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Releases: getreu/tp-note


20 Jun 16:42
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Enhance the HTML clipboard configuration options

This release extends the `html_to_markup` filter by adding a `default=`
parameter in case the filter fails, its result is the empty string, or if
the filter is disabled for a certain markup language with the configuration
variable `extensions.1`.

The `clipboard` variable is replaced by the variables `txt_clipboard` and
`html_clipbaord`. They both represent the clipboard's text content. The
difference is, that the `html_clipboard` carries HTML formatting along the
text, while `txt_clipboard` holds the plain text only.


12 Apr 10:09
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Regression fix: repair broken Windows installer

This updates the tool chain that produces the Windows installer. The `.msi`
installer was broken in version 1.24.1.

Minor bug fix:

* Windows: do not insert double `\r\r` when input comes from both: stdin and
  the clipboard.


11 Apr 15:56
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Regression bug fix: no HTML in X11 clipboard, fallback to text

This release fixes a regression (commit dc9fd8d) introduced with the
migration to the `clipboard-rs` crate (commit b532b71) under Linux/X11:
When the clipboard contains no HTML, now the plain text content is
correctly used (again).

Minor internal improvements:

* Refactor clipboard related templates


08 Apr 12:06
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Add clipboard HTML to Markdown converter

This release of adds internal clipboard HTML detection and conversion to

In earlier versions the conversion of clipboard HTML content into Markdown was
performed in the Browser by the plugins _Copy Selection as Markdown_ and _Copy
as Markdown_ only. Now, this conversion can be done by Tp-Note also without
browser plugin.

For best results browser plugins are still preferred, because in addition to the
selected content, the plugins insert also a link to the displayed page. Without
plugin this information must be completed by hand. Nevertheless, the internal
converter does a good job with quickly copying hyperlinks into Tp-Note files.


21 Mar 12:38
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Security release for RUSTSEC-2024-0019, no new features

The vulnerability RUSTSEC-2024-0019 was found in one of Tp-Note's
dependencies. For those who compile Tp-Note, this is fixed by a simple
`cargo update`. Nevertheless, some distributions (e.g. NixOS), refer to
the exact versions in `Cargo.lock`, which motivates this new release.

Internal changes and refactoring:

* Build chain: migrate from Docker to Podman
* Encapsulation of the clipboard related code.


28 Feb 18:39
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Correct the last git release tag. No source code change.

This corrects the last git release tag (without `v`) which caused downstream
build scripts to fail.


27 Feb 20:23
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Add page numbers for PDF rendition with WeasyPrint

Highlights in this release:

* Allow PDF rendition with WeasyPrint

      tpnote --export=- | weasyprint - mydoc.pdf

* Refactor `tmpl_html` templates
* Disable library logging when invoking with `--debug <LEVEL>`
* Remove some workaround for early versions of the `notify` crate.
* Bug fix: source also `tmpl_html` section when given in a configuration file


17 Feb 10:36
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Fix regression: viewer: render error page again

This regression was introduced with Tp-Note version 1.23.6, commit `37ef6ea`
and fixed with commit `bf19d70`.

Minor change:
* Give `--force-lang` precedence over `TPNOTE_LANG_DETECTION


11 Feb 18:14
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Minor breaking change: format string syntax

See chapter: 6.2.3. Local links with format strings


Format strings


14 Jan 19:58
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Maintenance release: update documentation