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v1.3_Parameter file
mAGLAVE edited this page Mar 3, 2025
1 revision
It is the parameters file that contains optional and non-optional settings to run the pipeline.
Be careful: in a yaml file, the indentation is important.
This file is organized in 2 parts:
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
Steps |
steps to run | ["Alignment_countTable_GE","Droplets_QC_GE","Filtering_GE"] | No default value | "Alignment_countTable_GE", "Alignment_countTable_ADT", "Alignment_annotations_TCR_BCR", "Droplets_QC_GE", "Filtering_GE", "Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE", "Clust_Markers_Annot_GE", "Adding_ADT", "Adding_TCR", "Adding_BCR", "Cerebro" |
Tmp |
temporary directory | "/mnt/beegfs/scratch/m_aglave/tmp/" | /tmp | NA |
Note: to have more details on steps, see Pipeline details page of the wiki.
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
sample.name.ge |
list of samples names of genes expression | ["sample1_GE", "sample2_GE"] | No default value | NA |
input.dir.ge |
absolute path to fastq files of genes expression | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/fastq/" | No default value | NA |
output.dir.ge |
absolute path to output folder | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/" | No default value | NA |
sctech |
technology of 10X used to generate fastq files | "10xv2" | "10xv3" | "10xv2","10xv3" |
kindex.ge |
absolute path to index file for the aligment of genes expression | "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir.kidx" | "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir.kidx" | NA |
tr2g.file.ge |
absolute path to tr2g file for the aligment of genes expression | "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir_tr2gs.txt" | "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir_tr2gs.txt" | NA |
reference.txt |
text for the aligment of genes expression in Materials and Methods | "Ensembl reference transcriptome v99 corresponding to the homo sapiens GRCH38 build" | "<insert_you_reference_here>" | NA |
fastqscreen_index |
absolute path to the configuration file of references for fastq-screen alignment | "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/FASTQ_SCREEN/0.14.0/fastq_screen.conf" | "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/FASTQ_SCREEN/0.14.0/fastq_screen.conf" | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
sample.name.ge |
list of samples names of genes expression | ["sample1_GE", "sample2_GE"] | determined from sample.name.ge of Alignment_countTable_GE if it exists |
NA |
input.dir.ge |
absolute path to the aligment results folder | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/KALLISTOBUS/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/KALLISTOBUS/"] | determined from output.dir.ge of Alignment_countTable_GE if it exists |
NA |
output.dir.ge |
absolute path to output folder | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/"] | determined from output.dir.ge of Alignment_countTable_GE if it exists |
NA |
species |
species of genes expression | "homo_sapiens" | "homo_sapiens" | "homo_sapiens","mus_musculus" |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
emptydrops.fdr |
FDR threshold for emptydrops tool | "5E-02" | "1E-03" | NA |
droplets.limit |
number min of droplets to run emptydrops | "1E+04" | "1E+05" | NA |
emptydrops.retain |
all droplets with a number of UMI above this value is considered as a cell | 1000 | No default value | NA |
translation |
bool to translate ENSG into Gene Symbol | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE/FALSE |
pcmito.min |
threshold min for percentage of mitochondrial RNA (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 0 | 0 | NA |
pcmito.max |
threshold max for percentage of mitochondrial RNA (above this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 0.1 | 0.2 | NA |
pcribo.min |
threshold min for percentage of ribosomal RNA (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 0.1 | 0 | NA |
pcribo.max |
threshold max for percentage of ribosomal RNA (above this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 0.9 | 1 | NA |
min.features |
threshold min for number of genes (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 150 | 200 | NA |
min.counts |
threshold min for number of UMI (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 1500 | 1000 | NA |
min.cells |
include genes expressed in at least this many cells (minimum cells covering) | 10 | 5 | NA |
mt.genes.file |
RDS file with list of mitochondrial genes | "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENELISTS/homo_sapiens_mito_symbols_20191001.rds" | determined from species parameter of Droplets_QC_GE
NA |
crb.genes.file |
RDS file with list of ribosomal genes | "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENELISTS/homo_sapiens_cribo_symbols_20191015.rds" | determined from species parameter of Droplets_QC_GE
NA |
str.genes.file |
RDS file with list of mecanic stress genes | "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENELISTS/homo_sapiens_stress_symbols_20200224.rds" | determined from species parameter of Droplets_QC_GE
NA |
translation.file |
