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v1.3_Parameter file

mAGLAVE edited this page Mar 3, 2025 · 1 revision

Parameters file: the snakemake configfile

It is the parameters file that contains optional and non-optional settings to run the pipeline.

Be careful: in a yaml file, the indentation is important.

This file is organized in 2 parts:

1. steps: choose the steps to run

Name Description Example Default value Possible values
Steps steps to run ["Alignment_countTable_GE","Droplets_QC_GE","Filtering_GE"] No default value "Alignment_countTable_GE", "Alignment_countTable_ADT", "Alignment_annotations_TCR_BCR", "Droplets_QC_GE", "Filtering_GE", "Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE", "Clust_Markers_Annot_GE", "Adding_ADT", "Adding_TCR", "Adding_BCR", "Cerebro"
Tmp temporary directory "/mnt/beegfs/scratch/m_aglave/tmp/" /tmp NA

Note: to have more details on steps, see Pipeline details page of the wiki.

2. parameters for each step


Name Description Example Default value Possible values list of samples names of genes expression ["sample1_GE", "sample2_GE"] No default value NA absolute path to fastq files of genes expression "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/fastq/" No default value NA absolute path to output folder "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/" No default value NA
sctech technology of 10X used to generate fastq files "10xv2" "10xv3" "10xv2","10xv3" absolute path to index file for the aligment of genes expression "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir.kidx" "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir.kidx" NA absolute path to tr2g file for the aligment of genes expression "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir_tr2gs.txt" "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir_tr2gs.txt" NA
reference.txt text for the aligment of genes expression in Materials and Methods "Ensembl reference transcriptome v99 corresponding to the homo sapiens GRCH38 build" "<insert_you_reference_here>" NA
fastqscreen_index absolute path to the configuration file of references for fastq-screen alignment "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/FASTQ_SCREEN/0.14.0/fastq_screen.conf" "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/FASTQ_SCREEN/0.14.0/fastq_screen.conf" NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values list of samples names of genes expression ["sample1_GE", "sample2_GE"] determined from of Alignment_countTable_GE if it exists NA absolute path to the aligment results folder ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/KALLISTOBUS/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/KALLISTOBUS/"] determined from of Alignment_countTable_GE if it exists NA absolute path to output folder ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/"] determined from of Alignment_countTable_GE if it exists NA
species species of genes expression "homo_sapiens" "homo_sapiens" "homo_sapiens","mus_musculus" name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
emptydrops.fdr FDR threshold for emptydrops tool "5E-02" "1E-03" NA
droplets.limit number min of droplets to run emptydrops "1E+04" "1E+05" NA
emptydrops.retain all droplets with a number of UMI above this value is considered as a cell 1000 No default value NA
translation bool to translate ENSG into Gene Symbol TRUE TRUE TRUE/FALSE
pcmito.min threshold min for percentage of mitochondrial RNA (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) 0 0 NA
pcmito.max threshold max for percentage of mitochondrial RNA (above this threshold the cells are eliminated) 0.1 0.2 NA
pcribo.min threshold min for percentage of ribosomal RNA (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) 0.1 0 NA
pcribo.max threshold max for percentage of ribosomal RNA (above this threshold the cells are eliminated) 0.9 1 NA
min.features threshold min for number of genes (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) 150 200 NA
min.counts threshold min for number of UMI (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) 1500 1000 NA
min.cells include genes expressed in at least this many cells (minimum cells covering) 10 5 NA
mt.genes.file RDS file with list of mitochondrial genes "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENELISTS/homo_sapiens_mito_symbols_20191001.rds" determined from species parameter of Droplets_QC_GE NA
crb.genes.file RDS file with list of ribosomal genes "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENELISTS/homo_sapiens_cribo_symbols_20191015.rds" determined from species parameter of Droplets_QC_GE NA
str.genes.file RDS file with list of mecanic stress genes "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENELISTS/homo_sapiens_stress_symbols_20200224.rds" determined from species parameter of Droplets_QC_GE NA
translation.file file of translation between ENSG into Gene Symbol "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENE_CONVERT/EnsemblToGeneSymbol_Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.txt" determined from species parameter of Droplets_QC_GE NA
