Releases: getreu/tp-note
Releases · getreu/tp-note
Improve the clipboard HTML to Markdown converter: add table conversion New and improved features of the clipboard HTML to Markdown filter: * Conversion of tables * Better whitespace handling * Extension API This release migrates to the `html2md` crate with some patches applied. The author of `html2md` grants to this repository the MIT license.
Breaking change: rename `.tpnote.toml` to `tpnote.toml` The former marker filename was `.tpnote.toml`. As the marker file and the configuration file `~/.config/tpnote/tpnote.toml` have the same syntax and semantics, it is more consistent that they have the same filename. If you have used marker files, please rename them from `.tpnote.toml` to `tpnote.toml`.
Group front-matter variables in templates Breaking configuration change. If you use custom templates, please update them: Front matter variables in templates must be preceeded with `fm.`, e.g. `fm_author` becomes `fm.fm_author`, `fm_title` becomes `fm.fm_title`, `fm_subtitle` becomes `fm.fm_subtitle` and so on.
Viewer: add $$ syntax for inline formula Since the version 1.19.8 Tp-Note can render mathematical formula. So far inline formula had to be enclosed between `$ and $`. e.g. `$\alpha$`. This former syntax, is still supported, is now deprecated. The present release adds support for the standard syntax with simple $ enclosure, e.g. $\alpha$. The former syntax for display formula: ```math \alpha ``` can now be written as: $$ \alpha $$
Revert migration to the `mdka` crate The reverted change was introduced in v1.24.5. Unfortunately everyday usage shows, that the `mdka` crate is not as mature as the former solution with the `fast_html2md` crate. Otherwise, no new features. The `extensions` table of the `zettel` scheme was updated. This concerns only users of the `zettel` scheme _not_ using Markdown.