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OMIM Ingest

About OMIM & this repository

OMIM stands for "Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man", and is an online catalog of human genes and genetic disorders. The official site is:

This purpose of this repository is for data transformations for ingest into Mondo. Mainly, it is for generating an omim.ttl and other release artefacts.

Disclaimer: This repository and its created data artefacts are unnofficial. For official, up-to-date OMIM data, please visit


1. API Key and .env

  1. Run: cp .env.example .env
  2. Change the value of API_KEY to your own. If you don't have one, you can request one at This will probably be sufficient for the purposes of downloading the necessary text files, but if not, you can also require access to the REST API as well:

2. Python dependencies

2.1 Python installation

2.2 Setup virtual environment & installing packages

  1. Run: make install
  2. There is a known possible issue with dependency psutil on some systems. If you get an error related to this when installing, ignore it, as it is does not seem to be needed to run any of the tools. If however you do get a psutil error when running anything, please let us know by creating an issue.

Running & creating release

Run: sh make all

Running this will create new release artefacts in the root directory.

You can also run make build or python -m omim2obo. These are all the same command. This will download files from and run the build.

Offline/cache option: python -m omim2obo --use-cache If there's an issue downloading the files, or you are offline, or you just want to use the cache anyway, you can pass the --use-cache flag.

Curator configuration files

protected-disease-gene.tsv This file contains a list of disease-gene associations that should not be removed from the ontology, even if the pipeine logic would otherwise determine that the association is not disease-defining.

exclusions-disease-gene.tsv This file contains a list of disease-gene associations that should be removed from the ontology, even if the pipeine logic would otherwise determine that the association is disease-defining. There is more information about this in the section describing review.tsv.

known_capitalizations.tsv. These are known replacements where we want to take matching text (lowercase or otherwise), and replace it with what is shown in the cap_name column. There is also a lower_name column, which represents the full lowercasing of the string. However, it is a bit superfluous, as it will ensure that any capitalization variation of the string in cap_name will get re-capitalized to what is in cap_name. E.g. if cap_name is "Prune Belly Syndrome", then "prune belly syndrome", or "Prune belly syndrome" would both be replaced with "Prune Belly Syndrome". This logic operates only on OMIM titles (standard title, as well as alt, formerly, and included titles).

Additional tools


Get PMIDs used for OMIM codes from omim.ttl

Command: sh make get-pmids

OMIM Code Web Scraper

Currently, the only feature is get_codes_by_yyyy_mm, which returns a list of OMIM codes and their prefixes from

Usage: Command Line Interface

  1. make scrape y=<YEAR> m=<MONTH>
  2. make scrape y=<YEAR> m=<MONTH> > <path/to/outputFile>
  1. Get codes for May 2021, printed to terminal: make scrape y=2021 m=5
  2. Get codes for May 2021 and output to a file "myfile.txt": make scrape y=2021 m=5 > myfile.txt

make scrape y=2021 m=5


[('#', '619340'),
 ('#', '619355'),
 ('*', '619357'),
 ('*', '619358'),
 ('*', '619359'),
 ('#', '619325'),
 ('#', '619328'),
 ('*', '100850'),
 ('#', '613102')]

Usage: Python API

Using get_codes_by_yyyy_mm() will return a list of tuples.

from omim2obo.omim_code_scraper import get_codes_by_yyyy_mm

code_tuples = get_codes_by_yyyy_mm('2021/05')

Release files

  • omim.ttl: OMIM ontologized
  • omim.sssom.tsv: SSSOM mapping file
  • mondo-omim-genes.robot.tsv: ROBOT template for adding OMIM genes to Mondo
  • review.tsv: Special cases to consider for manual review

Notice: These are generated based on the latest downloadable data files from, updated daily, rather than what is seen on the pages. Note that the data files and the entry pages aren't always in sync, and that one or the other may be slightly more up-to or out-of date for a period of time.


Currently, all of these review cases are part of the "D2G" (Disease-Gene) procesing, and reflect cases where we have added associations, but they are strange and need curator review. If the curator decides that an association should not be added, an entry for it should be made in exclusions-disease-gene.tsv.


