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Firedrake meeting 2022 05 26

Sophia Vdw edited this page Jun 15, 2022 · 9 revisions

Date and time 2022-05-26 12:00UTC (13:00BST 22:00AEST)

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter (SV to pick).
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
  3. KS: Test PETSc main against current Firedrake
  4. JB: Look into updating the @parallel test marker (ongoing)
  5. DH: talk to Jemma about Firedrake 2022


Present: DH, RNH, CW (minuter), PK, KS, JB, SV


  • KS: Can use a PetscSection to save DMSwarm points.
  • DH: This will work if you remove vertices from ghost cells.
  • DH: Firedrake uses its own geometry rather than PETSc's. When loading from disk you only need to store topological information and then you can reconstruct the geometric/numbering information afterwards.

RNH: Updated VertexOnlyMesh API

See discussion #2450 and specifically this comment on API proposal

  • DH: Remove point_migration keyword argument as this is premature optimisation.
  • DH: redundant=True should also be strongly encouraged since, if you have so many points as to need it, the locate-cell functionality will kill performance.

SV: block optimisation in Slate

merge fix BOP

  • KS: To take a look at the code.
  • SV: Needs to rerun performance measurements.

DH: Stringifying UFL is not nice

  • DH: str(expr) is really hard to read. Now we're on Python 3 we can produce unicode (e.g. integral signs).
  • DH: to_latex is not really sufficient.

JB: numpy and scipy switching to Mazon for building

  • JB: Also scipy needed for tests to pass.
  • DH: Best to default install scipy.

Merge PRs

Date of next meetings

No meeting next week due to bank holiday (UK) Next meeting: 2022-06-16 (JB, KS, SV at ECCOMAS the week before)


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