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Previous Version 2003 to 2014

Gad D Lord edited this page Sep 15, 2022 · 1 revision

Version 3.25 (December 16, 2014)

Changes in the application:

  • Implemented a new Preview screen for card images. It has multiple features such as Fit Screen, Random Image, Navigation to First, Middle, Last image, Deletion, and Slideshow.

Changes in the interface:

  • Improved the speed of loading MTG Studio, Interactive Encyclopedia and MTG Online deck files.
  • Added proportional resize of the top and bottom grids for the Card Pool, Deck, and Collection.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Commander 2014 set cards.
  • Updated the Banned and Restricted list.
  • Added ability to build MTG Online III decks with cards from Khans of Tarkir, Vintage Masters, From the Vault: Annihilation, Magic 2015.
  • Temporally removed support for TCG Player prices.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed the rules and flavor text for Khans of Tarkir set cards.
  • Added the missing Abzan, Jeskai, Mardu, Sultai, and Temur watermarks for Khans of Tarkir set cards.
  • Fixed a major bug preventing the creation of MTG Online III decks.
  • Fixed the rules pane to display properly the Phyrexia mana.
  • Fixed column orders in Card Pool which resulted in not being able to build MTGO 3 decks.

Version 3.24 (October 13, 2014)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Khans of Tarkir set cards.
  • Added Vintage Masters set cards.
  • Added Speed VS Cunning set cards.
  • Added Modern Event Deck 2014 set cards.
  • Added From the Vault: Annihilation set cards.
  • Added Face the Hydra set cards.
  • Added Tokens and Overlay cards for Khans of Tarkir, Speed VS Cunning, Magic 2015, Conspiracy, Modern Event Deck 2014, Journey into Nyx, Jace VS Vraska, Born of the Gods, Theros, Heroes VS Monsters, Magic 2014, Modern Masters.
  • Added latest Friday Night Magic, Prerelease, Launch Parties, Magic Game Day, Judge Gift, Grand Prix, Happy Holidays promotional cards.

Changes in the interface:

  • Conspiracy and Enchantment Creature card type filters added.
  • Filter row now forces the filter results to be updated every 1 second as you type.
  • Long operations progress is now displayed in the Windows taskbar as in MTG Studio status bar.
  • Windows taskbar has 3 new buttons Save All, Deck Legality and Deck Statistics.
  • Added support for rarity of type Bonus.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed Combos From Collection report to display combos for which all cards are present in the collection (not just one of the combo cards.
  • Filter row is now editable.
  • Search for Sorceries now returns Sorcery/Sorcery and Sorcery - Arcane.

Version 3.23 (July 23, 2014)

Changes in the application:

  • Added new Auto Update feature.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Magic 2015 set cards.
  • Added latest Banned&Restricted cards changes

Fixed bugs:

  • Updated the legality for Conspiracy cards.
  • Fixed Auto Update feature not working with HTTPS protocol.

Version 3.22 (July 12, 2014)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Conspiracy set cards.
  • Added support for building MTG Online III decks with Journey into Nyx cards.
  • Improved Born of the Gods card image quality.
  • Added support for building MTG Online 3 decks with cards from the Journey into Nyx set.
  • Added 2200 card draft notes.

Fixed bugs:

  • Updated the legality for Journey into Nyx cards.

Version 3.21 (May 2, 2014)

Changes in the application:

  • Added integration with allowing to ask question related to the selected card rules.
  • Added ability to mark cards in the card pool as Favorite and be able to filter by that column.
  • Added Cards | Export to Excel (2007 and above) allowing to save the card pool, deck, or collection in the XSLX Excel file format supported since Office 2007.

Changes in the interface:

  • New blazing fast sorting of columns. On dual core 2.93GHz sorting 30 000 cards by their rules takes less than a second.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added cards from Journey into Nyx set.
  • Added 17 new card price stores.

Changes in installation:

  • Added Pint to Start and Pin to Taskbar options for Windows 7 and Windows 8.
  • Improved compression of the installer.

Version 3.19 (January 30, 2014)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Born of the Gods set cards.
  • Added support for building/reading MTG Online III decks with cards from Theros set.

Changes in installation:

  • Added Theros, Planeswalker, and Commander (2013 Edition) MTG Online decks.

Version 3.18 (December 6, 2013)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Commander (2013 Edition) set cards.

Changes in the interface:

  • Added Deck Archetype to deck properties page for MTG Studio *.deck file format

Fixed bugs:

  • Collector numbers such as "11 DCI" and "2/9 P10" now should be sorted by its first part prior to the first space character.
  • Fixed pluralization of creature types.
  • Fixed proper font to be used for mana symbol visualization in the rules tooltip.

Version 3.17 (September 22, 2013)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Theros set cards.

Version 3.16 (September 12, 2013)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Heroes VS Monsters set cards.
  • Added 100 new combos.
  • Added support for prices from 31 new stores.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed date for the Deck Registration Report was not preserved.
  • Allow setting the deck Qty to zero and saving and restoring the deck.

Version 3.15 (August 25, 2013)

Changes in the application:

  • Added Cards | Batch Update Selected menu which allows you to quickly updated thousands of selected cards in your collection.
  • Added Reports | Edition Availability report.
  • MTG Studio was tested on Windows 8.1.
  • Now the hourglass cursor is displayed on all lengthy operations.
  • Added 92 new card price stores.
  • When building a report, or closing multiple decks the progress will be displayed in the status bar.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added From the Vault: Twenty set cards.
  • Added latest Tokens from DGM, GTC, DDK, League.
  • Added latest Friday Night Magic, Prerelease, Launch Parties, Magic Game Day, Gateway, Resale, Judge Gift, Happy Holidays cards.
  • Added support for building/reading MTG Online III decks with cards from M14.
  • Added 150 new combos.

Changes in installation:

  • Added latest Heroes VS Monsters, Magic 2014, Planechase 2014, Dragon's Maze, Freeplay Current Core Set MTG Online 3 decks.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed Magic 2014 card legality.
  • Added missing buttons for Preview, Open in Explorer, and Delete in the validate card art results table.
  • Fixed the Buy button links when buying a card from store.
  • Optimized Combos from Collection report to not raise Out of Memory error.
  • Fixed Combos from Collection report to show the third card if such is present.
  • Returned feature to display the default card back if the card art is not found.
  • Returned feature to display the Where is the Card Art? label if the card art is not found.
  • Fixed main form size to be properly persisted if the application is maximized.

Version 3.14 (July 16, 2013)

Changes in the application:

  • Added support for 19 000+ card prices in our batch import from TCG Player. Use Import | Prices wizard to get the latest prices.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added cards from the Magic 2014 set.

Changes in the interface:

  • Added Search | Reset All Filters menu.

Version 3.13 (June 27, 2013)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added cards from Modern Masters set.
  • Added support for the latest's sets of Wagic the Homebrew v0.19.0 r4789
  • Added 40 new price stores.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed resource IDB_DXPSGROUPICON_SHOW not found.
  • Improved logging when application configuration cannot be saved.
  • Fixed some prices cannot be persisted due to missing vendor specified.

Version 3.6 (Nov 27, 2012)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added cards from Commander's Arsenal set.

Changes in interface:

  • Look and Feel adjustments to use the native Windows theme.

Changes in installation:

  • Added better quality card images for Return to Ravnica, Magic 2013, Planechase 2012, Avaclyn Restored, Premium Deck Series: Graveborn, Ajani VS Nicol Bolas.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed prices to use the full list of prices from all stores for a given set.

Version 3.5 (Nov 6, 2012)

Fixed bugs:

  • Critical fix of the File|Open menu resulting in external exceptions, access violation or usage of privileged instructions.

Version 3.4 (Nov 5, 2012)

Changes in the application:

  • Added support for Forge 1.3.0 decks
  • Added back support for ABU Games batch card prices

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Magic 2013, Izzet VS Golgari, Return to Ravnica, and League tokens.

Changes in installation:

  • Added some combos from various sources
  • Added 400+ Forge decks

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed the TCG Player online price to be displayed (not being displayed since their recent changes.)

Version 3.3 (Oct 28, 2012)

Changes in the application:

  • Added automatic update
  • Extended mtgstudio.collection file to have schema version and warn on version mismatch

Changes in the interface:

  • Persist main windows position

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed First and Last to work
  • Fixed "Resource ed_DDJ%20_c not found"

Version 3.2 (Oct 21, 2012)

Changes in the application:

  • Removed the application logs from Logs folder and the command line switches /log and /verbose.

Changes in the interface:

  • Added warning message if Update Prices is called prior to importing prices from File | Import | Prices.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Izzet VS Golgari set cards.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed EDirectoryNotFound error when My Documents folder was located on shared network drive.
  • Added warning message when old mgstudio.prices version of the file is detected.

Version 3.1 (Oct 15, 2012)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Return to Ravnica set cards.
  • Added From the Vault: Realms set cards.
  • Added Magic 2013 tokens.

Fixed bugs:

  • Import Prices process was not assigning and persisting the card prices for Market Prices.
  • MTG Studio was requiring Administrator account to run and forced UAC promts.
  • Fixed M13 card legality.

Version 3.0 (Jul 16, 2012)

Changes in the application:

  • Added ability to switch on/off Lexicon explanations from Options window.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Magic 2013 set.
  • Added more than 450 lexicon card name explanations.

Version 2.9 (Jun 24, 2012)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Venser VS Koth set card.
  • Added Planechase (2012 Edition) set cards.
  • Added support for building MTG Online decks with cards from the following sets Avacyn Restored, Dark Ascension, Venser VS Koth, Premium Deck Series: Graveborn.
  • Added support for building Wagic decks with cars from Avacyn Restored, Dark Ascension, Venser VS Koth sets.
  • Added all latest tokens.
  • Added over 15'000 new combos.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added theme decks for Avacyn Restored, Dark Ascension, Venser VS Koth, Premium Deck Series: Graveborn and Planeswalker 201

Version 2.8.1 (May 17, 2012)

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed major bug in downloading of card art which leads to application freezing and hanging.