metadata.file csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values list of samples names ["sample1_GE", "sample2_GE"] determined from of Droplets_QC_GE if it exists NA absolute path to the file.rda containing the seurat R object ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/QC_droplets/sample1_GE_QC_NON-NORMALIZED.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/QC_droplets/sample2_GE_QC_NON-NORMALIZED.rda"] determined from of Droplets_QC_GE if it exists NA absolute path to output folder ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/"] determined from of Droplets_QC_GE if it exists NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
pcmito.min threshold min for percentage of mitochondrial RNA (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) 0 0 NA
pcmito.max threshold max for percentage of mitochondrial RNA (above this threshold the cells are eliminated) 0.1 0.2 NA
pcribo.min threshold min for percentage of ribosomal RNA (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) 0.1 0 NA
pcribo.max threshold max for percentage of ribosomal RNA (above this threshold the cells are eliminated) 0.9 1 NA
min.features threshold min for number of genes (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) 150 200 NA
min.counts threshold min for number of UMI (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) 1500 1000 NA
min.cells include genes expressed in at least this many cells (minimum cells covering) 10 5 NA
doublets.filter.method method used to filter doublets. To not filter set this parameter to "none" "all" "all" "all","scDblFinder","scds","none"
cc.seurat.file RDS file with list of cell cycle genes for seurat "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENELISTS/homo_sapiens_cyclone_pairs_symbols_20191001.rds" determined from species into seurat object NA
cc.cyclone.file RDS file with list of cell cycle genes for cyclone "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENELISTS/homo_sapiens_cyclone_pairs_symbols_20191001.rds" determined from species into seurat object NA
metadata.file csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values list of samples names ["sample1_GE", "sample2_GE"] determined from of Filtering_GE if it exists NA absolute path to the file.rda containing the seurat R object ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/sample1_GE_FILTERED_NON-NORMALIZED.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/sample2_GE_FILTERED_NON-NORMALIZED.rda"] determined from of Filtering_GE if it exists NA absolute path to output folder ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/"] determined from of Filtering_GE if it exists NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
eval.markers list of genes to evaluate normalization and dimension reduction "GAPDH,CD4,CD8A,CD24,CTLA4" No default value NA
features.n number of High Variable Genes to consider 3000 2000 NA
norm.method name of normalization method "LogNormalize" "SCTransform" "LogNormalize","SCTransform"
dimred.method name of dimension reduction method "scbfa" "pca" "scbfa","bpca","pca","mds"
vtr.biases list of biases to regress "nFeature_RNA,percent_mt" No default value percent_mt, percent_rb, nFeature_RNA, percent_st, Cyclone.Phase, and all other column name in metadata
vtr.scale bool to center biaises to regress (for scbfa and bpca only) FALSE FALSE TRUE,FALSE
dims.max number max of dimensions to compute 100 50 NA
dims.min number min of dimensions to compute 10 3 NA
dims.steps steps for dimensions to compute for evaluation 3 2 NA
res.max number max of resolution to compute for evaluation 3 1.2 NA
res.min number min of resolution to compute for evaluation 0.1 0.1 NA
res.steps steps for resolution to compute for evaluation 0.2 0.1 NA
metadata.file csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values list of samples names ["sample1_GE", "sample2_GE"] determined from of Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists NA absolute path to the normalized and reduced seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca.rda"] determined from of Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists NA absolute path to output folder ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/"] determined from of Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
markfile genes to plot on umap "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers1.xslx,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers2.xslx" No default value see Additional files of Configuration in this wiki
keep.dims number of dimension to keep for clustering (from 0 to keep.dims) 25 No default value NA
keep.res resolution value for clustering 0.5 No default value NA
cfr.minscore minimum correlation score for clustifyr to consider 0.40 0.35 NA
sr.minscore minimum correlation score for SingleR to consider 0.20 0.25 NA
metadata.file csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values
input.rda absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) to convert in cerebro object ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Adding_BCR or Adding_TCR or Adding_ADT or Clust_Markers_Annot_GE NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
version version of cerebro to use "v1.2" "v1.3" "v1.2","v1.3"
groups column name (in to define clusters/comparisons for Cerebro object (usefull for TCR/BCR part). "conditions" the last RNA clustering and samples information are already included all column name in metadata