file of translation between ENSG into Gene Symbol | "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENE_CONVERT/EnsemblToGeneSymbol_Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.txt" | determined from species parameter of Droplets_QC_GE
NA |
metadata.file |
csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
sample.name.ge |
list of samples names | ["sample1_GE", "sample2_GE"] | determined from sample.name.ge of Droplets_QC_GE if it exists |
NA |
input.rda.ge |
absolute path to the file.rda containing the seurat R object | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/QC_droplets/sample1_GE_QC_NON-NORMALIZED.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/QC_droplets/sample2_GE_QC_NON-NORMALIZED.rda"] | determined from output.dir.ge of Droplets_QC_GE if it exists |
NA |
output.dir.ge |
absolute path to output folder | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/"] | determined from output.dir.ge of Droplets_QC_GE if it exists |
NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
pcmito.min |
threshold min for percentage of mitochondrial RNA (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 0 | 0 | NA |
pcmito.max |
threshold max for percentage of mitochondrial RNA (above this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 0.1 | 0.2 | NA |
pcribo.min |
threshold min for percentage of ribosomal RNA (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 0.1 | 0 | NA |
pcribo.max |
threshold max for percentage of ribosomal RNA (above this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 0.9 | 1 | NA |
min.features |
threshold min for number of genes (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 150 | 200 | NA |
min.counts |
threshold min for number of UMI (below this threshold the cells are eliminated) | 1500 | 1000 | NA |
min.cells |
include genes expressed in at least this many cells (minimum cells covering) | 10 | 5 | NA |
doublets.filter.method |
method used to filter doublets. To not filter set this parameter to "none" | "all" | "all" | "all","scDblFinder","scds","none" |
cc.seurat.file |
RDS file with list of cell cycle genes for seurat | "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENELISTS/homo_sapiens_cyclone_pairs_symbols_20191001.rds" | determined from species into seurat object |
NA |
cc.cyclone.file |
RDS file with list of cell cycle genes for cyclone | "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/GENELISTS/homo_sapiens_cyclone_pairs_symbols_20191001.rds" | determined from species into seurat object |
NA |
metadata.file |
csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
sample.name.ge |
list of samples names | ["sample1_GE", "sample2_GE"] | determined from sample.name.ge of Filtering_GE if it exists |
NA |
input.rda.ge |
absolute path to the file.rda containing the seurat R object | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/sample1_GE_FILTERED_NON-NORMALIZED.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/sample2_GE_FILTERED_NON-NORMALIZED.rda"] | determined from output.dir.ge of Filtering_GE if it exists |
NA |
output.dir.ge |
absolute path to output folder | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/"] | determined from output.dir.ge of Filtering_GE if it exists |
NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
eval.markers |
list of genes to evaluate normalization and dimension reduction | "GAPDH,CD4,CD8A,CD24,CTLA4" | No default value | NA |
features.n |
number of High Variable Genes to consider | 3000 | 2000 | NA |
norm.method |
name of normalization method | "LogNormalize" | "SCTransform" | "LogNormalize","SCTransform" |
dimred.method |
name of dimension reduction method | "scbfa" | "pca" | "scbfa","bpca","pca","mds" |
vtr.biases |
list of biases to regress | "nFeature_RNA,percent_mt" | No default value | percent_mt, percent_rb, nFeature_RNA, percent_st, Cyclone.Phase, and all other column name in metadata |
vtr.scale |
bool to center biaises to regress (for scbfa and bpca only) | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE,FALSE |
dims.max |
number max of dimensions to compute | 100 | 50 | NA |
dims.min |
number min of dimensions to compute | 10 | 3 | NA |
dims.steps |
steps for dimensions to compute for evaluation | 3 | 2 | NA |
res.max |
number max of resolution to compute for evaluation | 3 | 1.2 | NA |
res.min |
number min of resolution to compute for evaluation | 0.1 | 0.1 | NA |
res.steps |
steps for resolution to compute for evaluation | 0.2 | 0.1 | NA |
metadata.file |
csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
sample.name.ge |
list of samples names | ["sample1_GE", "sample2_GE"] | determined from sample.name.ge of Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists |
NA |
input.rda.ge |
absolute path to the normalized and reduced seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca.rda"] | determined from output.dir.ge of Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists |
NA |
output.dir.ge |
absolute path to output folder | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/"] | determined from output.dir.ge of Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists |
NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
markfile |
