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[GUIDE] Making changes via branching and pull requests

Darren Cheng edited this page Aug 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

This is for people with push access to my repo. If you do not have push access you will need to fork the repo and then do the steps and then submit the change request to my develop branch.

These steps are deleting what you currently have to start with a new and clean slate

  1. Delete your fork
  2. Delete your local stuff
  3. Delete Assembly Kit for good measure
  4. Verify integrity of Assembly Kit to require all files
  5. Follow this guide to get the changes again, make sure you are cloning my repo and not forking:

The guide does say to use Github Desktop but if you can use SourceTree that will prob be better in the long run since it has more features

  1. Checkout the develop branch
  2. Compile your own ceos and startpos and sure they actually work in game

These next steps are for making new changes

  1. First, do not ever commit or push directly in develop or master, it shouldn't be possible anyways because I've locked it but this warning is to just avoid more problems in the future
  2. Do a pull on develop to get the latest and most updated changes
  3. Make a branch off develop and name it something that makes sense
  4. Switch to the branch if the program has not switched it for you already
  5. Make changes and commits here
  6. If you are super paranoid about merge conflicts and me rejecting stuff, for each singular complete thing, make a commit. For example if you are adding 5 titles, make a commit after each one. This is so that even if there is a merge issue I can prob go and cherry pick individual commits to add in.
  7. After you are done with changes, test to make sure that your changes work and that ceos and startpos builds
  8. Push the changes to your origin version of your branch (this can technically be done whenever since it's your own branch, you don't need to push only when you are done with all your changes)
  9. Submit a pull request to merge your branch into develop
  10. Afterwards if I merge it and everything is good and you want to add more stuff, start from step 8 and make sure you make a new branch, do not use the old branch