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Nick Stapleton edited this page Jun 10, 2019 · 8 revisions

IAI - AI Interface

The abstact interface that handles all AI logic. More functions should be added here if we ant the AI to do more special things.



  1. IGeo -> IAI


namespace AI.Command
    public interface IAI : IGeo
        void init(
          IDotBehaviour behaviour, // The dot's behaviour
          float Speed,             // The speed at which the AI moves.
          float MaxHP,             // The MaxHP of the AI.
          float FireRate,          // The time to wait between firing bullets in seconds.
          float FireChance,        // 0-100 how likely the AI is to fire their gun.
          float ShieldChance,      // 0-100 how likely the AI is to turn on their shield.
          bool ShowTrail,          // Display the trail of the geometry.
          bool DrawDebugLine);     // Display the debug line pointing in dir of forward.


From DotSpawner.Spawn()

This is the interface for all AI. For more information on behaviour interfaces see IAIBehaviour in IDotBehaviour.cs. TODO needs to be moved to its own file.

// Spawns a Simple Dot. Sets name to a list of tags delim by " ",
// query with gameObject.ToString.Contains("tag")
GameObject Dot = new GameObject("Geo Simple Dot" + counter);
IAI ai1 = Dot.AddComponent<DotController>();
ai1.init(null, Speed, MaxHealth, FireRate, FireChance, ShieldChance, EnableTrail, DrawDebugLine);
// Spawns a Shooter Dot.
GameObject Dot = new GameObject("Geo Shield Dot" + counter);
IAI ai2 = Dot.AddComponent<DotController>();
ShooterDotBehaviour b = Dot.AddComponent<ShooterDotBehaviour>();
ai2.init(b, Speed, MaxHealth, FireRate, FireChance, ShieldChance, EnableTrail, DrawDebugLine);