular (weekly) basis.

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