- setup
- engine
- loop
- @
- maps
- pathfinding
- monsters
- combat
- items
- saving
Going to try not using events and instead use functions within systems. Systems have access the entire world and game state so I should be able to run event like functions with entity inputs. components can have function names to replicate inversion of control. For example:
Brain component can have a goals array that contains a list of goal functions. The brain system knows to look at the goal names and how to use them to call the goal functions. These will have a standard contract of args so it's reacting to them should be fairly simple. We'll see I guess.
// fireEvent('tryMove', '123', {a: 1})
// function fireEvent(name, eid, payload) { // const entity = getEntity(eId)
// // loop over all components on entity // // call tryMove with each component, check if component supports the tryMove event // // if so, run the function with the payload and do the thing. // }