  • classCode: integer
  • classLabel: string
  • value: any: Some form of data to review
  • comment: string (optional)

1. D2G: digenic

This review case involves what would be otherwise considered a valid, disease-defining disease-gene (D2G) relationship, but for the fact that it quite unusually includes 'digenic' in the label, even though it only had 1 association. OMIM doesn't have a guaranatee on the data quality of its disease-gene associations marked 'digenic', so for any of these entries, it could be the case that either (a) it is not 'digenic'; OMIM should remove that from the label, and Mondo can make an explicit exception to add the relationship, or could otherwise wait until OMIM fixes the issue and it will automatically be added, or (b) it is in fact 'digenic', and OMIM should add the missing 2nd gene association.

2. D2G: self-referential

The unique characteristics of cases of this class are as follows:

  • Each case has 2 rows in morbidmap.txt and are part of a pattern.
  • Row 1: One row is a typical, valid, disease-defining entry. For the given phenotype MIM in that row, there are no
  • other rows in morbidmap.txt where it appears as a phenotype having an association with another gene.
    • In all such cases seen thus far as of 2024/11/18, all of these are cancer cases, and the label ends with "somatic".
    • This entry appears in the Phenotype-Gene Relationships table on the MIM's page.
  • Row 2: There is a second row where the phenotype in the first row appears as a gene.
    • For this row, there is no MIM in the phenotype field.
    • This row does not appear in the Gene-Phenotype Relationships table on the MIM's page.
    • This row is self-referential. The label in the Phenotype field is one of the titles of the MIM in the Gene field.

Example case:

Phenotype Gene/Locus And Other Related Symbols MIM Number Cyto Location
Small cell cancer of the lung, somatic, 182280 (3) RB1 614041 13q14.2
Small-cell cancer of lung (2) SCLC1 182280 3p23-p21

All known cases: There is a spreadsheet which collates all known cases as of 2024/11/18: google sheet. The MIMs of the known cases are: 159595, 182280, 607107, and 615830.

Additional notes: Note that unlike the other cases, a single case of "D2G: self-referential" spans multiple rows in review.tsv. The cases are enumerated in the TSV, with individual cases identifiable via a leading integer in the value column, e.g. "1: " for the first case, "2: " for the second, and so on.

Also, see note in section "3. D2G: somatic" about intersection between these two cases.

3. D2G: somatic

Happens when all conditions were met for this association to be considered disease-defining, but the mutation is a somatic cell mutation, rather than a germline mutation. This is indicated by the appearance of the word 'somatic' in the label of the phenotype MIM in the association. These cases should be reviewed because currently any association meeting the criteria to be considered disease-defining is also considered a germline mutation and the association is represented in omim.owl using the property 'is causal germline mutation in' (RO:0004013).

Note that there is an intersection between this case and case 2, "D2G: self-referential". Sometimes the somatic cases will also be self-referential, but not always. However, all cases of "D2G: self-referential" have historically included a row where the phenotype includes the word 'somatic'.

4. D2G: Phenotype is gene

Happens when all conditions were met for this association to be considered disease-defining. However, the phenotype in the association unexpectedly has the type of "gene" rather than "phenotype". This is unexpected and considered a data quality issue on the OMIM side. As of 2024/10, we flagged this to the OMIM team and they corrected all such cases.

5. D2G: Phenotype type error

Happens when all conditions were met for this association to be considered disease-defining. However, the phenotype in the association has an unexpected type of either 'OBSOLETE', 'SUSPECTED', or 'HAS_AFFECTED_FEATURE'. As of 2024/12, we have not seen such cases appear, but we have set this review case up to watch for them should they occur.

Under the hood: Design decisions, etc.

Gene-Disease processing

Involves the processing of morbidmap.txt to create ontological representations of Gene --> Disease and Disease --> Gene associations.

Example input/output

Input: morbidmap.txt
Phenotype Gene/Locus And Other Related Symbols MIM Number Cyto Location
Prune belly syndrome, 100100 (3) CHRM3, PBS, EGBRS 118494 1q43

OMIM:100100 (Prune belly syndrome) is the Phenotype ("Disease"), and OMIM:118494 (CHRM3) is the associated Gene. They are related via mapping key (3) (explained below).

