Releases: pardeike/Zombieland
Releases · pardeike/Zombieland
Zombieland v3.0.1
Zombieland v3.0.1 fixes melee calculations and allows zombie bites only on close interactions
Zombieland v3
Zombieland 3 brings you new exciting features to your favorite zombie mod for RimWorld.
- Configurable melee dodge chance against zombies that scales with melee experience.
- A new area manager that can warn you when colonists enter/leave a certain area.
- Settings are now searchable.
- Custom blacklisting of biomes.
- More customization!
- Bug fixes!
Zombieland v2.9.5
v2.9.5 improves performance with SoS2 installed
Zombieland v2.9.4
v2.9.4 fixes zombie rendering in space and prevents zombies from ever spawning in space (except when ships are infected)
Zombieland v2.9.3
v2.9.3 prevents zombie events in space
Zombieland v2.9.2
Zombieland v2.9.2 adds option to hide zombie health bar and balances dark slim properties
Zombieland v2.9.1
v2.9.1 fixes a error that keeps spamming when you don't have the Save Our Ship 2 mod installed
Zombieland v2.9
v2.9 support Save Our Ship 2 - Zombies in Space!
Zombieland v2.8
Zombieland v2.8 brings you
- adds a new way for zombies to wander at night
- adds configurable wandering
- adds health bar on mouse over
- low consciousness makes zombies stay confused
- better healing
- more equal speed across different zombie body types
- adds roping confused (low consciousness) zombies
- adds zombie shocker
Zombieland v2.7.1
v2.7.1 fixes zombie spawning and a bug with saving colonist settings