Version 2.8 (May 17, 2012)

Changes in the application:

  • Added import for Generic CSV collection file format. Sample ImportCollection.csv is available in your MTG Studio installation folder.

Changes in the interface:

  • Moved the Starting Hand tool to Deck Statistics window.
  • Starting Hand now displays the color of the card.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Avacyn Restored set cards
  • Added Collector Editions cards
  • Added Innistrad and Dark Ascension tokens
  • Added 40 000 new combos
  • Updated Oracle™ rules

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed. Exception when closing MTG Studio and the download of card art, prices, and/or reviews is not completed.
  • Fixed. Exception the Collection grid to unavailable until the Update Prices process is completed.
  • Fixed. Collection Legality was displaying just SELV. It should have the full Legality column and display SMELV (Standard, Modern, Extended, Legacy, Vintage.)
  • Fixed. Loading of card prices was not working for some cards.
  • 24 additional small fixes

Version 2.7 (Feb 16, 2012)

Changes in the application:

  • Added support for for the Mana Link 3.0 DCK deck format without header.
  • The MTG Studio configuration (mtgstudio.conf) is now stored in a more reliable and hardware tolerant database.

Changes in the interface:

  • Added Combos from Collection report.
  • Added totals in Deck Availability reports.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added support for all 4500+ Mana Link 3.0 cards.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed. small memory leak.
  • Fixed. Access error when opening upon first start it tries to import the previous version collection.
  • Fixed. Problem in import MTG Studio 3.0 collection with Merge option selected which resulted in always appending instead of merging the cards.
  • Fixed. Market value to be updated to proper value when adding card from card pool to collection.
  • Fixed. Deck Qty column to allow 0 as a value if the Sideboard Qty column value is > 0.
  • Fixed. Ctrl + Up, Ctrl + Down to search for next, previous in Collection, Deck.
  • Fixed. The Max Cards in Deck value in Deck Options was raising error when big value like 9999999999999 was typed in.
  • Fixed. An issue with Magic Traders cards with multiple reprints in sets not having prices for all reprints and card versions.

Version 2.6 (Feb 5, 2012)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Dark Ascension set cards.
  • Added support for the latest sets from Magic Assistant version.
  • Added support for the latest sets from Online Play Table 099t version.

Version 2.6 (Feb 5, 2012)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Dark Ascension set cards.
  • Added support for the latest sets from Magic Assistant version.
  • Added support for the latest sets from Online Play Table 099t version.

Version 2.4 (Jan 12, 2012)

Changes in the application:

  • Added Reports|Missing Set Cards report for cards from a given edition which are not present in your collection.
  • Added ability to import collection files in CSV format.
  • Add George Baxter's Mana Slots Analysis
  • Added filter by Formats.
  • Added user reviews of cards.
  • Added The Wizards Cupboard prices.
  • Removed Internet Explorer dependency.
  • Removed Microsoft XML dependency.

Changes in the interface:

  • Made the mouse wheel scrolling in quantities columns to scroll the list instead of increasing the values.
  • Double clicking in collection now prompts if the number of copies of the card should be really increased.
  • Added visual tips in the scroll bar of the rules pane to display the search matches.
  • Ask for confirmation when adding cards to collection.
  • Added progress bar for card art download progress.
  • Increase collection quantity will now ask for confirmation in double click operations.
  • Lengthy sort, group, order operations display a "Loading..." notification.
  • Longer columns are displayed with "..." at the end.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Premium Deck Series: Graveborn set.
  • Added support for building MTG Online III decks with Innistrad, Magic 2012, and all Duels of the Planeswalkers cards.
  • Added Transform mechanic.
  • Updated some MTG Online set abbreviations - UD, UL, IA, OD.
  • Added support for latest Duels of the Planeswalkers cards.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added Innistrad theme decks for MTG Online.
  • Added latest combos and Oracle rules.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed. The probability analysis column Qty cannot have values lower than 0.
  • Fixed export for dual-face cards to MTGO 3 dek file format to export just the front face name of the card.
  • Fixed importing Magic decks with invalid-case card names.
  • Fixed DDG expansion symbols resources (previously TBA).

Version 2.3 (Oct 4, 2011)

Changes in the application:

  • Added Tools|Collection Integrity Check for being able to check your collection integrity, reindex and update statistics for faster performance after huge collection updates.
  • Added ability to buy cards directly from the online card stores.
  • Added ability to filter sets from Modern and OverExtended formats.
  • Added ability to check deck legality against Modern and OverExtended formats.

Changes in the interface:

  • Search results loop through the whole list of cards. If you are at the end of the card list the search will restart from the beginning.
  • Searches will be case-insensitive and partial match. (Search for ''ork'' will find ''Fork'').
  • Search results will be highlighted for better visual appearance.
  • The found card through search become the top record in the grid.
  • Updated Legality dialog to display the Untap, Snow Mana, Chaos, and Planeswalker symbols. Added to legend legality states for Modern format.
  • The group box is condensed in height.
  • Table navigator shows the row number and total number of rows.
  • Table navigators are displayed by default.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Innistrad set.
  • Added New Phyrexia, Kinights VS Dragons, and Magic 2012 tokens.
  • Added Ajani VS Nicol Bolas set.
  • Added From the Vault: Legends set.
  • Added support for Wagic the Homebrew for the sets Knights VS Dragons, Commander, and New Phyrexia.

Fixed bugs:

  • The tooltips for the Search buttons will be fixed to state the shortcut just once.
  • Fixed Search|Toggle Bookmarks menu to work properly.
  • Speed-ed up Update Prices process.
  • Fixed menu freeze on 64-bit Windows 7.

Version 2.2 (Jul 26, 2011)

Changes in the application:

  • Added support for 72 card stores with card prices. Prices are fetched in real-time.

Changes in the interface:

  • The title bar will have "(trial version)" or "(licensed to xxx)" for trial and registered versions.

Changes in card database:

  • Added Magic 2012 set.
  • Added support for Commander set in building MTG Online decks.
  • Added Reprint Notes in the card rules panel with additional comments for the promotional, and digital cards.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added 5 commander decks in MTG Online format.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed Zendikar non-foil cards to show in ABU Games price list.
  • Fixed an error when adding already existing cards from card pool to collection and "Yes to All" is selected.
  • Fixed deck legality to be illegal for using more than 1 reprint of a restricted card and legal if just one.

Version 2.1 (Jun 27, 2011)

Changes in the interface:

  • Added "Yes to All" and "No to All" buttons when prompting should newly added cards be added on the same row or inserted as new rows.

Changes in card database:

  • Added Commander set.
  • Added 110 Promotional cards from FNM, Grand Prix, Happy Holidays, Jr APAC Series, Judge Gift, Launch Parties, MGD, MPR, MSS, Prerelease, Pro Tour, Unique.
  • Support for building MTG Online decks with New Phyrexia and Knights VS Dragons cards.

Changes in installation:

  • Added 900 decks in Magic Workstation format from Grand Prix, Inquest, Magic Champs, TCG Magazine,

Fixed bugs:

  • Make use of the Windows Regional Settings (like currently symbol, decimal separator) when displaying prices in the rules panel.
  • Fix the tap symbol to be displayed with the latest symbol (not as tilted T letter).
  • _CON can be used for card art folder name for the Conflux edition.
  • The path to my decks setting to be used for the default location of File|Open dialog.
  • Fixed card notes not to append one after another for each card imported from Magic Suitcase inventory.

Version 2.0 (May 24, 2011)

Changes in the application:

  • Added support for Online Play Table decks

Changes in the installation:

  • Added 360+ decks from Pro Tour and Worlds series in Online Play Table deck format.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed an issue with IntegerOverflow error on importing prices.

Version 1.8.6 (May 13, 2011)

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed issue with MTG Studio kept open in Task Manager and new instances fail to start.

Version 1.8.5 (May 12, 2011)

Changes in the application:

  • Added import of MTG Online collections in CSV format.

Changes in the interface:

  • Added Market Value and Sell At Value columns to distinguish your total card price depending on Sell At and Market Price columns.

Changes in card database:

  • Added New Phyrexia set.
  • Added Knights VS Dragons set.
  • Updated the Wagic the Homebrew support to the currently latest 0.15.1 version.
  • Added 140 new combos.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed cards available in deck but not in collection were not displayed in Deck Availability report.
  • Fixed deck name to be displayed in the Deck Registration Sheet report instead of the card name.
  • Fixed error when DCI Number was left empty on Deck Registration Sheet report.
  • Fixed reporting decks as illegal if they have warnings but no errors.

Changes in the application:

  • Added Online|eBay Sales menu for checking current auctions for the selected card.

Changes in the interface:

  • Added Cards|Add Foil to Collection menu allowing you to add the card as foil to your collection.
  • A warning message is displayed if you search for a card but the card pool is currently filtered.
  • By default the collection displays less columns in order to have a cleaner interface. All columns are available from View|Cards|Show Fields menu.
  • The warning message that the card operation can be slow if more than 20 cards were selected has changed from 20 cards to 100 cards.
  • Added Tools|Locate My Collection menu which opens the folder where your collection is stored.

Changes in the card database:

  • Added MBS, DDF, SOM, M11 tokens.

