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Customizing Smash Forge

SMG edited this page Oct 23, 2017 · 5 revisions

Forge Config File

The config file is saved in the Forge directory. You can edit the values in any text editor. You can also change the settings within the program itself and click file>save config. This will make your current settings the default settings every time Smash Forge is run. Not all settings can be saved to the config. The features below can be customized using the config file.

Editing the XML file

The config file for Smash Forge uses the XML format. Values are enclosed between between opening and closing braces in the form <param>value</param>. Groups of parameters are organized in the same way. Some parameters are not added to the config file by default, but you can easily add them to the corresponding section. Any text editor will work, but a text editor with syntax highlighting such as Atom or Notepad++ is recommended.

Config Settings

Default Texture

<default_texture>(texture location)</default_texture>.

The default texture used for displaying TexID errors in forge can be edited by adding the necessary line and changing the texture file path. Replace (texture location) with the file path to a texture on your computer.

Floor Grid

Rendering of the floor grid can be enabled/disabled with True or False. The floor style can be Normal, Textured, UserTexture, or Solid.


Camera Zoom Speed

The zoom_speed controls the global zoom speed of the camera. The zoom_speed is multiplied by zoom_modifier_speed when you hold down Shift.


Viewport Background


Render Settings

Render Type

The render types are Texture, Normals, NormalsBnW, NormalMap, VertColor, AmbientOcclusion, UVCoords, UVTestPattern, Tangents, and Bitangents.


Model rendering

Model rendering can be enabled/disabled using the config. The rendering of a wireframe overlay, bones, and selection highlighting can also be enabled/disabled.



This section enables or disables the different components of Material Lighting. It is recommended to set this to True by default to more accurately preview models.



The rendering of various LVD components can be enabled or disabled with True and False, respectively.
