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Content:World Definition File

dekarrin edited this page Feb 21, 2013 · 1 revision

A world definition file is a DEF file that lists all LND files that are a part of the world in the content pack. Every contain pack may contain up to one world definition file. If a content pack is to include a world definition file, it must list the path to it under the key WORLD_DEFS_FILE in its Content:Manifest File. It must also list the path to the directory containing the LND files under the key LAND_DIR.

A world definition file is necessary to use any Content:Land File Format files that are in the content pack.

Each row in the file lists one LND file that is a part of the world. Paths are relative to the directory listed under the key LAND_DIR in the manifest file.

Row Format

Column Name Value Description
1 Land File The path to an LND file that describes a land included in the described world.

Example File