Fixed bugs:

  • Removed flicker on the progress dialog while updating prices.
  • Fixed deck footer card type breakdown to be updated when opening deck.
  • Added custom memory manager for faster memory allocation.
  • Fixed adding card from card pool to deck was not focusing the card in the deck.
  • Added better informational messages when a Search has failed.
  • Removed some references to invalid abilities.
  • Fixed issues when importing Collection (version 3.0) into your current 3.0 collection.
  • Fixed adding cards from card pool or collection to deck was multiplying the card Qty instead of increasing it.
  • Fixed adding a card with X copies from deck to collection to instead of X copies in collection instead of 1.
  • Fixed display of Flip icon over the card art of cards which are not Flip cards.
  • Fixed each deck or sideboard Qty change in deck is immediately applied in-memory.
  • Changed the warning message 'Adding more than 20 cards in a single step can take some time.' to 'Adding more than 100 cards in a single step can take some time.' since it requires additional time and does not deal with stability in any way.
  • Small performance improvements (using in-memory literal constants).
  • Fixed Color column to be re-sizable after grouping.
  • Fixed Deck Availability report to count all reprints of a card.
  • Fixed an issue not allowing saving deck properties.

Version 1.8.3 (Mar 14, 2011)

Changes in the application:

  • Changed the internal application database to twice smaller and faster.
  • Startup time of the application was minimized a lot.
  • Changed the internal format of the .collection files (optimized for speed and size).
  • Removed support for Judge Question/Answers from Tools|Online Judge menu. This service is no longer provided by
  • The help is migrated to a online wiki at and the previous CHM format will not be supported any more.
  • Added support for external mtgstudio.prices file format to store prices from various sources.
  • Added ability to manually update card store prices from File|Import wizard.
  • Double clicking for removal of cards from collection and decks prompts for confirmation.
  • MTG Studio now supports registration usernames with Unicode symbols (umlauts, accent characters, etc.)

Changes in the interface:

  • Changed Cards|Export shortcut from Shift+E to Ctrl+E.
  • Added Ctrl+Q (for exit) and Ctrl+W (for close deck) commands.
  • The card name in the deck is now a freezed column by default.
  • Added new Pick Price window opened from Buy At and Sell At collection columns. It allows fine control over the selected prices. Lookup in store prices is possible. Average, Smart Average, Store Price and other advanced price tuning features are added. The dialog also displays the similarity between the selected collection card and the cards from the store.
  • Now Help|Internet Links will redirect to the Links wiki page.
  • Added tooltips for Indestructible, Proliferate, Battle Cry, Infect, Annihilator, Rebound, Totem Armor, Level Up, and Living Weapon keywords.
  • Interface icons revamped.
  • Added confirmation dialog for double clicking in collection for deletion of cards.
  • Removed ability to validate cropped card art since such is not supported by MTG Studio.
  • Cards|Search window allows choosing the search target: Card Pool, Deck, or Collection.
  • Bookmarks now work for Decks and Collection as well (previously only for Card Pool).
  • By default the Deck columns are not displayed with Best Fit expansion.
  • The about box displays to whom the MTG Studio copy is registered to

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added support for Mirrodin Besieged set.
  • Added support for Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret set.
  • Added support for Scars of Mirrodin set.
  • Added support for Masters Edition IV set.
  • Added support for Premium Deck Series: Fire and Lightning set.
  • Added support for Duels of the Planeswalkers set.
  • Updated to the latest card definitions with support with Wagic 0.14.1 version.
  • Added support for building MTG Online decks from the Mirrodin Besieged, Scars of Mirrodin, Elspeth vs. Tezzeret, Rize of Eldrazi, Fire and Lightning, Magic 2011, Master's Edition IV, Duels of the Planeswalkers, Magic 2011 set.
  • Added 420 new combos.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added 100 new decks in Magic Workstation file format.
  • Added Duel Decks, Magic Online Deck Series, Mirrodin Besieged, Momir Event, Premium Deck Series, Rise of Eldrazi, Scars of Mirrodin, and Urza's Legacy theme decks in MTG Online III deck format.
  • Slightly reduced installer size due to the better LZMA2 compression algorithm used.

Fixed bugs:

  • Capital 'E' can be written in Group and Notes columns of a collection.
  • Fixed Filter Bottom to work with the bottom grid instead of the currently selected one.
  • Fixed excessively high prices. The issue was due to signed and graded cards taken into consideration.
  • Fixed "Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (OleStr)." error when saving cards in MWS deck format for cards with unrecognized by MWS edition.
  • Fixed an issue with exporting cards with Mana Cost longer than 8 symbols in Magic Suitcase deck format.
  • Fixed an issue from Beta 4 where error "Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (OleStr)." was displayed for one card introduced in Beta 3 but missing in Beta 4
  • Fixed Search box on top to work.
  • Fixed Search|Bookmark to work.
  • Fixed Stop button for the Update Prices process to really quit the process.
  • Fixed cards from deck not present in the collection were missing in Deck Availability report.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in the beta releases where Copied cards were cut instead.
  • Removed the Options Font settings for Deck and Abilities grids since they were not used anyway.
  • Fixed abilities grid row highlight to take into consideration the grid settings from Options dialog.
  • Fixed an issue introduced in the beta version when double clicking in deck raising 'Index out of bounds (-1) error.'.
  • Fixed an issue introduced in 1.8.3 Beta 4 where filtered abilities cannot be selected.
  • Fixed the progress form during card art validation to have a real-time response for updating its state and Stop button.
  • Fixed the Anti-Boss icons changes to be preserved.
  • Fixed the Anti-Boss icon for the tray icon to be restored correctly after restart.
  • Fixed the Card Notes to be available in the Rules Panel.
  • Fixed an issue "Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (OleStr)." when changing Notes, Group, or Storage columns in Collection to contain empty values.
  • Better keyword highlighting in the Rules.
  • Fixed column header hints to be displayed just once.
  • Fixed a beta issue the totals for Value column to be displayed properly
  • Fixed a beta issue the average price to take into consideration the Qty
  • Fixed Validate Card Art folder to point to Application Data folder and not to the Program Files installation folder.
  • Fixes in Sort Order, Choose Columns and Hints for the Deck from Collection mode.

Version (Sep 30, 2010)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added Scars of Mirrodin set

Version 1.8.2 (Sep 5, 2010)

Changes in the application:

  • MTG Studio can now run with Data Execution Prevention switched on for all programs and services.
  • Added new 'MTG Studio' card art provider which automatically downloads all Magic card reprints, versions, promos, and foreign versions.
  • MTG Studio now automatically detects and prompts for import of Collection from older MTG Studio versions.
  • Added 32 new game formats to validate your decks against: MTGO formats, Block Constructed, plus Peasant, Pauper, Kaleidoscope, Highlander, Prismatic, and other.
  • Over 5 times reduced the application startup time.
  • Around 2 times reduced the application memory consumption.
  • Added ability to track you boosters packs, tournament packs, and other Magic gear in your collection
  • Removed CHM help. MTG Studio now redirects help requests to the wiki page.

Changes in the interface:

  • Filter dialogs are not modal and allow you to filter and edit decks simultaneously.
  • Removed Tools|Notepad dialog.
  • Removed 'Out of Print' image from Card Preview.
  • Removed Help|System Info command.
  • Removed Help|License Agreement command.
  • View|Options command moved to Tools|Options.
  • Removed Keyboard statusbar panels for CAPS, Ins, Num indication.
  • In Deck if grouping by Card Name is done the group will display the sum of card Qty in the deck.
  • Removing more than 1 card in the collection prompts for confirmation.
  • Added File|Full Screen which allows you to put the program in Full Screen mode on and off.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added From the Vault: Relics set.
  • Added Packs & Boxes set.
  • Added Magic Gear set.
  • Added 200 new combos.

Changes in the installation:

  • Removed support for other than English languages in installer.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed Combos to expand and collapse in Rules pane.

Version 1.8.1 (Jul 22, 2010)

Changes in the interface:

  • Removed Checksums from Deck Properties.
  • Removed Tips & Tricks from Help.
  • Removed ability to localize the application.
  • Removed Help|Recorder tool.
  • Removed HEX preview of the deck in File|Open.
  • Removed Modules page from Help|About.
  • Removed COM integration between help and MTG Studio.
  • Removed Tools|Artist Browser tool.
  • Removed Tools|Legality Viewer tool.
  • Removed Tools|Translation Tools tool.
  • Removed support for MTG Interactive Encyclopedia card images.
  • Removed ability to save card art as Bmp, Wmf, Emf, Gif, and TIFF.


  • Removed old Glossary, Checksums, Known Bugs, Translations, and Legality sections.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed an critical issue preventing you from opening decks.
  • Fixed View|Card Preview|Export to export to the selected folder

Version 1.8 (Jul 19, 2010)

Changes in the interface:

  • Added ability to filter Colorless cards.
  • Added File|Update Prices command.
  • Added ability to show/hide the Card Pool filter row from Options dialog.
  • When using 'Deck from Collection' mode, double clicking over a card in the collection adds the card to the deck instead of deleting it from collection.
  • Using Cards|Decrease Quantity in Collection you can decrease the card quantity to 0.
  • Deck Qty and SB arrow buttons are now organized better with a button for decreasing the quantity on the left and another increase button on the right.
  • Added Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Del keyboard combination for clearing the deck or collection.
  • Added Shift+E shortcut for exporting the correctly focused card pool, deck, or collection in HTML.
  • Added Ctrl+G shortcut which opens the currently selected card in Gatherer.
  • Added context menu for Collection.
  • Enter, Num+, Space, Ins, F4, F13, Double click in card pool, Drag & Drop adds selected cards to deck.
  • Ctrl+Enter, Ctrl+Num+, Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+Ins, Ctrl+ Drag & Drop adds 4 copies of a card to deck or collection.
  • Shift+Ctrl+Enter, Shift+Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Ctrl+Space, Shift+Ctrl+Num+, Shift+Ctrl+ Drag & Drop adds X copies of a card to deck or collection.
  • Shift+Enter, Shift+Ins, Shift+Space, Shift+Num+, Num*, Num/, Shift+Mouse wheel up, Shift+ Drag & Drop adds selected cards to sideboard.
  • Del, Ctrl+Num-, Shift + Double click in Deck, Ctrl+ Drag & Drop removes all copies from deck/collection of the card at once.
  • Shift+Num-, Shift+Mouse wheel down, Shift+Drag & Drop removes one card from the sideboard (if deck editing) or 1 card from Needed in collection.
  • Shift+Ctrl+Num-, Shift+Ctrl+Drag & Drop removes X cards from the deck (if deck editing) or X cards from Needed in collection.
  • Enter, Num +, Space, Ins, F8, F15, Double click in card pool, Drag & Drop adds selected cards to collection.
  • Del, Ctrl+Num-, Shift + Double click in Deck, Ctrl+ Drag & Drop decreases card quantity in the collection.
  • Num +, F11, F16, Ctrl+Alt+I, Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Up, Middle mouse button increases the quantity of the selected card in the deck.
  • Ctrl+Alt+T, Middle mouse button moves cards from deck to sideboard.
  • Num-, F17, Ctrl+Alt+D, Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Down, Double click in Deck, Drag & Drop decrease the quantity of the selected card in the deck.
  • Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Del deletes all cards from the current deck/collection.
  • Shift+F11 toggles Full Screen mode on/off.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Magic 2011 set.
  • Added Archmage set.
  • Updated FNM, Judge Gift, Champs, Release, Prerelease, and Gateway promos.
  • Added Rize of the Eldrazi tokens.
  • Updated the supported Wagic the Homebrew cards to the latest version 0.12.1 (supporting 17 441 cards).

