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hertsch edited this page Sep 3, 2013 · 2 revisions

SyncData create Backup archives which contains the selected files and database tables (see also syncdata.json).

  • The tables will be sanitized, URL's which reference the web space will be replaced by placeholders.
  • Each backup contain the complete SQL code to create the needed tables.
  • This grant, that you can port a backup to another server without any conflicts.
  • In addition SyncData create a MD5 checksum file, which enable to check the integrity of the archive.
  • The archives are ZIP files, which can unpacked manually, it is possible to restore data directly from the archive

To create a backup archive, please type into the address line of the browser:


SyncData will need some time, by default the script may run up to 300 seconds before it stop the execution (SyncData will not run into a timeout!). The time SyncData will need differs from installation to installation.

If you reload the page or abort the execution, SyncData will rollback all processed tables and files, so please let SyncData working.

Backup result example

SyncData always prompt the Memory peak usage, the execution time and the executed route (/backup in this case).

Open the path /syncdata/data/backup with your FTP program, you will find the archive and the checksum file:


For security reasons the directory and all files are protected by .htaccess, so you can only access this files via FTP or SSH.

Next step: Restore

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