genes to plot on umap | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers1.xslx,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers2.xslx" | No default value | see Additional files of Configuration in this wiki |
keep.dims |
number of dimension to keep for clustering (from 0 to keep.dims) | 25 | No default value | NA |
keep.res |
resolution value for clustering | 0.5 | No default value | NA |
cfr.minscore |
minimum correlation score for clustifyr to consider | 0.40 | 0.35 | NA |
sr.minscore |
minimum correlation score for SingleR to consider | 0.20 | 0.25 | NA |
metadata.file |
csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
input.rda |
absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) to convert in cerebro object | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Adding_BCR or Adding_TCR or Adding_ADT or Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
version |
version of cerebro to use | "v1.2" | "v1.3" | "v1.2","v1.3" |
groups |
column name (in meta.data) to define clusters/comparisons for Cerebro object (usefull for TCR/BCR part). | "conditions" | the last RNA clustering and samples information are already included | all column name in metadata |
remove.other.reductions |
remove all other reductions present in seurat object (keep only final umap) | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE,FALSE |
remove.other.idents |
remove all other clustering present in seurat object (keep only the last clustering) | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE,FALSE |
remove.mt.genes |
remove mitochondrial genes (to see better the other genes) | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE,FALSE |
remove.crb.genes |
remove ribosomal genes (to see better the other genes) | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE,FALSE |
remove.str.genes |
remove stress genes (to see better the other genes) | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE,FALSE |
only.pos.DE |
keep only positive DE genes from customized differential expression analysis (for genes markers identification is always only positive) | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE,FALSE |
remove.custom.DE |
remove results from customized differential expression analysis | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE,FALSE |
gmt.file |
GMT file for cerebro | "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/DATABASE/MSIGDB/7.1/msigdb_v7.1_GMTs/msigdb.v7.1.symbols.gmt" | "/mnt/beegfs/pipelines/single-cell/resources/DATABASE/MSIGDB/7.1/msigdb_v7.1_GMTs/msigdb.v7.1.symbols.gmt" | NA |
metadata.file |
csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
sample.name.adt |
list of samples names of cell surface proteins | ["sample1_ADT", "sample2_ADT"] | No default value | NA |
input.dir.adt |
absolute path to cell surface proteins fastq files | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/fastq/" | No default value | NA |
output.dir.adt |
absolute path to output folder | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/" | No default value | NA |
sctech |
technology of 10X used to generate fastq files | "10xv2" | "10xv3" | "10xv2","10xv3" |
kindex.adt |
absolute path to index file for aligment | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/ADT/kallisto_index/project_CITEseq_kallisto_index" | No default value | NA |
tr2g.file.adt |
absolute path to tr2g file for aligment | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/ADT/kallisto_index/project_CITEseq_tr2gs.txt" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
input.rda.ge |
absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
NA |
sample.name.adt |
list of samples names of cell surface proteins | ["sample1_ADT","sample2_ADT"] | determined from sample.name.adt of Alignment_countTable_ADT
NA |
input.dir.adt |
absolute path to the aligment results folder of cell surface proteins | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/"] | determined from output.dir.adt of Alignment_countTable_ADT
NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
gene.names |
list of gene names wich correspond to the ADT proteins | "CD3G,CD4,CTLA4" | No default value | NA |
ADT.max.cutoff |
list of quantile max to cutoff protein expression for plot | "q70,q95,q85" | "q95" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter | NA |
ADT.min.cutoff |
list of quantile min to cutoff protein expression for plot | "q30,q30,q55" | "q30" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
sample.name.tcr |
list of samples names of TCR | ["sample1_TCR", "sample2_TCR"] | No default value | NA |
input.dir.tcr |
absolute path to TCR fastq files | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/fastq/" | No default value | NA |
sample.name.bcr |
list of samples names of BCR | ["sample1_BCR", "sample2_BCR"] | No default value | NA |
input.dir.bcr |
absolute path to BCR fastq files | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/fastq/" | No default value | NA |
output.dir.tcr_bcr |
absolute path to output folder | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/" | No default value | NA |
crindex.tcr_bcr |