Changes in the installation:

  • Updated Shortcuts help.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed an issue with parsing the proxy addresses starting with "http://".

Version 1.7.6 (Apr 30, 2010)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Rise of the Eldrazi set.

Version 1.7.5 (Apr 13, 2010)

Changes in the interface:

  • Added ability to filter Basic, Snow, Tribal, and World card types from the Filter dialog.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Duel Decks: Phyrexia VS The Coalition set.
  • Added 77 new tokens.
  • Extended the support for Wagic the Homebrew cards to over 17,000 cards.
  • Added support for building MTG Online decks with Worldwake cards.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added Worldwake, Urza's Sage, and Phyrexia VS The Coalition decks in MTG Online deck format.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed saving in MTGO .dek file format puts an invalid card number.

Version 1.7.4 (Feb 12, 2010)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added cards from Worldwake set.
  • Added cards from Masters Edition III set.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added /portable command line key which allows you to run the application from USB/removable drive without making any changes to the PC.

Version 1.7.3 (Jan 24, 2010)

Changes in the application:

  • Improved support for Wagic the Homebrew deck with support for meta cards.
  • Added ability to import Magic Suitcase inventories.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added support for decks with cards from the latest Magic Suitcase sets.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added 28 decks in Wagic the Homebrew deck format.
  • Added 197 decks in Magic Suitcase deck format.
  • Executable file size reduced by 1.2 MB compared to the previous version.

Version 1.7.2 (Jan 10, 2010)

Changes in the application:

  • The log file displays the time span between the previously logged operation.

Changes in the interface:

  • Messages dialog was set to be semi-transparent.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added 73 decks in Wagic the Homebrew deck format.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed import issues for Magic Workstation .mwInventory and MTG Studio .collection files.
  • Slightly improved import process for importing collections.
  • Fixed detection wether a deck is in MTGO or Wagic the Homebrew format.
  • Several card issues (card colors and mana costs) fixed.
  • "Multiple step operation failed" error when adding cards from PDS set.
  • Remove button for filtered abilities to be enabled when there are abilities selected.
  • Do not allow to call the "Choose Abilities" dialog multiple times simultaneously.
  • The filtered abilities are displayed with the standard MTG Studio colors for odd/even rows.
  • Adding multiple cards selection from card pool to deck when some of the cards have already been present in the deck results in an error.

Version 1.7.1 (Jan 02, 2010)

Changes in the application:

  • Added support for building Wagic the Homebrew decks.

Changes in the interface:

  • Added Value column to the Collection which is auto-calculated as Qty * Price.
  • Added new menus Deck|Deck from Card Pool, Deck|Collection from Card Pool, and Deck|Deck from Collection.
  • Added filtering by 'Planes' in the Filter dialog.
  • Added to the Rules Panel a list of combos in which the selected card can be used.
  • Removed the need of having a printer installed to run MTG Studio.
  • Added additional set information in Filter dialog:
  • block
  • the time elapsed since the set has been published
  • product type
  • card border color
  • set codename
  • card mechanics and keywords introduced in the set
  • people who were the design and development team in WotC
  • legal text displayed at the bottom of the card
  • information for the rarity breakdowns for the Starters and Boosters of the set
  • Over 100 of the MTG Studio icons have been replaced with better looking ones.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Garruk VS Liliana set.
  • Added From the Vault: Exiled set.
  • Added Premium Deck Series: Slivers set.
  • Added latest Promotional cards FNM, MPR.
  • All tokens are not listed as Common instead of Rare.
  • Added Zendikar, Magic 2010 tokens.
  • Fixed the rarity of the cards from the following sets: - Anthologies - Antiquities - Arabian Nights - Battle Royale - Beatdown - Chronicles - Deckmasters - Fallen Empires - Homelands - Starter 2000 - The Dark
  • Added 17'500 combos.
  • Added support for building MTG Online decks with cards from Zendikar.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added 40 preconstructed decks in Magic Workstation format from Alara Reborn, Conflux, Divine VS Demonic, Eventide, Jace VS Chandra, Mirage (MTGO), Shards of Alara, Stronghold (MTGO), Tempest (MTGO), Visions (MTGO), Weatherlight (MTGO).
  • Added Zendikar, Exodus, Garruk VS Liliana, Premium Deck Series Slivers theme decks in MTGO .dek file format.
  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from October 23, 2009
  • Updated Oracle rules from January 2, 2010
  • Updated General Rulings Summary from October 23, 2009

Version 1.7.0 (Oct 12, 2009)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added cards from the Zendikar set.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed Planechase collector numbers.

Version 1.6.9 (Aug 15, 2009)

Changes in the interface:

  • Added ability to filter cards by exactly specified mana cost colors.
  • Oracle™ rules are displayed in Rules panel only if they differ from the rules printed on the card.
  • Removed Help | Advice to Developers menu and replaced with the new voting and feature requesting menu Help | Request a Feature.
  • Added Shift+F3 command to filer the bottom grid (either Deck or Collection) depending on the current editing Mode.
  • Added Filter buttons to the Deck and Collection navigators.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added cards from the Planechase set.
  • Oracle™ rules are now contained within the MTG Studio database.
  • Stefan D'Angelo rules are now contained within the MTG Studio database.
  • Added support for MTG Online III Magic 2010 set.
  • Added support for MTG Online III Alara Reborn set.
  • Added support for MTG Online III From the Vault: Dragons set.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added Alara Rebord, Magic 2010, Masters Edition III, Stronghold, News Accounts Decks theme decks in MTG Online deck format.
  • Removed Rules\Oracle.txt file from the installation.
  • Removed Rules\Angelo.txt file from the installation.
  • Added Planeswalker and Free Play Current decks in MGT Online .dek file format.
  • Update Stephan D'Angelo rules from August 20, 2009

Fixed bugs:

  • Adding card to the deck not to loose the card pool focus is fixed.

Version 1.6.8 (Jun 25, 2009)

Changes in the interface:

  • Added mode for building decks from your collection.
  • Added ability to search and filter within Decks.
  • Added ability to search and filter within Collection.
  • Added visual notifications icons for cards in the deck which have newer reprint, cards which are restricted or banned.
  • Added new bug report window which displays much more detailed error information and attaches screenshot.
  • Added F2 and F18 as shortcuts for the Open command.
  • Added F4 and F13 as shortcuts for the Add to Deck command.
  • Added F5 and F14 as shortcuts for the Add to Sideboard command.
  • Added F8 and F15 as shortcuts for the Add to Collection command.
  • Added F9 as shortcuts for the Properties command.
  • Added F11 and F16 as shortcuts for the Increase Quantity command.
  • Added F17 as shortcuts for the Decrease Quantity command.
  • Added F19 as shortcut for the Save command.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Magic 2010 set.

Changes in the installation:

  • Update Oracle™ rules from June 28, 2009
  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from May 31, 2009.


  • Updated General Rules section with the rules from May 31, 2009.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed bug on Statistics screen with error message "EProgenitusEncounter in [cxPC.frmStatistics.pcStatistics] Address: $D0C20B Progenitus encountered".
  • Fixed update of the filtered cards count in the status bar when applying filter.

Version 1.6.7 (May 11, 2009)

Changes in the interface:

  • Changes in the cards database:
  • Added Alara Reborn, Conflux, Divine VS Demonic tokens.
  • Added Divine VS Demonic collector numbers.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a bug with error message "EVariantTypeCastError in [XXX] Address: $D0C20B Can not convert variant of type (Null) into type (OleStr)".

Version 1.6.6 (May 10, 2009)

Changes in the interface:

  • Allows to use File|Save while editing the collection.
  • Deck Registration Sheet settings are stored and reloaded during MTG Studio sessions.
  • In the Filter dialog typing '--' produces the long dash '—'.
  • Added ability to filter Planeswalker cards from the Card Type in Filter dialog.
  • Cards|Delete All command now works for the collection too.
  • Added tooltips for the abilities and legalities in the card rules panel.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Alara Reborn set.
  • Added Divine VS Demonic set.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added Divine VS Demonic decks.
  • Update Oracle™ rules from April 18, 2009
  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from April 18, 2009.

Fixed bugs:

  • Deck Registration Sheet raises Access Violation error.

Version 1.6.5 (Mar 29, 2009)

Changes in the interface:

  • Registration form checks for valid Username symbols.
  • The 'Buy' page is not displayed if MTG Studio is registered.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Fixed Super Secret Tech card color.
  • Fixed Legacy and Vintage legality.
  • Fixed Ravnica basic lands collector numbers.

