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Nick Stapleton edited this page Jun 10, 2019 · 3 revisions

IPickup- Pickup Interface

This bad boy is attached to a GameObject, sits there, and waits to be called in DotSpawner.Kill() when an AI dies. All values of the pickup are determined to the parent's value on IPickup.init().

Change this logic to determine the values in IPickup.Spawn() if you want the pickups to get the values of the owner at death instead of at spawn.

Documentation Comments

A better approach would have been to use enums for the types instead of strings. Also, the pickups could have derived from a base class and we could have implemented each type of pickup as its own class instead of having one type of pickup that handles the logic for all types of pickup data.



namespace Pickup.Command
    public interface IPickup
        // initializes the pickup after attaching it to a game object.
        // this sets the values of the pickup to be used when the player "eats it"
        void init(IGeo geo, string t);

        // programtically creates the pickup drop at the location
        GameObject Spawn(Vector3 Location);

        // the collision logic to ignore projectiles and AI
        void OnCollisionEnter(Collision geo);

        // wreck dat ho
        void Destroy();

        // returns the type of pickup, ie HP, armor, etc
        string GetType();

        // sets the type. will only affect successive calls to Spawn()
        void SetType(string t);