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Version 11.1.4 Full Changelog

SC edited this page Oct 24, 2021 · 12 revisions

Visuals and Audio

  • Removed cube map post processing tweaks.
    • This generally made a lot of heists look way too shiny and offered very little visual improvements.
  • Increased the volume on Veteran Cop voicelines.
    • He was a little too quiet.


  • Made tweaks to the 8th Anniversary event for Payday 2, removed the requirements to get the statues on Firestarter, Rats, and Watchdogs.
    • It was impossible to get these because of the level edits Restoration Mod does, and it seemed silly to edit those heists for an event that will likely be removed by next week.
  • Added the Old Safehouse to the tutorial heists menu.
    • It was sad to see it get removed, and it did offer a decent introduction to basic mechanics so we felt it'd be fitting to keep access to it in the Tutorial section on the menu. This also allows players to access the level 100 case Restoration offers.

Weapons and Equipment

  • Added stats to the Cash Blaster. It's simply a reskinned MA-17 flamethrower that shoots money instead.

Difficulty Tweaks

  • Titandozers now use Railguns. They function similar to Sniper enemies where they 'lock on' to the player for a few moments before firing a high damage shot.
    • This was done to allow Titandozers to fill a more unique role compared to Skulldozers.
  • Enemies killed by bots will now have their chance to drop ammo based on how much damage they received from a player.
    • This should make it less likely to have all the effort from a player be wasted for an ammo drop if a player gets a kill stolen from a bot at the last second.
  • Enemies that throw grenades now throw them better, they'll now adjust for strength based on how far away the target is from them. They also now have a minimum range from which they'll try to throw a grenade.
    • Should help stop the weird moments enemies either over shoot a throw or short arm a grenade.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the Headless Dozer Sword causing infinite loading screens due to unloaded assets.
  • Fixed odd localization wording.
  • Fixed a bug where some weapons would be level locked when they shouldn't be.
  • Fixed the Buzzer not stunning enemies even when fully charged.
  • Fixed enemies with Buzzers not correctly stunning the player.
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