Fixed bugs:

  • Entering registration username and key does not mark the program as registered.
  • Adding card from deck to collection from deck causes an error.
  • Adding cards with apostrophe in the name to collection fails.
  • Fixed displaying Legal column values.
  • View|Cards|Legality was not working for Collection.
  • Fixed odd font sizes in the Content page on Open Deck dialog when displaying binary deck content.
  • Fixed Legacy and Vintage formats in Filter dialog does not select all sets.

Version 1.6.4 (Mar 5, 2009)

Fixed bugs:

  • MTG Studio fails to start on Windows Vista.
  • MTG Studio is closed after several minutes of usage.
  • Elves VS Goblins card art folder is not present in the installation.

Version 1.6.3 (Mar 2, 2009)

Changes in the application:

  • Introduced a new binary Collection file format which allows loading thousands of cards within a second
  • Added File|Import wizard which allows importing various Collection file formats (from old MTG Studio versions, Magic Workstation .mwInventory, etc.)
  • Log files are written in UTF-8 Unicode format.
  • Configuration file mtgstudio.conf is written in UTF-8 Unicode format.
  • Decks for Magic Interactive Encyclopedia are written with 1252 codepage.
  • Oracle.txt, Angelo.txt, and Notes.txt file is in UTF-8 Unicode format.
  • MTG Studio can open decks with non-ASCII characters in the filename.
  • MTG Studio allows writing Unicode characters in the deck comments.
  • The user is allow to use non-ASCII characters when writing his custom card comments in Notes.txt.
  • MTG Studio can run now under Limited User account and does not require administrator privileges on Windows Vista and Windows 7.
  • Program configuration files mtgstudio.conf, mtgstudio.desk, mtgstudio.filter, mtgstudio.menus, mtgstudio.printer are stored in the My Documents\MTG Studio 1.6.3 folder instead of the installation folder.
  • Card Art, Reports, Logs, and My Decks folders are installed below My Documents\MTG Studio 1.6.3.
  • Notes.txt file for custom user card notes is now available below My Documents\MTG Studio 1.6.3.
  • The collection file mtgstudio.collection is now available below My Documents\MTG Studio 1.6.3.
  • Removed e-Card tool since it is not used.
  • MTG Studio can run now on Windows 7 (tested with Windows 7 Ultimate Beta Build 7000).
  • MTG Studio can run from Limited User Windows account and UAC (User Access Control) switched on on Vista and Windows 7.

Changes in the interface:

  • Added new Flavor, Artist, Power, Toughness, CMC and Collector Number columns to the Decks.
  • Added new Legal, Color, Type, Rarity, Cost, PT, Text, Flavor, Artist, Power, Toughness, CMC, Row columns to the Collection.
  • Pressing Delete button in deck deletes one copy of the card. Pressing Ctrl+Del deletes all copies of the card from the deck.
  • Added Delete All command to Cards menu which removes all cards from the active deck.
  • Main menu Deck renamed to File according to Microsoft "Designed for Windows Logo" recommendations.
  • Added Add to Collection menu to the card pool context menu.
  • Added Cancel option to the confirmation dialog of adding cards to the collection.
  • Added View|My Collection which allows you to filter the card pool with cards from your collection.
  • MTG Studio can now display the card names, type, artist name, text and flavor text in Unicode for cards not printed in English.
  • Added Open Installation Folder and Open Configuration Folder menus to the Tools menu.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Conflux set.
  • Added 10 Shards of Alara tokens.
  • Added support for MTG Online Shards of Alara cards.
  • Added support for cards from Masters Edition II online set.
  • Added support for cards from Jace VS Chandra online set.


  • Added Directory Structure topic.

Changes in the installation:

  • Update Oracle™ rules from February 10, 2009
  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from February 10, 2009.
  • Added MTG Online III .dek theme decks for Shadowmoor, Morningtide, Eventide, Tempest, Duels and Masters Edition II, Shards of Alara and Conflux.
  • Angelo.txt and Rules.txt files have been moved to the Rules folder below the MTG Studio installation folder.

Fixed bugs:

  • In Deck Registration Sheet settings dialog allow DCI number greater than 2147483647.
  • In Deck Registration Sheet settings dialog allow Cut, Copy and Paste shortkeys in the DCI Number field.
  • Passing a non-deck file as a command argument to MTG Studio causes Access Violation error.
  • Menu commands for adding cards to collection were grayed out when the card pool is selected.
  • Fixed Cost column sorting in the Decks to take into consideration the card color and CMC.

Version 1.6.2 (Oct 9, 2008)

Changes in the interface:

  • Added ability to import selected cards from the deck to your collection.
  • Added new columns to collection Used, Needed, Excess, Target, Buy, Buy At, Sell, Sell At, Desired, Price, Group, Print Type.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Shards of Alara set.
  • Added 30 cards from the latest Promotional and Token cards released.

Changes in the installation:

  • Update Oracle™ rules from October 5, 2008
  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from September 7, 2008.
  • Updated General Rules from September 10, 2008.

Fixed bugs:

  • Cost and Legality columns can now be resized.
  • Saving .deck decks with cards removed causes deck file corruption if the new file size is smaller.

Version 1.6.1 (Sep 20, 2008)

Changes in the application:

  • Added Reports menu with ability to print standard Deck Registration Sheet

Changes in the interface:

  • Filtering Red cards (for example) from Filter dialog now include guild-hybrid and mono-hybrid cards with Red mana symbol in the mana cost.
  • Added ability to "not ask again" when being prompted whether to marge a newly added card with the existing ones in your collection.
  • The card art is not scaled with high quality bicubic interpolation and smoothing.
  • A 'Flip' button now appears over the card art for the flip cards such as Budoka Pupil. Clicking the button displays the flipped version of the card.
  • An 'Out of Print' label appears over the card art for cards which are in the official Wizards of the Coast Reprint Policy.
  • Added ability to choose the position of the card art displayed. Possible values are 'Top-Left', 'Centered', 'Stretched'.
  • Added IntelliMouse support.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added support for the Eventide set in MTG Online III decks.
  • Added From the Vault: Dragons set.
  • Updated Banned and Restricted cards from the latest official B&R Update from 1 Sep 2008.

Changes in the installation:

  • For Windows installation prior to Windows XP the gdiplus.dll has been updated to use the latest 5.1.3102.1360 (xpsp2.040109-1800). Previously 5.1.3097.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) has been used.
  • Added 33 additional languages for the installation.
  • MTG Studio is added to the Windows Firewall exceptions during installation.
  • The installation uses the MTG Studio 'hand' icon.

Fixed bugs:

  • Pressing Decline button on the License Agreement dialog causes access violation.
  • Adding cards with no Collector No to the Collection causes access violation.
  • Sorting columns apart from the Collection No is not working.
  • The filter for the card pool by software type from the View menu is not working.
  • MTG Studio was not starting on Windows 2000. CredUI.dll was reported missing.
  • Fixed opening the correct online store web page when clicking on a card price.

Version 1.6 (Jul 16, 2008)

Changes in the application:

  • Added support for MTG Online III .dek deck format.
  • Added support user-defined Collection of cards.

Changes in the interface:

  • Added support for Hastur Hobbies and ABU Games price lists.
  • Added ability to switch on/off the display of the card prices.
  • MTG Studio will no longer prompt you "Do you wish to close MTG Studio?" when closing the program. (This is a Microsoft design recommendation).
  • The password screen of the "Minimize and Lock" feature will use the standard Windows password dialog.
  • Added Module Switch on the top-right side of the main menu.
  • Pressing F12 changes the focus from Card Pool to Decks to Collection and back to Card Pool.
  • Added "Add to Collection" and "Remove from Collection" menus in the Cards menu.
  • Added support for Windows Vista Aero glassing effect.
  • Added close deck button in the right-hand bottom part of the screen.
  • Double-clicking over the deck preview line runs the Open Deck dialog.
  • Deck can be rearranged by dragging and dropping the tabs in the deck preview area.
  • Added quick filters in the deck and collection column headers.
  • Added/updated menu icons.
  • Options dialog can be resized now.
  • Changed default cardback image.
  • Some toolbar icons have been replaced with a better looking ones.
  • Added new statusbar panel to show the long running process activity such as 'Opening decks...'.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added support for all MTG Online sets.
  • Augury Adept mana cost is fixed.
  • Added Shadowmoor tokens.
  • Added Eventide set.
  • Added Eventide tokens.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added the MTG Online preconstructed decks in .dek file format.
  • Update Oracle™ rules from July 16, 2008
  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from July 13, 2008.
  • Added Lorwyn, Elves VS Goblins, Morningtide, Shadowmoor preconstructed decks in Magic Workstation .mwDeck format.

Version 1.5.9 (Apr 25, 2008)

Changes in the interface:

  • Added support for mono hybrid mana.
  • Added support for Untap symbol.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added cards from Shadowmoor set.


  • Updated General Rules section with the rules from April 21, 2008.

Changes in the installation:

  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from April 21, 2008.
  • Update Oracle™ rules from April 25, 2008.

Version 1.5.8 (Mar 8, 2008)

Changes in the interface:

  • In the deck when a card is being double-clicked its quantity will be reduced by 1 instead of removing the card. If you wish to remove all copies of the card hold the Shift key while dobule-clicking.
  • Removed Perspective drop-down list from the main menu
  • Sorting the Mana Cost column is done by card color and converted mana cost instead of by alphabetical order
  • When printing a deck the deck name to be printed in the Header instead of the hardcoded "Deck" string
  • The printer and page settings are stored in MtgStudio.printer file in the MTG Studio installation folder
  • The artist column to be invisile by default
  • Removed banner visualization

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added support for Magic Workstation Morningtide cards.
  • All cards which are mana producers have their mana production ability assigned.
  • Added support for MTG Online decks with Morningtide cards.


  • Updated General Rules section with the rules from February 2, 2008.

Changes in the installation:

  • The Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MTG Studio now contains the correct minor version of the program.
  • Added Morningtide MTG Online theme decks.
  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from February 2, 2008.
  • Update Oracle™ rules from March 8, 2008.

