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Remote Access (SSH)

mezdahun edited this page Dec 17, 2020 · 8 revisions

Remote Access (SSH)

If you would like to access the Pi4 remotely via SSH you can follow the official guide to do so.

  1. Get the IP of the PI (on Pi/host)
hostname -I
  1. SSH from your computer
ssh -Y pi@<IP of Pi>

please note that the -Y flag makes graphical interfaces of openCV to be forwarded to your client.

  1. Provide the password for the Pi and proceed

  2. When finished working with the Pi, turn it off with

sudo shutdown -h now

wait until the LED stops blinking + 5 secs, then turn off the power supply as well.

Preferred workflow with remote access

the automatic test suite will accomplish unit tests. To further see the real behaviour of the code on a Pi environment, you will need to use the following workflow.

  1. (Pi) Turn on Pi
  2. (Pi) SSH into Pi
  3. (Pi) cd to repo
  4. (Pi) use git pull and other git commands to sync your repo on the Pi
  5. (Pi) test functionality of interest
  6. (PC) change functionality from advanced editor like PyCharm (not on Pi)
  7. (PC) use git push to sync your new changes
  8. (Pi) continue from step 4.