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Releases: getreu/tp-note


18 Oct 22:51
Choose a tag to compare
minor bug fix, upgrade sanitize filename


08 Oct 18:49
Choose a tag to compare
new feature: headless version


30 Sep 21:00
Choose a tag to compare
regression fix: `\"` in title should expand to ` `

This release fixes a minor regression introduced with
version v1.7.6:

The bug only appeared when the title contained unusual
escaped characters like `\"` or `\'`.
In these cases one extra `_` had been inserted into the

Explanation: the `sanit()` filter did insert extra escapes like
`\"` for `"`. These appeared after being sanitized as extra
`_` in filenames.


25 Sep 19:52
Choose a tag to compare
more detailed debugging messages


24 Sep 22:35
Choose a tag to compare
implement a more flexible header model

This release comes with some bigger internal changes: Before, TP-note
knew only String variables in templates. This is Ok for most use cases,
but in a more advanced scenario one wants to use `Number` data types
also, allowing to do calculations in templates.  With this release,
Tp-Note parses all known Tera types in document (and template) headers:
`Number`, `String` and `Bool` types are made available for later usage
in filename templates under the same name, with the `fm_` prefix. For
example, the header line `subtitle: 'My first book'` generates a
variable named `fm_subtitle` with the content `My first book`.

Besides, the `tmpl_copy_content` template is improved: It can now
forward (copy) all incoming variables and format them.

A minor improvement is, that _Tp-Note_ will always try to open the note
file with some file editor, even if it encounters problems with its
configuration file.


21 Sep 15:31
Choose a tag to compare
corner case: rule out cyclic filename change

This release adds codes to deal with the corner case, that a note has a
subtitle ending with "(1)", "(2)", "(3)" ....

So far this lead to filename endings that could have been confused with
the copy counter tag "(n)".

This release defines a new configuration variable
`copy_counter_extra_separator` which inserts an extra separator (`-`) in
case there could be confusion.


19 Sep 16:19
Choose a tag to compare
internal preformance improvement: cp less


17 Sep 17:45
Choose a tag to compare
add error msg to help debugging templates


17 Sep 17:46
Choose a tag to compare
automatically backup/remove outdated config files

This release also accepts documents that do not end
with a newline.
This is a workaround for MarkText: when the body is
empty, it saves only the header part without a newline.


13 Sep 14:33
Choose a tag to compare
place copy counter behind filename: ...(1).md