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Dice Rolling Commands

Azmoria edited this page May 18, 2024 · 8 revisions

You can roll dice with the buttons, but you can also roll dice using slash commands! Simply type out the command in the chat box at the bottom of the gamelog. Also, note that pressing the up and down arrows while focused in the chat box will cycle through your history once you've sent some commands.


The format is pretty simple. It's <command> <dice>±<modifiers> <optional-extra-info>.


  • /r roll dice
  • /roll roll dice, but more pedantic
  • /hit roll to hit
  • /dmg roll damage
  • /save roll a saving throw
  • /skill roll a skill check
  • /heal roll for a healing ability


The dice notation is the same as you may have seen elsewhere. It looks like something this <number>d<sides> where <number> is the number of dice you want to roll, and is the type of dice to roll. For example, 1d20 is a single twenty-sided die, and 2d12 is two twelve-sided dice. These are the that DDB supports (we use their dice so we can only support what they support).

  • d4
  • d6
  • d8
  • d10
  • d12
  • d20
  • d100


Modifiers are just the number that you add or subtract from the result. You can use flat numbers, or you can use your characters stat modifiers! For example, if my character has a +3 strength modifier, I could roll to hit with /r 1d20+3 , but I could also use /hit 1d20+STR. Then for damage, since I get to add my strength modifier and my proficiency bonus, I could use /dmg 1d8+STR+PB.

  • +1, +2, etc
  • -1, -2, etc
  • +STR
  • +DEX
  • +CON
  • +INT
  • +WIS
  • +CHA
  • +PB (proficiency bonus)

Optional Extra Info

This is mostly just flavor text, but /r and /roll have a little extra parsing that isn't worth typing out. For example, if you named your weapon "Goblin Slayer" you can add that to the end of your command and it will display in the gamelog. In the examples below, my strength modifier is -1 and my proficiency bonus is +3.

/hit 1d20+STR Goblin Slayer
Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 4 18 27 PM

/dmg 1d8+STR+PB Goblin Slayer
Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 4 19 00 PM

I said the extra parsing wasn't worth typing, but here it is anyway. Notice how the examples above have "Goblin Slayer:To Hit"? Well, whatever text you put at the end will fill in the first part. If you put a colon in there, whatever you put in the last part will be displayed on the right side of the colon. Well, almost anything. DDB filters out anything that doesn't match specific keywords. These are the keywords that we've discovered so far: "roll", "to hit", "damage", "save", "check", "heal". Notice how they line up with the commands we provide? Each slash command just fills in the second part for you.


To roll with advantage, use this /hit 2d20kh1. That means roll two, twenty-sided dice, and keep the highest 1. You can do more than just advantage using this. /r 10d20kh5 will roll ten twenty-sided dice, and keep the highest 5 of them.

To roll with disadvantage, use this /hit 2d20kl1. That means roll two, twenty-sided dice, and keep the lowest 1. You can do more than just disadvantage using this. /r 10d20kl5 will roll ten twenty-sided dice, and keep the lowest 5 of them.### More Examples

Reroll Once

If you want to automatically reroll dice, use ro followed by the condition for the reroll. For example, if you want to reroll 1s because you have Halfling Luck or the Lucky feat, you would do this /r 1d20ro=1. If you want to reroll 1s and 2s on your damage dice because you have the Savage Attacker feat, you can do either of these /dmg 1d8ro<3 or /dmg 1d8ro<=2.

When you include the reroll once operator, we actually roll twice the amount of dice necessary, then drop anything that needs to be rerolled. This is to save time and processing. For example, if you roll /2d20ro<10, we will roll 4d20. Now, let's say you get these results [2, 14, 7, 18]. The actual roll is [2, 14], and the reroll alternatives are [7, 18]. The first 2 is less than 10 and would be rerolled so we just drop that from our list of results. The results being used are now [14, 7, 18]. The 14 is not less than 10 so we keep that result. Since we only had to reroll one of the results, we drop the last item in the list. Our final results are now [14, 7] which totals 21.

Order of operations

If you include multiple operators, they will be processed in this order regardless of the order that you specify them.

  1. ro
  2. kh
  3. kl

For example, /r 2d20kh1ro<3 and /r 2d20ro<3kh1 are identical functions.

More Examples!

  • /r 1d12 Toll the Dead:Damage
  • /hit 2d20kh1+DEX Shortsword
  • /dmg 2d6kh1+DEX+PB Savage Shortsword Attack - The Savage Attacker feat allows you to reroll damage and keep the highest!
  • /save 1d20+CHA Please don't kill me
  • /skill 1d20+DEX+PB Thieves' Tools
  • /heal 2d4+2 Potion of Healing

Note buttons (see below) have a special command /ir which will add the roll to icon roll queues. This functions like /r.

Example: /ir 1d4 Bless


OK, now that we know how to use these dice rolling commands, let's make it easier on ourselves. Instead of typing these commands every time, we can add buttons to our character sheets that execute these commands for us!

Click on any attack, spell, or item on your character sheet to open it in the sidebar. Then expand the "Customize" section, and add your command to the "Notes" field.
Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 4 47 05 PM

That's it! Now you will have a button on the right side of that item like this
Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 4 48 46 PM

Here's one for Toll the Dead!
Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 4 49 44 PM

And another for your potion of healing
Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 4 51 22 PM

Multiple Buttons

You can also add multiple buttons! For example:

Some Note: /hit 2d20kh1 Advantage /dmg 2d10 big damage

would find these matches: ['/hit 2d20kh1 Advantage ', '/dmg 2d10 big damage'] as seen here:
Screenshot 2023-02-18 at 8 35 01 AM

If you want to add notes between them, simply add an extra / before your comment like this:

Flying Kick to hit: /hit 2d20kh1+DEX+PB+1 Flying Kick/<br/>Flying Kick + Charger: /dmg 2d4+1d8+DEX+1 Flying Kick + Charger/<br/>Flying Kick + Push Damage: /dmg 3d4+DEX+1 Flying Kick + Push/<br/>Charger Damage: /dmg 1d4+1d8+DEX+1 Charger Strike/
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