remove.other.reductions remove all other reductions present in seurat object (keep only final umap) FALSE FALSE TRUE,FALSE
remove.other.idents remove all other clustering present in seurat object (keep only the last clustering) TRUE FALSE TRUE,FALSE remove mitochondrial genes (to see better the other genes) FALSE FALSE TRUE,FALSE
remove.crb.genes remove ribosomal genes (to see better the other genes) FALSE FALSE TRUE,FALSE
remove.str.genes remove stress genes (to see better the other genes) FALSE FALSE TRUE,FALSE
only.pos.DE keep only positive DE genes from customized differential expression analysis (for genes markers identification is always only positive) FALSE FALSE TRUE,FALSE
remove.custom.DE remove results from customized differential expression analysis FALSE FALSE TRUE,FALSE
gmt.file GMT file for cerebro "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/DATABASE/MSIGDB/7.1/msigdb_v7.1_GMTs/msigdb.v7.1.symbols.gmt" "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/DATABASE/MSIGDB/7.1/msigdb_v7.1_GMTs/msigdb.v7.1.symbols.gmt" NA
metadata.file csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values list of samples names of cell surface proteins ["sample1_ADT", "sample2_ADT"] No default value NA
input.dir.adt absolute path to cell surface proteins fastq files "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/fastq/" No default value NA
output.dir.adt absolute path to output folder "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/" No default value NA
sctech technology of 10X used to generate fastq files "10xv2" "10xv3" "10xv2","10xv3"
kindex.adt absolute path to index file for aligment "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/ADT/kallisto_index/project_CITEseq_kallisto_index" No default value NA
tr2g.file.adt absolute path to tr2g file for aligment "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/ADT/kallisto_index/project_CITEseq_tr2gs.txt" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Clust_Markers_Annot_GE NA list of samples names of cell surface proteins ["sample1_ADT","sample2_ADT"] determined from of Alignment_countTable_ADT NA
input.dir.adt absolute path to the aligment results folder of cell surface proteins ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/"] determined from output.dir.adt of Alignment_countTable_ADT NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
gene.names list of gene names wich correspond to the ADT proteins "CD3G,CD4,CTLA4" No default value NA
ADT.max.cutoff list of quantile max to cutoff protein expression for plot "q70,q95,q85" "q95" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter NA
ADT.min.cutoff list of quantile min to cutoff protein expression for plot "q30,q30,q55" "q30" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values list of samples names of TCR ["sample1_TCR", "sample2_TCR"] No default value NA
input.dir.tcr absolute path to TCR fastq files "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/fastq/" No default value NA list of samples names of BCR ["sample1_BCR", "sample2_BCR"] No default value NA
input.dir.bcr absolute path to BCR fastq files "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/fastq/" No default value NA
output.dir.tcr_bcr absolute path to output folder "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/" No default value NA
crindex.tcr_bcr CellRanger index for vdj analysis "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/TCR_REFERENCES/refdata-cellranger-vdj-GRCh38-alts-ensembl-3.1.0" "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/TCR_REFERENCES/refdata-cellranger-vdj-GRCh38-alts-ensembl-3.1.0" NA
fastqscreen_index absolute path to the configuration file of references for fastq-screen alignment "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/FASTQ_SCREEN/0.14.0/fastq_screen.conf" "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/FASTQ_SCREEN/0.14.0/fastq_screen.conf" NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values
input.rda absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Adding_ADT or Clust_Markers_Annot_GE NA
vdj.input.file.tcr file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_TCR/sample1_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_TCR/sample2_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] determined from output.dir.tcr_bcr of Alignment_annotations_TCR_BCR NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values
input.rda absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Adding_TCR or Adding_ADT or Clust_Markers_Annot_GE NA
vdj.input.file.bcr file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_BCR/sample1_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_BCR/sample2_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] determined from output.dir.tcr_bcr of Alignment_annotations_TCR_BCR NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values list of samples integration names ["samples1_and_2_int_Seurat", "sample1_and_3_int_Seurat"] No default value NA
