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newtj edited this page May 22, 2018 · 40 revisions

General Tab

Display Settings

Render Model

Enables/disables drawing of all models in the viewport. This is useful if you're only interested in seeing the skeleton, LVD, etc.

Show Model Selection

Enables/disables drawing a white outline around selected meshes or polygons.

Show Wireframe

Enables/disables drawing a white wireframe over all models in the viewport.

Render Bones

Enables/disables drawing VBN files in the viewport. Bones will always draw on top of everything else.

Animate Swing Z

Animate Swing Y

Render Camera Path

Render Area Light Bounding boxes

Enables/disables drawing wireframe bounding boxes representing the area light regions.

Background/Floor Tab

The background and floor settings can be saved to the config using File > Save Config.

Background Settings

Only the solid color and gradient modes are currently supported.

Render Background

Enables/disables drawing the background. The background color is black when disabled. Renders with alpha will have transparent backgrounds when the background is disabled.

Background Style

  • Gradient: Draws a vertical gradient blending between two colors.
  • Textured: WIP
  • Solid: Draws a solid color. Only one color is used.

Floor Settings

Click on the picture box to select the floor color or open an image, depending on the selected Floor Style.

Render Floor

Enables/disables drawing the floor grid.

Floor Style

Controls the appearance of the floor grid.

  • Wireframe: Draws a grid with square divisions.
  • Textured: Draws a user defined texture using a mirrored repeat wrap mode.
  • Solid: Draws a solid colored square.


The side length of the floor grid in scene units.

Material Lighting Tab

Material Lighting enables you to accurately preview NUD materials in real time in custom lighting conditions. This can reduce the need for in game testing of textures and materials.

Show Vertex Colors

Enables/disables the rendering of vertex color and vertex alpha

Use Normal Maps

Enables/disables normal map rendering. Ambient occlusion, which is stored in the alpha channel of the normal maps will always be rendered, however.

Camera Light

When enabled, all of the light rotation values for character lights will be overridden with 0. This does not affect stage lighting. Light will appear to shine from the camera.

Diffuse Intensity

Intensity multiplier for the diffuse component. Diffuse lighting uses a color gradient between the diffuse and ambient color.

Specular Intensity

Intensity multiplier for the specular component.

Fresnel Intensity

Intensity multiplier for the specular component.

Ambient Intensity

Intensity multiplier for the ambient portion of the diffuse component. Diffuse lighting uses a color gradient between the diffuse and ambient color.

Reflection Intensity

Intensity multiplier for the reflection component, which includes, cubemaps, stage cubemaps, and sphere maps.

Model Scale

Scales the root bone for accurate scaling during hitbox/hurtbox visualization. The value should be based on the fighter's param value.


Hemisphere fresnel lighting with ground and sky colors. The exponent is controlled by NU_fresnelParams.


Blinn-phong specular. The exponent is controlled by NU_specularParams for isotropic materials and NU_reflectionParams for anisotropic materials.


Cubemap and sphere map reflections.

Values Rendered by Material Lighting

  • NU_aoMinGain
  • NU_colorSamplerUV
  • NU_normalSamplerAUV, NU_effColorGain, NU_colorGain
  • NU_finalColorGain
  • NU_colorOffset
  • NU_diffuseColor
  • NU_specularColor
  • NU_specularColorGain
  • NU_specularParams
  • NU_fresnelColor
  • NU_fresnelParams,
  • NU_reflectionColor
  • NU_reflectionParams
  • NU_softLightingParams
  • NU_customSoftLightParams
  • NU_alphaBlendParams

Render Modes

You can choose between several different rendering modes for previewing lighting/materials and debugging shading issues.


Fully shaded with all textures and materials rendered. Allows for alpha blending.


Displays the vertex normals remapped to a visible range. This mode is also affected by normal maps. Black regions when normal maps are enabled indicates issues with tangents or bitangents.


Displays the diffuse lighting for the model using white for the diffuse color.

Diffuse Maps

Displays only the RGBA channels of the diffuse textures with flat shading.

Normal Maps

Displays the RGB channels of the normal maps. Alpha blending is disabled. Models without a normal map will display the default texture. The alpha channel is the ambient occlusion render mode.

Vertex Color

Displays the RGB channels of the vertex color. Alpha blending is disabled.

Ambient Occlusion

Displays the alpha channel of the normal maps, which is the ambient occlusion map. Alpha blending is disabled.


The red channel is the U coordinate, the green channel is the V coordinates, and the blue channel is always 1. Alpha blending is disabled. The radio buttons enabling displaying different UV channels.


Renders the model with a single UV test pattern texture for every model. This is useful for checking UV maps. The radio buttons enabling displaying different UV channels.


Displays the tangents remapped to a visible range. Black regions will cause issues with normal map rendering.


Displays the bitangents remapped to a visible range. Black regions will cause issues with normal map rendering.

Light Set

Displays different colors for different light set numbers. The colors are also listed in the stage lighting tab.

Light Set Color
0 Black
1 Cyan
2 Blue
3 Yellow
4 Magenta
5 Green

Bone weights

Displays the skin weights for the selected bone in the Bone Editor. To open the bone editor, right click the model.vbn in the Model List and select "Open Edit." In the BnW mode, black represents no influence and white represents full influence by the bone for that vertex. In the two colored modes, the left of the ramp represents full influence (1.0), and the right of the ramp represents no influence (0.0).


Color 1

Color 2

Z Depth

Enable Depth testing

Enables/disables depth testing for all models. Disabling depth testing looks better for Game & Watch but should be enabled for all other cases.

Z Axis Scale

Scales all of the depth values by the specified amount. This can be used to give objects a flat appearance (Game & Watch). The effect is purely visual and does not change the actual geometry.

System Information

When reporting issues with model rendering, please include this information to help diagnose issues.

OpenGL Version:

The maximum shading language version supported by your computer. This should be at least 3.30 in order to use model rendering.


Displays the name of the renderer (GPU). Examples include Intel(R)HD Graphics 620, Radeon(TM) RX 480 Graphics, etc.

Area Lights (WIP)