CellRanger index for vdj analysis | "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/TCR_REFERENCES/refdata-cellranger-vdj-GRCh38-alts-ensembl-3.1.0" | "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/TCR_REFERENCES/refdata-cellranger-vdj-GRCh38-alts-ensembl-3.1.0" | NA |
fastqscreen_index |
absolute path to the configuration file of references for fastq-screen alignment | "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/FASTQ_SCREEN/0.14.0/fastq_screen.conf" | "/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/FASTQ_SCREEN/0.14.0/fastq_screen.conf" | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
input.rda |
absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Adding_ADT or Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
NA |
vdj.input.file.tcr |
file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_TCR/sample1_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_TCR/sample2_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] | determined from output.dir.tcr_bcr of Alignment_annotations_TCR_BCR |
NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
input.rda |
absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Adding_TCR or Adding_ADT or Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
NA |
vdj.input.file.bcr |
file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_BCR/sample1_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_BCR/sample2_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] | determined from output.dir.tcr_bcr of Alignment_annotations_TCR_BCR
NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
name.int |
list of samples integration names | ["samples1_and_2_int_Seurat", "sample1_and_3_int_Seurat"] | No default value | NA |
input.list.rda |
absolute path to the files.rda containing the seurat R objects | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims35_res1.2/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_35_1.2_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims33_res0.4/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_33_0.4_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims35_res1.2/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_35_1.2_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/SCTransform/pca/dims33_res0.4/sample3_GE_SCTransform_pca_33_0.4_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda"] | No default value | NA |
output.dir.int |
absolute path to output folder | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/"] | No default value | NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
eval.markers |
list of genes to evaluate normalization and dimension reduction | "GAPDH,CD4,CD8A,CD24,CTLA4" | No default value | NA |
min.cells |
minimum number of cells that samples must have to be included in the analysis | 1000 | 0 | NA |
integration.method |
name of integration method | "Seurat" | No default value | "Seurat","scbfa","Harmony","Liger" |
vtr.batch |
list of batch biases to correct thanks to the integration | "orig.ident" | No default value | all column names in metadata; no need with Seurat integration |
features.n |
number of High Variable Genes to consider | 3000 | 2000 | NA |
norm.method |
name of normalization method | "LogNormalize" | "SCTransform" | "LogNormalize","SCTransform" or NULL with Seurat integration |
dimred.method |
name of dimension reduction method | "scbfa" | "pca" | "scbfa","bpca","pca","mds" |
vtr.biases |
list of biases to regress | "nFeature_RNA,percent_mt" | No default value | percent_mt, percent_rb, nFeature_RNA, percent_st, Cyclone.Phase, and all other column names in metadata |
vtr.scale |
bool to center biaises to regress (for scbfa and bpca only) | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE,FALSE |
dims.max |
number max of dimensions to compute | 100 | 50 | NA |
dims.min |
number min of dimensions to compute | 10 | 3 | NA |
dims.steps |
steps for dimensions to compute for evaluation | 3 | 2 | NA |
res.max |
number max of resolution to compute for evaluation | 3 | 1.2 | NA |
res.min |
number min of resolution to compute for evaluation | 0.1 | 0.1 | NA |
res.steps |
steps for resolution to compute for evaluation | 0.2 | 0.1 | NA |
metadata.file |
csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
name.int |
list of samples integration names | ["samples1_and_2_int_Seurat", "sample1_and_3_int_Seurat"] | determined from name.int of Int_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists |
NA |
input.rda.int |
absolute path to the integrated, normalized and reduced seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca.rda,"/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Int_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists |
NA |
output.dir.int |
absolute path to output folder | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/"] | determined from output.dir.ge of Int_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists |
NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
markfile |
genes to plot on umap | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers1.xslx,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers2.xslx" | No default value | see Additional files of Configuration in this wiki |
keep.dims |
number of dimension to keep for clustering (from 0 to keep.dims) | 25 | No default value | NA |
keep.res |
