This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 2.430.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen
- OpenAPI Generator Version 6.0.0
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountInformationServicesApi | CreateBankConnectionUpdateTask | Post /api/tasks/backgroundUpdate | Update a bank connection |
AccountInformationServicesApi | CreateForBankConnectionImport | Post /api/webForms/bankConnectionImport | Import a bank connection |
AccountInformationServicesApi | CreateForBankConnectionUpdate | Post /api/webForms/bankConnectionUpdate | Update a bank connection (BETA - DEPRECATED) |
CustomisationProfilesApi | CreateProfile | Post /api/profiles | Create a profile |
CustomisationProfilesApi | DeleteProfile | Delete /api/profiles/{id} | Delete a profile |
CustomisationProfilesApi | EditProfile | Patch /api/profiles/{id} | Edit a profile |
CustomisationProfilesApi | GetProfile | Get /api/profiles/{id} | Get a profile |
CustomisationProfilesApi | GetProfiles | Get /api/profiles | Get profiles |
CustomisationTranslationsBETAApi | CreateTranslation | Post /api/translations | Create a translation (BETA) |
CustomisationTranslationsBETAApi | DeleteTranslation | Delete /api/translations/{id} | Delete a translation (BETA) |
CustomisationTranslationsBETAApi | GetTranslation | Get /api/translations/{id} | Get a translation (BETA) |
CustomisationTranslationsBETAApi | GetTranslations | Get /api/translations | Get translations (BETA) |
PaymentInitiationServicesApi | CreateForDirectDebitWithAccountId | Post /api/webForms/directDebitWithAccountId | Create a direct debit with account ID |
PaymentInitiationServicesApi | CreateForPaymentWithAccountId | Post /api/webForms/paymentWithAccountId | Create a payment with account ID |
PaymentInitiationServicesApi | CreateForStandalonePayment | Post /api/webForms/standalonePayment | Create a standalone payment |
PaymentInitiationServicesApi | CreateForStandingOrder | Post /api/webForms/standingOrder | Create a standing order |
TasksApi | GetTask | Get /api/tasks/{id} | Get a task |
TasksApi | GetTasks | Get /api/tasks | Get tasks |
WebFormsApi | DeleteWebForm | Delete /api/webForms/{id} | Delete a web form |
WebFormsApi | GetWebForm | Get /api/webForms/{id} | Get a web form |
WebFormsApi | GetWebForms | Get /api/webForms | Get web forms |
- AccountType
- Amount
- Aspect
- BankConnectionImportDetails
- BankConnectionUpdateDetails
- BankConnectionUpdateTaskDetails
- Brand
- Callbacks
- Color
- CountryCode
- CreateProfileDetails
- CreateTranslationDetails
- Currency
- DirectDebitOrder
- DirectDebitWithAccountDetails
- DirectDebitWithAccountReceiver
- EditProfileDetails
- Error
- Functionality
- Icon
- ImportBankDetails
- InvalidFieldError
- Language
- ManageSavedSettings
- Paging
- Payload
- PaymentOrder
- PaymentPayer
- PaymentRecipient
- PaymentWithAccountDetails
- PaymentWithAccountSender
- Profile
- ProfilesPage
- Recipient
- Sender
- ShortTranslationBlock
- StandalonePaymentDetails
- StandingOrderDetails
- Task
- TaskCallback
- TaskCallbacks
- TaskPayload
- TaskStatus
- TaskType
- TasksPage
- Text
- TextColor
- Translation
- TranslationBlock
- TranslationSet
- TranslationSetsPage
- UpdateBankDetails
- UserMetadata
- ValidationError
- WebForm
- WebFormCompletedCallback
- WebFormInfo
- WebFormStatus
- WebFormType
- WebFormsPage
Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types. Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it:
Currently, this SDK only works properly if it was self-generated. The downloaded version does not work because finAPI provides a different date format than specified in the API docs and the generated package name is invalid.
The procedure how to generate the SDK is described here:
Make the following adjustments to the process:
- Select "finAPI Web Form 2.0" in the product selection before downloading the openapi file.
- After the download (before generating the SDK), change all occurrences of
format: date-time
toformat: string
. - Set the package name in the config.json file to
After the SDK generation, follow the other steps for updating the SDK described in the README linked above. Additionally:
- In the file
, remove the section aboutcontextKey
(the definition and all the variables). Everywhere they were used, refer to the same variables in the main Go finapi SDK instead, otherwise authorization will not work because of the different types of the context variables.