- Singapore
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/khteh/
pAIthon Public
Python scripts to practice advanced features of the language in the field of AI. Harvard CS50 coursework/assignments.
AspNetCoreWebApi Public
Forked from mmacneil/AspNetCoreApiStarterASP.NET 9.0 Web API with GRPC and SignalR application using Clean Architecture. Includes Identity, JWT authentication w/ refresh tokens.
PythonRestAPI Public
Python RestAPI using Quart ASGI framework. It runs on HTTP/2 and will be HTTP/3 when mainstream browsers support it in the near future.
Node.JSRestAPI Public
Demonstrates RESTful API with Node.JS, ExpressJS using Clean Architecture design and implemented in Typescript language. Unit tests with mocha framework and chai assertion library. Test coverage re…
kubernetes Public
Kubernetes cluster
flutter Public
flutter application
circleci-nodejs Public
Node.JS container for building Node.JS applications
fluentd Public
fluentd container dockerfile deployed as sidecar in kubernetes cluster to ingest logs and push to elasticsearch
elasticsearch-init Public
Elasticsearch index and mapping initialization job for elasticsearch cluster running on kubernetes
JavaRestAPI Public
RestAPI with GRPC, Java 13, Tomcat 9, Spring Boot 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT and Docker
AspNetCoreIdentity Public
ASP.Net Core Identity service using Duende
Quasar Public
Quasar Vue.JS application with Jest and Cypress tests
EFCore7Issue2944 Public
EF Core 7 Saving entity with non-nullable string default value throws but not value object.
ASP.NetCoreReactJSTwitter Public
ASP.Net Core 2.2 ReactJS with Twitter OAuth Authentication
ASP.NetCoreTwitterOAuth Public
ASP.Net Core 2.2 Razor with Twitter OAuth Authentication.
postgresql Public
PostgresQL with customized docker entrypoing to bootstrap multiple databases
AnsibleAutogenAndAudit Public
Python scripts to auto-generate ansible artefacts and audit them
SharePointWebAPI.NetCore Public
SharePointWebAPI using .Net Core 2.0 and Microsoft.SharePoint.Client DLLs.
redis-cluster-init Public
Deploy Redis Cluster running on kubernetes with a simple job