resolution value for clustering | 0.5 | No default value | NA |
cfr.minscore |
minimum correlation score for clustifyr to consider | 0.40 | 0.35 | NA |
sr.minscore |
minimum correlation score for SingleR to consider | 0.20 | 0.25 | NA |
metadata.file |
csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
input.rda |
absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Int_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
NA |
samples.name.adt |
list of samples names of cell surface proteins | ["sample1_ADT,sample2_ADT","sample1_ADT,sample3_ADT"] | No default value | NA |
input.dirs.adt |
absolute path to the aligment results folder of cell surface proteins | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/"] | No default value | NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
gene.names |
list of gene names wich correspond to the ADT proteins | "CD3G,CD4,CTLA4" | No default value | NA |
ADT.max.cutoff |
list of quantile max to cutoff protein expression for plot | "q70,q95,q85" | "q95" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter | NA |
ADT.min.cutoff |
list of quantile min to cutoff protein expression for plot | "q30,q30,q55" | "q30" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
input.rda |
absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Int_Adding_ADT or Int_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
NA |
vdj.input.files.tcr |
file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_TCR/sample1_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_TCR/sample2_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_TCR/sample1_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_TCR/sample3_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] | No default value | NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
input.rda |
absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_int_Seurat/SCTransform/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_int_Seurat_SCTransform_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Int_Adding_TCR or Int_Adding_ADT or Int_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
NA |
vdj.input.files.bcr |
file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_BCR/sample1_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_BCR/sample2_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_BCR/sample1_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_BCR/sample3_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] | No default value | NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
name.grp |
list of samples integration names | ["samples1_and_2_grp_keep", "sample1_and_3_grp_keep"] | No default value | NA |
input.list.rda |
absolute path to the files.rda containing the seurat R objects | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/NORMKEPT/pca/dims35_res1.2/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_35_1.2_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/NORMKEPT/pca/dims33_res0.4/sample2_GE_SCTransform_pca_33_0.4_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/NORMKEPT/pca/dims35_res1.2/sample1_GE_SCTransform_pca_35_1.2_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_GE/F200_C1000_M0-0.2_R0-1_G5/DOUBLETSFILTER_all/NORMKEPT/pca/dims33_res0.4/sample3_GE_NORMKEPT_pca_33_0.4_ADT_TCR_BCR.rda"] | No default value | NA |
output.dir.grp |
absolute path to output folder | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/"] | No default value | NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
eval.markers |
list of genes to evaluate normalization and dimension reduction | "GAPDH,CD4,CD8A,CD24,CTLA4" | No default value | NA |
min.cells |
minimum number of cells that samples must have to be included in the analysis | 1000 | 0 | NA |
keep.norm |
individual normalization must be kept or not | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE,FALSE |
features.n |
number of High Variable Genes to consider | 3000 | 2000 | NA |
norm.method |
name of normalization method | "LogNormalize" | "SCTransform" if keep.norm is set to FALSE else NULL |
"LogNormalize","SCTransform",NULL |
dimred.method |
name of dimension reduction method | "scbfa" | "pca" | "scbfa","bpca","pca","mds" |
vtr.biases |
list of biases to regress | "nFeature_RNA,percent_mt" | No default value | percent_mt, percent_rb, nFeature_RNA, percent_st, Cyclone.Phase, and all other column names in metadata |
vtr.scale |
bool to center biaises to regress (for scbfa and bpca only) | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE,FALSE |
dims.max |
number max of dimensions to compute | 100 | 50 | NA |
dims.min |
number min of dimensions to compute | 10 | 3 | NA |
dims.steps |
steps for dimensions to compute for evaluation | 3 | 2 | NA |
res.max |
number max of resolution to compute for evaluation | 3 | 1.2 | NA |
res.min |
number min of resolution to compute for evaluation | 0.1 | 0.1 | NA |
res.steps |
steps for resolution to compute for evaluation | 0.2 | 0.1 | NA |
metadata.file |
csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
name.grp |
list of samples integration names | ["samples1_and_2_grp_keep", "sample1_and_3_grp_keep"] | determined from name.grp of Grp_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists |
NA |
