splitspliceleaderpe is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline for Split paired-end read files in two according to presence of splice leader in the first read..
The pipeline is built using Nextflow and used nf-core templates.
The SL.Oikopleura_diocia.arch file gives a example of architecture file for the splice leader of Oikopleura dioica:
tagdust -1 R:N
The pipeline can be tested with a command like:
nextflow run ./main.nf --input input.test.csv -profile yourProfile -w path/to/your/scratch/area --arch SL.Oikopleura_diocia.arch --rrna OKIrRNA.fa
The main output files are in results/tagdust/
. Reads with no splice leader
are saved in *_SL_un_READ*
and reads with splice leader in *_SL_READ*