Releases: fireph/TrafficSweetSpot
Small UI tweaks and updates to cleaning cache
Cache will now properly remove values when they are over the caching age (rather than in batches like before).
Fix time labels
The time labels were too close together on the graph, this release fixes it!
Updated for Swift 4 and Charts 3!
This is mostly just a maintenance release to update the app to use Swift 4 and the new update version of the charting library. Now everything should run faster and look better! (There might also be some bug fixes when there are gaps in the data when the computer sleeps).
Now checks for updates!
Added an update checker that checks the releases section on github. It will autocheck every day, but can be turned off in the preferences. Also fixed some bugs when changing locations to have the UI update properly.
Bug fixes
Settable cache time size and interpolate missing values
The first release after 1.0!
Initial Release
This is the very first version of the app. It has basic functionality and the graph is a rolling graph of 3-4 hours.