Version 1.5.7 (Feb 20, 2008)

Changes in the application:

  • The configuration files are not stored in the MTG Studio installation folder instead of Application Data folder.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Elves VS Goblins set.
  • Added Morningtide tokens.
  • Updated banned and restricted card list.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added Elves VS Goblins and Weatherlight theme decks

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed. Reprinted cards from old sets were not recognized as legal.

Version 1.5.6 (Dec 26, 2007)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Morningtide set.
  • Added Ninth Edition Russian cards.
  • Added Gifts Ungiven Happy Holidays 2007 reward card.
  • Added new MTG Online Vanguard cards.
  • Added supports for Duels of the Planeswalkers and Mana Link 2.0 Shandalar expansions.
  • Added over 30 promotional cards.

Version 1.5.5 (Dec 22, 2007)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added support for saving Lorwyn cards in a Magic Workstation deck.
  • Added support for saving Lorwyn cards in a MTG Online deck.
  • Updated card legality according to the latest Banned & Restricted rules.
  • Added the latest Friday Night Magic cards.
  • Added the Lorwyn tokens.
  • Added promotional Champs 2007 and Gateway 2007 cards.

Changes in the installation:

  • Updated Preconstructed and World Championship decks in Magic Workstation deck format
  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from December 6, 2007.
  • Update Oracle™ rules from December 22, 2007


  • Updated General Rules section with the rules from December 6, 2007.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed. Error when trying to add а copy of Relentless Rats in a deck.
  • Fixed. Running MTG Studio on Windows 2000 fails and CPU usage becomes 100%.
  • Fixed. View|Shandalar Only filter was not filtering the Shandalar cards correctly.

Version 1.5.4 (Oct 12, 2007)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Lorwyn set.

Changes in the installation:

  • Update Oracle™ rules from October 12, 2007

Version 1.5.3 (Sep 26, 2007)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Masters Edition set.
  • Added Tenth Edition tokens.
  • Added the German version of Homelands set.
  • Added Dreamcast digital cards.
  • Added MTG Online promotional digital cards.

Changes in the installation:

  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from September 9, 2007.
  • Update Oracle™ rules from September 26, 2007

Version 1.5.2 (Jul 20, 2007)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Tenth Edition set.
  • Added MPS promotional lands.
  • Added Italian Legends set.
  • Added German Planar Chaos set.


  • Updated General Rules section with the rules from June 7, 2007.
  • Updated Editions section.

Version 1.5.1 (Jun 3, 2007)

Changes in the interface:

  • Added latest Time Spiral Block mechanic tooltips in Rules panel

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Future Sight support for MTG Online decks.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed reporting that there is a newer version than 1.5.

Version 1.5 (Jun 2, 2007)

Fixed bugs:

  • Removed time usage restriction.

Version 1.4.3 (Mar 5, 2007)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Introductory set.
  • Added Box Topper set.

Version 1.4.2 (Apr 24, 2007)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Future Sight set.

Changes in the installation:

  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from April 7, 2007.
  • Update Oracle™ rules
  • Added Future Sight cards FAQ


  • Updated the General Rules section with the rules from April 4, 2007.

Version 1.4.1 (Feb 25, 2007)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Errata fixes.

Version 1.4 (Jan 24, 2006)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added support for Planar Chaos edition.
  • Added support for Alternate Art cards in French, Portuguese, German, Russian, Latin, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Arabic, Hebrew

Changes in the installation:

  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from January 6, 2007.
  • Update Oracle™ rules

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed export of Timespiral and Timespiral Timeshifted cards in Magic Workstation format.

Version 1.3 (Oct 1, 2006)

Changes in the application:

  • Advanced Search allows searching by Rules and Flavor columns.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added support for Time Spiral edition.
  • Added support for MTG Online cards from Coldsnap edition.
  • Added support for MTG Online cards from Dissension edition.
  • Added Wild Mongrel [FNM 2006], Chainer's Edict [FNM 2006], Lightning Helix [MPR 2006], Zombify [MPR 2006], Circular Logic [FNM 2006], Astral Slide [FNM 2006] from Promotional edition.
  • Added Alternate Art edition.

Changes in the installation:

  • Updated Stephan D'Angelo rules from April 13, 2006.
  • Added MTGO themed decks from Dissension and Coldsnap.

Fixed bugs:

  • Bulgarian language is abailable from Options|Interface.
  • The Options|Interface form allows assigning the None shortcut to more than one program action.
  • The "Restore" action can be customized from the Options|Shortcuts form.
  • The "Deck Legality" action can be customized from the Options|Shortcuts form.
  • The splash screen and the card back image show the correct program version on themselves.
  • Fixed: searching for Auras is allowed from Filter menu when "Encahnt Something" is checked.
  • Errata: "Artist" instead of "Astist" in filter dialog
  • Errata: "Snow-Covered" instead of "Show-Covered" in Land and Mana abilities
  • Errata: Aetherflame Wall, Clockspinning rules are not fixed
  • Fixed cards with no mana cost (Ancestral Vision, Hypergenisis, Lotus Bloom, Living End, Restore Balance, Wheel of Fate) to have card color
  • Errata: Assault/Battery mana cost, card type, rules were corrected
  • Errata: Astral Slide slide card name was fixed
  • Fixed: the name of the card art folder "Eight Edition" renamed to "Eighth Edition"
  • Fixed: The Coldsnap symbol now shows in the Filter dialog
  • Fixed: Timespiral has its formats attached
  • Fixed: Edition formats are now correctly evaluated in Filter dialog

Version 1.2.5 (Aug 21, 2006)

Fixed bugs:

  • Lots of small issues.

Version 1.2.4 (Aug 11, 2006)

Fixed bugs:

  • Lots of small issues.

Version 1.2.3 (Jul 12, 2006)

Fixed bugs:

  • Lots of small issues.

Version 1.2.2 (Jul 11, 2006)

Fixed bugs:

  • Lots of small issues.

Version 1.2.1 (Jun 18, 2006)

Fixed bugs:

  • Lots of small issues.

Version 1.2 (Apr 24, 2006)

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added support cards from Dissension edition.
  • Added support for MTG Online cards from Visions edition.
  • Fixed Saviors of Kamigawa collector numbers.
  • Fixed spelling for Sun Ce, Young Conquerer from Portal Three Kingdoms.

Fixed bugs:

  • Lots of small issues.


  • Updated the General Rules section with the rules from January 22, 2006.

Version 1.1 (Feb 25, 2006)

Changes in the application:

  • Added ability for automatic download of card images depending on their edition and card versioning.
  • Enhancing the Deck | Open dialog to show deck information - deck name, author, format, legality, deck and sideboard quantity, deck strategy, notes and the content of the deck
  • Drag and drop shows a small preview of the selected cards which are dragged
  • From Options | Rules you have the ability to choose which parts of the rules to be shown in the Rules Panel
  • In Card Art Validator added ability to check for card files with wrong caps in the filename

Changes in the interface:

  • Added View | Card Preview | Size | Autosize action to adjust the card preview area size according to the currently loaded card art image
  • Added ability to choose the legality visualization style. You may choose from Letters, Arabic and Roman digits. See Options | Grids | Legality.
  • Added "Hide" to the popup menu of the Rules panel which hides the Rules panel
  • The Rules panel is automatically sized when the form is resized
  • Filter selections are remembered and restored during MTG Studio sessions
  • Column text horizontal alignment is not remembered and restored during MTG Studio sessions
  • Default size of the Card Preview area changed to 200x285 since it is the more common size of card art scans
  • The Card Preview area is centered when resized
  • Dragging with Ctrl key held will add 4 cards to the deck, if Shift is pressed before starting drag operation 1 card to the sideboard will be added, if both Ctrl+Shift are held when dragging a card - a dialog prompting to the number of cards you wish to add appears
  • Added ability to switch showing Card Preview hints on/off from Options | Interface
  • Added column Text for the Decks. By default it is hidden. Its appearance can be changed from View | Cards | Card Text
  • Added button "All" to Deck Legality form which checks the deck against Standard, Extended, Legacy and Vintage formats in one pass.
  • Added column Edition Name to Decks grid. By default the column is invisible.
  • Scrolling the mouse wheel while the Ctrl key is held will increase/decrease the quantity of the selected cards in the deck.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added new Guildpact Edition (GPT).
  • Added missing cards from Ninth Edition: Coral Eel, Eager Cadet, Giant Octopus, Goblin Raider, Index, Spined Wurm, Vengeance, Vizzerdrix, Underworld Dreams, Enormous Baloth.
  • Card Preview area width to be remebered during MTG Studio sessions
  • Order of the columns in the deck grid is being changed
  • Adding MTG Online cards support for cards from Ninth Edition
  • Added Arena 2006 promotional cards
  • Fixed the border colros for Unglued and Unhiged to Silver and Ninth Edition to White.
  • Removed Unofficial, Counters editions, RugRat tokens and HKSAR Promo cards in order the card database to have more consistent look.
  • Added all Battle Royale lands cards (36 lands).
  • Fixed name of Kird Ape [FNM 2005].

Changes in the installation:

  • Oracle™ texts have been updated (January 22, 2006).
  • Updated Stefan D'Angelo rules (December 29, 2005).
  • Stefan D'Angelo rules, Oracle™ Rules and Custom User Notes files are available under the main installation folder (not in separate subdirectories as before).
  • Added MTG Online themed decks for Guilpact, Ravnica, Ninth Edition, Mirage and Fifth Edition (installed in My Decks\MTG Online.dec).


  • Added to the Shortcuts section information about the Ctrl+Click, Shift+Click, and Shift+Ctrl+Click shortkeys.
  • Added to FAQ section information of how to disable the annoying sounds produced while navigating in the card pool.