input.rda.grp |
absolute path to the grouped, normalized and reduced seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/samples1_and_2_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca.rda,"/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_3_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/samples1_and_3_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Grp_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists |
NA |
output.dir.grp |
absolute path to output folder | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_3_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/"] | determined from output.dir.ge of Grp_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE if it exists |
NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
markfile |
genes to plot on umap | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers1.xslx,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/markers2.xslx" | No default value | see Additional files of Configuration in this wiki |
keep.dims |
number of dimension to keep for clustering (from 0 to keep.dims) | 25 | No default value | NA |
keep.res |
resolution value for clustering | 0.5 | No default value | NA |
cfr.minscore |
minimum correlation score for clustifyr to consider | 0.40 | 0.35 | NA |
sr.minscore |
minimum correlation score for SingleR to consider | 0.20 | 0.25 | NA |
metadata.file |
csv file with the metadata to add in the seurat object | "/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta1.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/meta2.csv" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
input.rda |
absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Grp_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
NA |
samples.name.adt |
list of samples names of cell surface proteins | ["sample1_ADT,sample2_ADT","sample1_ADT,sample3_ADT"] | No default value | NA |
input.dirs.adt |
absolute path to the aligment results folder of cell surface proteins | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_ADT/KALLISTOBUS/"] | No default value | NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
gene.names |
list of gene names wich correspond to the ADT proteins | "CD3G,CD4,CTLA4" | No default value | NA |
ADT.max.cutoff |
list of quantile max to cutoff protein expression for plot | "q70,q95,q85" | "q95" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter | NA |
ADT.min.cutoff |
list of quantile min to cutoff protein expression for plot | "q30,q30,q55" | "q30" * number of gene in "gene.names" parameter | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
input.rda |
absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5_ADT.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Grp_Adding_ADT or Grp_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
NA |
vdj.input.files.tcr |
file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_TCR/sample1_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_TCR/sample2_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_TCR/sample1_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_TCR/sample3_TCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] | No default value | NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
Name | Description | Example | Default value | Possible values |
input.rda |
absolute path to the seurat object (in .rda format) | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_2_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/GROUPED_ANALYSIS/NO_INTEGRATED/samples1_and_2_grp_keep/NORMKEPT/pca/dims25_res0.5/samples1_and_3_grp_keep_NORMKEPT_pca_25_0.5_ADT_TCR.rda"] | determined from seurat object output of Grp_Adding_TCR or Grp_Adding_ADT or Grp_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
NA |
vdj.input.files.bcr |
file filtered_contig_annotations.csv from CellRanger aligment pipeline | ["/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_BCR/sample1_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample2_BCR/sample2_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv","/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample1_BCR/sample1_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv,/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/output/sample3_BCR/sample3_BCR_CellRanger/outs/filtered_contig_annotations.csv"] | No default value | NA |
author.name |
name of the analysis author | "marine_aglave" | No default value | NA |
author.mail |
mail of the analysis author | "[email protected]" | No default value | NA |
- If there is not default value, the parameter is obligatory.
is a common parameter for GE and ADT:10xv2
if you have TCR or BCR files too, else10xv3
. -
parameter ofDroplets_QC_GE
step corresponds to a list of mecanic stress genes from the thesis of Léo Machado entitled « From skeletal muscle stem cells to tissue atlases: new tools to investigate and circumvent dissociation-induced stress », 2019. - If you use
will be used in both methods (reminder:scbfa
uses non-normalized uncorrected counts). - The dimension and resolution parameters depend on sample complexity and number of cells.
- The index for adt alignment must be specific of antibodies used. It can be made thanks to kb-python tool usable by conda.
