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Content:Entity Definition File

dekarrin edited this page Feb 20, 2013 · 6 revisions

An Entity Definition File is a DEF file that defines the different types of entities that exist in the game. Once an entity has been defined, it can be referred to by name inside of a LND file, whose format is described in the page Content:Land File Format. Every content pack contains at most one entity definition file. If a content pack is to include an action definition file, it must list the path to it under the key ENTITY_DEFS_FILE in its Content:Manifest File.

Each row defines one entity. Entities are created directly from these definitions.

Each value listed in the Actions field must refer to the ID of a defined action. That action must either be provided by the built-in content pack or defined in this content pack. In either case, more information can be obtained on the page for the Content:Action Definition File.

All names are case-insensitive.

Row Format

Column Name Value Description
1 Name A string containing the name of the entity.
2 Display Char The character to display the entity with when using text-based graphics.
3 Actions A colon ':' separated list of action IDs that refer to actions that entity can use.
4 HP Base The base number of hit points.
5 MP Base The base number of mana points.
6 STR Base The base amount of strength.
7 DEF Base The base amount of defense.
8 AGL Base The base amount of agility.
9 ACC Base The base amount of accuracy.
10 MAG Base The base amount of magic.
11 LUK Base The base amount of luck.
12 HP Gain The number of hit points gained per level.
13 MP Gain The number of mana points gained per level.
14 STR Gain The amount of strength gained per level.
15 DEF Gain The amount of defense gained per level.
16 AGL Gain The amount of agility gained per level.
17 ACC Gain The amount of accuracy gained per level.
18 MAG Gain The amount of magic gained per level.
19 LUK Gain The amount of luck gained per level.
20 XP The amount of XP gained when this entity is killed.
21 Over-Art An index that references the image to show for this entity in the overworld.

Example File

"Slime", "S", "3",   "80", "0",  "5", "5", "3", "6", "2", "4", "15", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "3", "SPRITE_SLIME"
"Jill",  "j", "1:4", "0",  "10", "5", "5", "5", "5", "5", "5", "1",  "3", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "5", "SPRITE_PLAYER"

Provided Entities

The following entities are provided by the built-in content pack:

  • __PLAYER
  • Slime
  • Jill
  • Jack

Note: The player character is defined by the row whose Name field contains a value of __PLAYER. As such, this is a reserved name and may not be used by any NPC definition.