Fixed bugs:

  • Improved overall performance in loading, editing and saving decks operations.
  • Card Art Validator does not mark 'readme.txt' file as unnecessary file
  • Double-clicking on the column header of the Card Pool or Deck grid column headers not to act like double-clicking on a card
  • When the rules splitter is closed and then opened the rules not to be hidden and the rules panel not to be filled with gray color.
  • Slightly reduced start-up time.
  • Fixed access violation when showing hints or popup menu on some Windows 2000 machines.
  • The Deck Properties fields Description and Comments not show the actual text written within the fields instead of '(WIDEMEMO)'.
  • Moving Up, Moving Down of the Card Art search paths is now remembered correctly.
  • When choosing on which abilities to filter (Filter|Abilities|Choose) only abilities to be enabled for selection, the ability groups now are showed grayed since they can not be selected.
  • When selection a card ability the ability is marked as checked in the Filter|Abilities|Choose dialog. This unexpected behavior is fixed.
  • Shandalar deck parser is enhanced to parse hand-written decks which do not strictly follow the Wotc format (Use spaces instead of Tabulations as separators), skip empty lines, etc.
  • When a card is Cut (Ctrl+X) from a deck, the deck to be marked as not saved.
  • Fixed bug. When Deck Legality dialog was shown the deck footer was cleared.
  • Fixed when sideboard quantity was edited from the grid in-place editor, the deck summary was lost.
  • Fixed. Replacing card from the card pool with a card in the deck which is already present in the deck but not selected was inserting a duplicated row for the same card.
  • Improved performance while searching for images with the Card Art Validator

Version (Aug 8, 2005)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added 350 new cards from 9-th Edition.

Version 1.0 (Dec 30, 2005)

Changes in the application:

  • Added support for MTGO binary deck format (DEC extension).
  • Added support for MTGO text deck format (TXT extension).
  • Added support for OCTGN text deck format (XML extension).
  • Added support for Shandalar/Duels of the Plainswalkers/Mana Link deck format (DCK extension).
  • Added support for TinyDeck deck format (TinyDeck extension). TinyDeck is a binary deck format which is extremely small (approximately 7'000 decks occupy only 1MB of disk space).
  • Added Apprentice Security Code checksum.
  • Official Wizards of the Coast card art images are downloaded automatically.
  • Added Card Pool filters - All Cards, Mtg Online, Mtg Interactive Ecyclopedia, Shandalar, Magic Workstation, Magic Suitcase valid cards.
  • Added Artist Browser tool to Tools menu. This tool provides detailed personal information for Magic artists.
  • Added dialog for choosing the Sorting Order of the grid columns. Available under View|Cards|Choose Sorting menu.
  • Added "Card of the Day" information in the Rules panel.
  • Added User Notes Editor under Tools menu. This tool is a simple text editor with some Magic specific capabilities such as searching fast for card names or rapid embedding of HTML tags.
  • Added Quick Navigator to the cards grid. The Quick Navigator is available in the View|Grid View|Navigator menu.
  • Added new column Row in the Cards and Decks grids. The new column displays the grid row number.
  • Added Word Count for the Translation Tool.
  • Added ability for "Case Insensitive" search for cards in Filter dialog.
  • When the program is started it automatically loads the last edited deck
  • Added 230 card notes from Wizards of the Coast development team
  • Added Anti-Boss feature to Options|Interface. Now you can disguise your MTG Studio as common applications like Word, Internet Explorer or WinAmp
  • Added Legend dialog in View menu. The Legend describes the common visual representation of card mana symbols, legality and rarity
  • Added ability to define the folder where your MTG Interactive Encyclopedia is installed (if any).
  • Added ability arrange the priority of the card art scan routines (Searching for MTG Encyclopedia images, searching in local folders, automatic download from Internet).
  • Card art image with any the following extensions are supported: *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.jpe, *.bmp, *.png, *.gif.

Changes in the interface:

  • Full support for Windows XP themes
  • Sorting of the Edition column is done by the edition release date
  • Sorting of Power, Toughness and Collector Number columns is done by their value
  • Added "Schema Last Updated" in Report
  • Increased the loading speed of the Translation Tool
  • The filter footer band shows the last 5 filters applied
  • The column filters remeber the last 5 filters applied
  • Starting Hand tool now uses real randomization. The cards are now taken from the active deck only considering the number of copies of the cards within the deck. Starting Hand dialog can be localized in other languages now.
  • The interface has been updated to Office 11 outlook
  • Addded ability to display the rows in the card grid and deck grid depending on the card rarity. The change can be aplied from Option|Grids dialog.
  • Addded support for visualization on Hybrid cards
  • Card Arter tool has been removed since it is difficult to use and not frequently updated
  • Added transparent hint when the mouse is over the card preview which shows the card rules
  • Legality column now shows the DCI banned, restricted and legal cards for Standard, Extended, Legacy and Vintage formats.
  • The Internet Links in the Help menu are organized in categories.
  • Added ability to change the Card Preview area size from 200x285 to 313x445 mode. The option is available under View|Card Preview|Size menu.
  • Double-clicking on the deck page closes the deck.
  • Card mechanics are painted in dark red in the Rules panel. When the mouse is positioned over the keyword the mechanic description is displayed.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added new Ravnica: City of Guilds Edition (COG).
  • Added new 9-th Edition (9E).
  • Added Anthologies, Renaissance (German), Renaissance (French), and Renaissance (Italian) collector numbers.
  • Added "Out of Print" ability according to Official Reprint Policy.
  • Added MTG Online Vanguard avatars to Vanguard edition
  • Added MTG Online Tokens to Tokens edition
  • Added Filler Cards edition. The edition stores information about the various filler cards found in the boosters.
  • Added new MTG Online avatar Vanguard cards.
  • Added new MTG Online promotional cards.
  • Added missing Duelmasters and Battle Royale land cards.
  • Judgment edition now is correctly spelled (it was Judgement before). You should rename your old Card Art directories.
  • Removed unnecessary tokens Goblin, Pegasus, Sheep, Soldier, Squirrel, Zombie from Unglued edition.
  • Added Psychatog [MPR 2005], Shichifukujin Dragon [Unique], [CENSORED] Whuppin' [Pre 20 Nov 2004], Budoka Pupil [Pre] and Unhinged Alternate Foils to Promo Cards edition.
  • The misspelled 'Chonicles' edition name was corrected to Chronicles edition
  • Added Fact or Fiction [FNM 2005], Cabal Therapy [FNM 2005], Juggernaut [FNM 2005], Mana Leak [MPR 2005], Slith Firewalker [Jr Super Series], Royal Assassin [Jr Super Series] to Promo Cards edition
  • Added collector numbers for Saviors of Kamigawa, Betrayers of Kamigawa, Alpha, Beta, and Revised.
  • Added all card identifiers from OCTGN.

Changes in the installation:

  • Oracle™ rules have been updated (November 6, 2005).

Fixed bugs:

  • Card Art Validator does not mark 'readme.txt' file as unnecessary file
  • Starting Hand uses better randomization algorithm
  • Starting Hand is calculated on the currently active deck not on all cards from all decks
  • Starting Hand takes into consideration the quantity of a given card within the deck
  • Applying Bet Fit and Best Fit (all columns) do not change the size of Color and Legality columns
  • When closing e-Card Creator 'No' and 'Cancel' buttons were switched. It is fixed now.
  • Fixed popup menu on the rules panel was popped twice.
  • Whenever the filter conditions become too many and complicated, clicking "Customize..." in the Card Grid footer may cause displaying access violation message. When such complicated filters are made, the customize button is not shown.
  • Artifact Creatures are counted as spells instead of creatures.
  • The footer of the Cards Grid is not updated when the card quality is increased or decreased.


  • Card Art section was updated.
  • Banned and Restricted section for Standard, Extended, Legacy and Vintage was updated. Two-headed giant format was added.
  • Nov 12, 2005 Our website is reconstructed and now it is fully compatible with Mozilla browsers.

Version (Feb 5, 2005)

Changes in the card database:

  • Added the Betrayers of Kamigawa edition.

Version 0.5.5 (Jan 5, 2005)

Changes in the application:

  • Added Registration and ability buy a legal copy of MTG Studio. The license changed from freeware to trial.
  • Added Probability analysis
  • Added Check for Update feature in the Help menu. Also automatic background check for new versions is done.
  • On Dec 24, 204 MTG Studio becomes shareware.

Changes in the interface:

  • The deck description maximum length is no longer restricted to 256 symbols

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added Unhinged edition.
  • Added APAC, EURO and GURU lands to Promo Cards edition.
  • Added 9x12 Cards.
  • Added the duplicates for Ertai, the Corrupted (1), Skyship Weatherlight (1), Tahngarth, Talruum Hero (1) from Planeshift edition.
  • Added the unique card Shichifukujin Dragon.
  • Fixed the name of Scathe Zombies from Starter 1999 edition.
  • Fixed the cost of Lose Hope from Fifth Dawn edition.
  • Updated Magic Player Rewards edition.
  • Updated 6x9 Oversized edition.


  • Added License and Registration section.
  • Added Manalyzer section.

Version 0.5.4 (Aug 20, 2004)

Changes in the application:

  • Added new Filter functionality - filter by card text, color, rarity, edition, legality, mana cost, converted mana cost, abilities, power and toughness.
  • Added Abilities
  • Added support for MTG Interactive Encyclopedia card art images.
  • Added Show Only Unique Cards mode to View menu. Switching this mode on will allow you to see only the unique cards from the latest editions.
  • Added Card Art Validator utility. Available in Tools menu.
  • Added Starting Hand generator. Available in Tools menu.
  • Added Find Deck command in Tools menu.
  • Added Online Judge command in Cards menu. Online Judge allows quick online consultation (question/answers) with judges.
  • Added Online Gatherer command in Cards menu. Selecting a card and opening Online Gatherer will automatically search and display the card information from the official Wizards of the Coast online card database called Gatherer.
  • Added support for MTG Interactive Encyclopedia/MTG Play deck format (*.xml).
  • Added drag and drop of cards between the cards grid and the deck and vice versa.
  • Added Information about Updates feature in Help menu - Automatic subscription for MTG Studio newsletter.
  • Added Ctrl+Alt+E hotkey for restoring the program from tray bar.
  • Added Minimize and Lock functionality. This will minimize the program in the tray bar. It will ask for password before restoring the program. The default password is 1234. The password can be changed from View|Options|Passwords dialog box.
  • Added Minimize to Tray, Stay on Top, Minimize and Lock commands to main form system menu.
  • Added Max Same Cards in Deck option. This will allow you to change the maximum number of same cards in the deck and sideboard. Available in View|Options|Decks dialog box.
  • Added Tips and Tricks in the Help menu.