- The list of genes name in
parameter, ofAdding_ADT
step, must be in the same ordre than proteins name in the index, to keep the correspondance. Same forInt_Adding_ADT
steps. - The
steps are proceded in this order. The input/output parameters are automatically detemined thanks to the step before. For exemple, if there is noAdding_ADT
step, parameters ofAdding_TCR
step will be determined thanks to theClust_Markers_Annot_GE
step; if there are noAdding_ADT
steps, parameters ofCerebro
step will be determined thanks to theClust_Markers_Annot_GE
step. Same thing forInt_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE
, and forGrp_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE
. - You can comment some parameters in your file with
if you want to save it but not to use it. - For integration by
or for integration byLiger
or for grouped analysis withkeep.norm
set toTRUE
must be set toNULL
because in these 3 cases the individual normalizations are kept. If you set a value other thanNULL
, the script will automatically correct byNULL
. - For integration by
must be set toNULL
because this option allows to specify the batch effect(s) to correct for integrations byLiger
. If you set a value other thanNULL
, the script will automatically correct byNULL
. - For integration by
, common normalization bySCTransform
and dimension reduction bypca
are advised by the authors of the method, but you can test other normalization and dimension reduction methods if you wish. - For integration by
, the dimension reduction parameter must be set toLiger
, otherwise it will be automatically corrected inLiger
. Likewise forscbfa
. - The list of sample names and files in
step, must be in the same ordre than sample in GE steps, to keep the correspondance. Same forInt_Adding_TCR
steps, and the order of samples _GE. - The seurat objects used as input for interated/grouped analysis can be those generated at the end of the
step for an integration bySeurat
or for integration byLiger
or for grouped analysis withkeep.norm
set toTRUE
; and even those generated at the end of theFiltering_GE
step for other cases (not need to keep normalization). - It is possible to make a single parameter file which combines an integrated analysis and a grouped analysis. The
step will automatically identify the output seurat (.rda) objects to use for both cases.
steps: ["Alignment_countTable_GE"]
sample.name.ge : ["0732M_GE"]
input.dir.ge : '/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/fastq/'
output.dir.ge : '/mnt/beegfs/userdata/m_aglave/pipeline/'
sctech : '10xv2'
kindex.ge : '/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir.kidx'
tr2g.file.ge : '/mnt/beegfs/database/bioinfo/single-cell/INDEX/KB-python_KALLISTO/0.24.4_0.46.2/homo_sapiens/GRCh38/Ensembl/r99/cDNA_LINCs_MIRs/GRCH38_r99_cDNA_linc_mir_tr2gs.txt'
reference.txt: 'Ensembl reference transcriptome v99 corresponding to the homo sapiens GRCH38 build'

Resources of the Theory of single cell RNA-seq
Pipeline details
Parameter file
- Steps
- Alignment_countTable_GE
- Droplets_QC_GE
- Filtering_GE
- Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE
- Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
- Cerebro
- Alignment_countTable_ADT
- Adding_ADT
- Alignment_annotations_TCR_BCR
- Adding_TCR
- Adding_BCR
- Int_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE
- Int_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
- Int_Adding_ADT
- Int_Adding_TCR
- Int_Adding_BCR
- Grp_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE
- Grp_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
- Grp_Adding_ADT
- Grp_Adding_TCR
- Grp_Adding_BCR
- Additional files
Results help
- Arborescence of all results
Observations and weird results
- Not a threshold by emptyDrops
- Large and small cells into the same sample
- emptyDrops does't work well
- More than 15% mitochondrial RNA while I filtered them out at 15%
- Impact of empty droplets on umap
- Choose the right number of dimensions
- Be careful with the colors, they are sometimes misleading
- Impact of bias correction on umap
Complete Examples of school cases
Individual analysis :
1 sample (scRNA-seq + ADT + TCR + BCR)
Grouped/Integrated analysis :
2 samples (scRNA-seq + ADT + TCR + BCR)
Pipeline details
Parameter file
- Steps
- Alignment_countTable_GE
- Droplets_QC_GE
- Filtering_GE
- Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE
- Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
- Cerebro
- Alignment_countTable_ADT
- Adding_ADT
- Alignment_annotations_TCR_BCR
- Adding_TCR
- Adding_BCR
- Int_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE
- Int_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
- Int_Adding_ADT
- Int_Adding_TCR
- Int_Adding_BCR
- Grp_Norm_DimRed_Eval_GE
- Grp_Clust_Markers_Annot_GE
- Grp_Adding_ADT
- Grp_Adding_TCR
- Grp_Adding_BCR
- Additional files
Results help
- Arborescence of all results
Observations and weird results
- Not a threshold by emptyDrops
- Large and small cells into the same sample
- emptyDrops does't work well
- More than 15% mitochondrial RNA while I filtered them out at 15%
- Impact of empty droplets on umap
- Choose the right number of dimensions
- Be careful with the colors, they are sometimes misleading
- Impact of bias correction on umap
Complete Examples of school cases
Individual analysis :
1 sample (scRNA-seq + ADT + TCR + BCR)
Grouped/Integrated analysis :
2 samples (scRNA-seq + ADT + TCR + BCR)