Output: omim.ttl
OMIM:100100 a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "prune belly syndrome" ;
    rdfs:subClassOf _:N2fd22c9bb2f04630b81414cff9514660 ;
    biolink:category biolink:Disease .
_:N2fd22c9bb2f04630b81414cff9514660 a owl:Restriction ;
    owl:onProperty RO:0004003 ;
    owl:someValuesFrom OMIM:118494 .

The association is represented as an rdfs:subClassOf owl:Restriction, where mapping key (3) is represented as RO:0004003.

OMIM MorbidMap mapping keys & Relationship Ontology predicates

In order to add these associations to an OWL ontology, we must use an appropriate predicate. Below are the 4 OMIM morbidmap.txt mapping keys and their definitions, alongside the RO predicates we've chosen to represent them.

Note that the directionality of these associations / predicates is in the Gene->Disease direction: (Gene MIM) --(Mapping key / RO predicate)--> (Disease MIM)

1: The disorder is placed on the map based on its association with a gene, but the underlying defect is not known.
Not ontologized. These types are ignored due to the uncertainty of the nature of the association.

2: The disorder has been placed on the map by linkage or other statistical method; no mutation has been found.
RO:0003303 (causes condition): A relationship between an entity (e.g. a genotype, genetic variation, chemical, or environmental exposure) and a condition (a phenotype or disease), where the entity has some causal role for the condition.

3: The molecular basis for the disorder is known; a mutation has been found in the gene.
RO:0004013 (is causal germline mutation in): Relates a gene to condition, such that a mutation in this gene is sufficient to produce the condition and that can be passed on to offspring[modified from orphanet].

Note: For these "mapping key (3)" cases, there also exists an inverse predicate which we ontologize in the inverse direction: (Disease MIM) --(Mapping key 3 / RO:0004003)--> (Gene MIM): RO:0004003 (has material basis in germline mutation in)

4: A contiguous gene deletion or duplication syndrome, multiple genes are deleted or duplicated causing the phenotype.
RO:0003304 (contributes to condition): A relationship between an entity (e.g. a genotype, genetic variation, chemical, or environmental exposure) and a condition (a phenotype or disease), where the entity has some contributing role that influences the condition.

Important caveat: Singular vs multiple associations These above RO predicates are only used if there is only 1 gene associated with a given disease, i.e. in morbidmap.txt, there is only 1 row where the MIM appears in the Phenotype field.

In cases where there is >1 association, the following RO predicate is used instead, regardless of if the mapping key is (2), (3), or (4): RO:0003302 (causes or contributes to condition): A relationship between an entity (e.g. a genotype, genetic variation, chemical, or environmental exposure) and a condition (a phenotype or disease), where the entity has some causal or contributing role that influences the condition.

Necessary conditions for disease-defining associations

Of the above 3 Gene->Disease association predicates (those with mapping keys (2), (3), and (4)), the one which we consider "disease defining" is (3) (RO:0004013). For these cases, as mentioned above, we also declare an association in the Disease->Gene direction, RO:0004003. However, we only declare these associations if several other conditions are also met. These other conditions are: (i) the Phenotype not be marked as a non-disease (represented by the label being wrapped in []), (ii) that is not a mutation that contribute to susceptibility to multifactorial disorders (e.g., diabetes, asthma) or to susceptibility to infection (e.g., malaria) (represented by the label being wrapped in {}), and (iii) not be marked provisional (represented by the label beginning with ?). These 3 special markers are further explained in the OMIM FAQ. Additionally, as mentioned above, we only declare the association in omim.ttl if there is 1 and only 1 association shown in `morbidmap.txt

So, all of the conditions together are:

  1. Mapping key is (3)
  2. Only 1 association
  3. Phenotype not marked as non-disease ([])
  4. Phenotype not marked as susceptibility to multifactorial disorders or infection ({})
  5. Phenotype not marked provisional (?)