input.list.rda absolute path to the files.rda containing the seurat R objects ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims35_res1.2/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_35_1.2_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims33_res0.4/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_33_0.4_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims35_res1.2/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_35_1.2_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims33_res0.4/sample3_GE_SCTransform_pca_33_0.4_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda"] No default value NA absolute path to output folder ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/"] No default value NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
eval.markers list of genes to evaluate normalization and dimension reduction "GAPDH,CD4,CD8A,CD24,CTLA4" No default value NA
min.cells minimum number of cells that samples must have to be included in the analysis 1000 0 NA
integration.method name of integration method "Seurat" No default value "Seurat","scbfa","Harmony","Liger"
vtr.batch list of batch biases to correct thanks to the integration "orig.ident" No default value all column names in metadata; no need with Seurat integration
features.n number of High Variable Genes to consider 3000 2000 NA
norm.method name of normalization method "LogNormalize" "SCTransform" "LogNormalize","SCTransform" or NULL with Seurat integration
dimred.method name of dimension reduction method "scbfa" "pca" "scbfa","bpca","pca","mds"
vtr.biases list of biases to regress "nFeature_RNA,percent_mt" No default value percent_mt, percent_rb, nFeature_RNA, percent_st, Cyclone.Phase, and all other column names in metadata
vtr.scale bool to center biaises to regress (for scbfa and bpca only) FALSE FALSE TRUE,FALSE
dims.max number max of dimensions to compute 100 50 NA
dims.min number min of dimensions to compute 10 3 NA
dims.steps steps for dimensions to compute for evaluation 3 2 NA
res.max number max of resolution to compute for evaluation 3 1.2 NA
res.min number min of resolution to compute for evaluation 0.1 0.1 NA
res.steps steps for resolution to compute for evaluation 0.2 0.1 NA
metadata.file csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values list of samples integration names ["samples1_and_2_int_Seurat", "sample1_and_3_int_Seurat"] determined from of Int_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists NA absolute path to the integrated, normalized and reduced seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca.rda,"/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Int_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists NA absolute path to output folder ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/"] determined from of Int_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
markfile genes to plot on umap "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers1.xslx,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers2.xslx" No default value see Additional files of Configuration in this wiki
keep.dims number of dimension to keep for clustering (from 0 to keep.dims) 25 No default value NA
keep.res resolution value for clustering 0.5 No default value NA
cfr.minscore minimum correlation score for clustifyr to consider 0.40 0.35 NA
sr.minscore minimum correlation score for SingleR to consider 0.20 0.25 NA
metadata.file csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values
input.rda absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Int_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE NA list of samples names of cell surface proteins ["sample1_ADT,sample2_ADT","sample1_ADT,sample3_ADT"] No default value NA
input.dirs.adt absolute path to the aligment results folder of cell surface proteins ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/"] No default value NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
gene.names list of gene names wich correspond to the ADT proteins "CD3G,CD4,CTLA4" No default value NA
ADT.max.cutoff list of quantile max to cutoff protein expression for plot "q70,q95,q85" "q95" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter NA
ADT.min.cutoff list of quantile min to cutoff protein expression for plot "q30,q30,q55" "q30" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values
input.rda absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Int_Adding_ADT or Int_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE NA
vdj.input.files.tcr file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_TCR/sample1_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_TCR/sample2_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_TCR/sample1_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_TCR/sample3_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] No default value NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values
input.rda absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Int_Adding_TCR or Int_Adding_ADT or Int_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE NA
vdj.input.files.bcr file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_BCR/sample1_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_BCR/sample2_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_BCR/sample1_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_BCR/sample3_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] No default value NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values