Changes in the interface:

  • The card grid now can have fixed (freezed) columns and ability to show single card information on multiple rows. Try dragging and drop of columns.
  • Added Power, Toughness and CMC (Converted Mana Cost) columns to the cards grid.
  • Added Lands, Spells, Creatures summary to the deck cards grid.
  • Added Abilities, Converted Mana Cost, Legality, and Artist details in the card rules panel.
  • Added View|Grid View menu actions.
  • Changed splash screen outlook. Splash screen now shows the loading status.
  • Changed Messages form outlook.
  • Translation Tool now shows the not translated rows in red.

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added all cards from Champions of Kamigawa (COK).
  • Added all cards from Fifth Dawn (FD).
  • Added all cards from Astral (AS).
  • Added all cards from Harper Prism (HP).
  • Added all cards' artists.
  • Added all cards' collector numbers.
  • Added ~500 missing versions of basic lands and other spells.
  • Fixed 1158 cards with alternative card art version.
  • All rules and flavor texts were spell checked.
  • Added missing Contract from Below and Sea Serpent to Alpha edition.
  • Added missing Circle of Protection: Black, Hive, The, and Volcanic Island to Alpha edition.
  • Added missing Laquatus's Disdain to Judgment edition.
  • Added missing Scathe Zombies and Sea Eagle to Starter 1999
  • Added missing Hurricane, Prismatic Ward, and Serendib Efreet to Promo Cards edition.
  • Added missing country specific lands: Mountain [Rice Terrace], Mountain [Japan], Swamp [Japan], Plains [Australia], Plains [China], Plains [Japan], Swamp [Indonesia], Forest [Korea], Forest [China], Forest [Japan], Island [Singapore], Swamp [New Zealand], Island [Hong Kong], Mountain [Taiwan], Island [Japan] to Promo Cards Edition.
  • Moved the misplaced Karmic Guide from Unlimited to Urza's Legacy
  • Added collector numbers for Starter 1999
  • Changed Shapeshifter toughness to "7-*".
  • Fixed Will-O-The-Wisp and Will-O'-The-Wisp naming. Before the 4th Edition there was no ' in the card name.
  • Fixed Karoo from Visions and Desert from Arabian Nights mana cost.
  • Fixed Power and Toughness for Stampede, Blizzard, Avalanche from Ice Age, Desert> from Arabian Nights, Jolt, Shimmer, Carrion from Mirage, Karoo, Desolation from Visions, Blight, Seeker from Renaissance (German).
  • Replaced Tidal Flats with its three versions Tidal Flats (1), Tidal Flats (2), and Tidal Flats (3) in Fallen Empires edition.
  • Removed unnecessary cards from Alliances present also in Alpha edition.
  • Removed unnecessary cards Raging Goblin, Ascendant Envicar, and Rhox from Forth edition.
  • Removed unnecessary cards Krovikan Horror, Circle of Protection: Black, and Volcanic Island from Alpha edition.
  • Removed 102 misplaced cards from Urza's Legacy in Unlimited edition.
  • Removed unnecessary Drudge Sceletons from Beta edition.
  • Removed unnecessary Seafarers' Quay from Legends edition.
  • Removed duplicated Aether Burst from Odyssey edition.
  • Removed duplicated Will-O'-The-Wisp from Unlimited edition.

Changes in the installation:

  • Added French localization. (thanks to PVA)
  • Added Spanish localization. (thanks to Elessar)
  • The folder with predefined decks is now installed in My Documents. This is the recommended from Microsoft© location for user data.

Fixed bugs:

  • Deck statistics are only shown only when deck has cards.
  • Power, Toughness, and CMC columns' visibility and arrangement are now saved.
  • In the translation tool appending empty rows is not yet allowed. Appending empty rows was causing access violation during saving.
  • In Deck Statistics Color Breakdown and Rarity Breakdown ware not taking into consideration the quantity of the cards in the deck.


  • Added Filters tutorial.
  • Added Books section.
  • Added Drag and Drop section.
  • Added Translations section.
  • Updated Card Art section. Added card art naming convention.
  • Fixed navigation between the topics.

Version (May 10, 2004)

Changes in the interface: ** adds French language localization.

Changes in the card database:

  • Update for all the cards from the latest Fifth Dawn edition

Version 0.5.3 (May 1, 2004)

Changes in the application:

  • Added localization support - the program can be 100% localized in different languages (including hieroglyphs)
  • Added translation tool (Tools|Translation Tool) which greatly simplifies the localization process
  • Added Online Rules - check the latest card rules from CrystalKeep when active Internet connection is present
  • Added ability to define custom menu shortcuts. Look at View|Options|Shortcuts.
  • Added support for working with Magic Suitcase (version 8.0.33) decks.

Changes in the interface:

  • Changed About box outlook

Changes in the cards database:

  • Added flavor text to Darksteel (DS), Scourge (SC), Starter 1999 (P4) and 6x9 (69) editions.
  • Added the missing Sea Eagle and Scathe Zombies cards to Starter 1999 edition.

Changes in the installation:

  • Installation ships with localizations in German and Bulgarian.

Fixed bugs:

  • The documentation now is correctly displayed on older Internet Explorer versions.
  • When opening the program for the first time, changes in project options are not stored. Also the License Agreement form shows twice instead of once.
  • Fixed a bug with error code FDDD0642-B34E-4C18-950F-4B44C38143AE. When opening the program for the first time access violation occurs.
  • When opening Page Setup dialog box for the Mana Curve chart in Statistics form.
  • The help documentation was not displayed correct when the Internet Explorer version was earlier than 6.0.


  • Add list of supported editions and their abbreviations (Deck Editor|Editions section).
  • Add Miscellenious|Requirement section.
  • Updated Deck Editor|Shortcuts section - added Translation Tool form shortkeys.

Version 0.5.2 (Apr 1, 2004)

Changes in the application:

  • Card definitions updated with all cards from Darksteel edition
  • Added support for Rules. Rules have fancy outlook and can be exported in HTML, RTF, Txt format. ** Rules are generated even for cards which do not have such. Such ruling is marked as "(generated)". ** Rules have in-build integration with Card Rules in the help.
  • Added Deck Legality for Standard, Extended, Classic and Classic-R formats. (press F6 when deck is opened)
  • Added Legality Column to cards' grids. (Ctrl+L and Ctrl+Shift+L)
  • Added deck statistics - card breakdowns by color, type, rarity, editions.
  • Added deck Manalyzer and Mana Curve statistics.
  • Added Options form for configuring the user interface, Card Art search folders, Card Art visualization effects. Press F10 to display the form.
  • Added Card Preview in Windows Default Viewer
  • Added Import Rules functionality. Currently Crystal Keep rules are supported.
  • Added ability to export the Card Preview in GIF format
  • Added new toolbars: Navigator, Edit, Deck, Search
  • Added SendTo | MTG Studio association with Windows Explorer
  • Added new Checksum algorithms for checksums and message digests for a deck. Look in Deck Properties form.
  • Computer Report (Tools | Report) can be saved in html format
  • Double-clicking a deck from the Windows Explorer opens the deck in the currently active MTG Studio.
  • Added drag-and-drop for decks from Windows Explorer into MTG Studio
  • The program starts nearly 3 times faster. (Approximately for 2 seconds on 2.5 GHz CPU)
  • Added Deck | Delete for permanently deleting the currently active deck
  • Goto menu - easy navigation within the cards' grid
  • Select All - select all cards
  • Increase/Decrease/Toggle Quantity - easy way to change the quantity of the selected cards
  • Added Cut, Copy, Paste cards between decks
  • Added Tools | Card Arter - MTG Studio integration with card images downloading tool
  • Added View | Toolbars - toggle toolbars' visibility
  • Added View | Toggle Cards/Decks to toggle focus between the grids. (F12 is the short key)
  • Removed Help | Support. Added Help | Bug Report and Help | Advice to Developers - send your bug reports, requests and recommendations to MTG Studio developers.
  • Added to Help menu Game Rules and # Version History

Changes in the interface:

  • In the Cards grid added new column Number which represents the Collector's Number of the Card
  • Added Full edition name column in Cards Grid

Changes in the installation:

  • Installation ships the latest version of Card Arter 0.5. Install Card Arter from the "Tools" section in the setup.
  • Installation now includes the original Magic Fonts under the "Tools" section.
  • Changed installation interface. Installation now supports 15 languages (English, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, and Swedish).

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed small memory leaks
  • Fixed bug of type access violation with "mshtml.dll"
  • Optimized search for Card Art


  • Help documentation was updated.
  • Added General Rules, Mirrodin FAQ and list of banned and restricted cards.
  • Added list of program shortcuts.

Version 0.5.1 (Jan 5, 2003)

  • Fixed bug when declining the license agreement
  • Upload deck feature added
  • /log command line key added
  • Added link in Help|Forum to the official MTG Studio forum
  • Added visual macro recorder in Tools|Recorder
  • Added command Tools|Card Arter

Version 0.5 (Dec 25, 2003)

  • First official release

Version 0.1 (Aug 14, 2003)

  • Nov 25, 2003 MTG Studio web site is running
  • Oct 16, 2003 First official mentioning of the new product at forum
  • Aug 14, 2003 MTG Studio project initiated
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