name.grp list of samples integration names ["samples1_and_2_grp_keep", "sample1_and_3_grp_keep"] No default value NA
input.list.rda absolute path to the files.rda containing the seurat R objects ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/NORMKEPT/pca/dims35_res1.2/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_35_1.2_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/NORMKEPT/pca/dims33_res0.4/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_33_0.4_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/NORMKEPT/pca/dims35_res1.2/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_35_1.2_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/NORMKEPT/pca/dims33_res0.4/sample3_GE_NORMKEPT_pca_33_0.4_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda"] No default value NA
output.dir.grp absolute path to output folder ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/"] No default value NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
eval.markers list of genes to evaluate normalization and dimension reduction "GAPDH,CD4,CD8A,CD24,CTLA4" No default value NA
min.cells minimum number of cells that samples must have to be included in the analysis 1000 0 NA
keep.norm individual normalization must be kept or not FALSE FALSE TRUE,FALSE
features.n number of High Variable Genes to consider 3000 2000 NA
norm.method name of normalization method "LogNormalize" "SCTransform" if keep.norm is set to FALSE else NULL "LogNormalize","SCTransform",NULL
dimred.method name of dimension reduction method "scbfa" "pca" "scbfa","bpca","pca","mds"
vtr.biases list of biases to regress "nFeature_RNA,percent_mt" No default value percent_mt, percent_rb, nFeature_RNA, percent_st, Cyclone.Phase, and all other column names in metadata
vtr.scale bool to center biaises to regress (for scbfa and bpca only) FALSE FALSE TRUE,FALSE
dims.max number max of dimensions to compute 100 50 NA
dims.min number min of dimensions to compute 10 3 NA
dims.steps steps for dimensions to compute for evaluation 3 2 NA
res.max number max of resolution to compute for evaluation 3 1.2 NA
res.min number min of resolution to compute for evaluation 0.1 0.1 NA
res.steps steps for resolution to compute for evaluation 0.2 0.1 NA
metadata.file csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values
name.grp list of samples integration names ["samples1_and_2_grp_keep", "sample1_and_3_grp_keep"] determined from name.grp of Grp_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists NA
input.rda.grp absolute path to the grouped, normalized and reduced seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/samples1_and_2_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca.rda,"/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_3_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/samples1_and_3_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Grp_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists NA
output.dir.grp absolute path to output folder ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_3_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/"] determined from of Grp_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
markfile genes to plot on umap "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers1.xslx,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers2.xslx" No default value see Additional files of Configuration in this wiki
keep.dims number of dimension to keep for clustering (from 0 to keep.dims) 25 No default value NA
keep.res resolution value for clustering 0.5 No default value NA
cfr.minscore minimum correlation score for clustifyr to consider 0.40 0.35 NA
sr.minscore minimum correlation score for SingleR to consider 0.20 0.25 NA
metadata.file csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values
input.rda absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Grp_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE NA list of samples names of cell surface proteins ["sample1_ADT,sample2_ADT","sample1_ADT,sample3_ADT"] No default value NA
input.dirs.adt absolute path to the aligment results folder of cell surface proteins ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/"] No default value NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA
gene.names list of gene names wich correspond to the ADT proteins "CD3G,CD4,CTLA4" No default value NA
ADT.max.cutoff list of quantile max to cutoff protein expression for plot "q70,q95,q85" "q95" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter NA
ADT.min.cutoff list of quantile min to cutoff protein expression for plot "q30,q30,q55" "q30" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values
input.rda absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Grp_Adding_ADT or Grp_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE NA
vdj.input.files.tcr file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_TCR/sample1_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_TCR/sample2_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_TCR/sample1_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_TCR/sample3_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] No default value NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA


Name Description Example Default value Possible values
input.rda absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda"] determined from seurat object output of Grp_Adding_TCR or Grp_Adding_ADT or Grp_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE NA
vdj.input.files.bcr file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_BCR/sample1_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_BCR/sample2_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_BCR/sample1_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_BCR/sample3_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] No default value NA name of the analysis author "marine_aglave" No default value NA
author.mail mail of the analysis author "[email protected]" No default value NA


  • If there is not default value, the parameter is obligatory.
  • sctech is a common parameter for GE and ADT: 10xv2 if you have TCR or BCR files too, else 10xv3.
  • str.genes.file parameter of Droplets_QC_GE step corresponds to a list of mecanic stress genes from the thesis of Léo Machado entitled « From skeletal muscle stem cells to tissue atlases: new tools to investigate and circumvent dissociation-induced stress », 2019.
  • If you use SCTransform and scbfa the vtr.biases will be used in both methods (reminder: scbfa uses non-normalized uncorrected counts).
  • The dimension and resolution parameters depend on sample complexity and number of cells.
  • The index for adt alignment must be specific of antibodies used. It can be made thanks to kb-python tool usable by conda.
  • The list of genes name in gene.names parameter, of Adding_ADT step, must be in the same ordre than proteins name in the index, to keep the correspondance. Same for Int_Adding_ADT and Grp_Adding_ADT steps.
  • The Droplets_QC_GE, Filtering_GE, Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE, Clust_Markers_Annot_GE, Adding_ADT, Adding_TCR, Adding_BCR and Cerebro steps are proceded in this order. The input/output parameters are automatically detemined thanks to the step before. For exemple, if there is no Adding_ADT step, parameters of Adding_TCR step will be determined thanks to the Clust_Markers_Annot_GE step; if there are no Adding_ADT, Adding_TCR and Adding_BCR steps, parameters of Cerebro step will be determined thanks to the Clust_Markers_Annot_GE step. Same thing for Int_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE, Int_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE, Int_Adding_ADT, Int_Adding_TCR, Int_Adding_BCR and Cerebro, and for Grp_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE, Grp_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE, Grp_Adding_ADT, Grp_Adding_TCR, Grp_Adding_BCR and Cerebro.
  • You can comment some parameters in your file with # if you want to save it but not to use it.
  • For integration by Seurat or for integration by Liger or for grouped analysis with keep.norm set to TRUE, norm.method must be set to NULL because in these 3 cases the individual normalizations are kept. If you set a value other than NULL, the script will automatically correct by NULL.
  • For integration by Seurat, batch.vtr must be set to NULL because this option allows to specify the batch effect(s) to correct for integrations by Liger, scbfa or Harmony. If you set a value other than NULL, the script will automatically correct by NULL.
  • For integration by Harmony, common normalization by SCTransform and dimension reduction by pca are advised by the authors of the method, but you can test other normalization and dimension reduction methods if you wish.
  • For integration by Liger, the dimension reduction parameter must be set to Liger, otherwise it will be automatically corrected in Liger. Likewise for scbfa.
  • The list of sample names and files in Adding_ADT,Adding_TCR,Adding_BCR step, must be in the same ordre than sample in GE steps, to keep the correspondance. Same for Int_Adding_TCR,Int_Adding_BCR,Grp_Adding_TCR,Grp_Adding_BCR steps, and the order of samples _GE.
  • The seurat objects used as input for interated/grouped analysis can be those generated at the end of the Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE step for an integration by Seurat or for integration by Liger or for grouped analysis with keep.norm set to TRUE; and even those generated at the end of the Filtering_GE step for other cases (not need to keep normalization).
  • It is possible to make a single parameter file which combines an integrated analysis and a grouped analysis. The Cerebro step will automatically identify the output seurat (.rda) objects to use for both cases.

Example of main parameters file:

steps: ["Alignment_countTable_GE"]

Alignment_countTable_GE: : ["0732M_GE"] : '/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/fastq/' : '/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/'
  sctech : '10xv2' : '/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir.kidx' : '/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir_tr2gs.txt'
  reference.txt: 'Ensembl reference transcriptome v99 corresponding to the homo sapiens GRCH38 build'


Resources of the Theory of single cell RNA-seq

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Complete Examples of school cases
Individual analysis :
1 sample (scRNA-seq + ADT + TCR + BCR)
Grouped/Integrated analysis :
2 samples (scRNA-seq + ADT + TCR + BCR)
Pipeline details
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Complete Examples of school cases
Individual analysis :
1 sample (scRNA-seq + ADT + TCR + BCR)
Grouped/Integrated analysis :
2 samples (scRNA-seq + ADT + TCR + BCR)

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