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Bianka Martinovic edited this page Sep 2, 2014 · 3 revisions

SyncData can

  • backup database tables and files
  • restore database tables and files
  • synchronize multiple clients with a server

To avoid conflicts while SyncData is processing data of the Content Management System it will be installed outside of the CMS as independent application and not as add-on inside the CMS.

Because SyncData act as a standalone application it can handle backup archives

  • independent from the operating system (Windows, Linux)
  • between different CMS types (i.e. between WebsiteBaker and LEPTON CMS),
  • between different CMS versions (i.e. between WebsiteBaker 2.8.3 and WebsiteBaker 2.8.4),

For this reason you can also use SyncData to migrate from one CMS to another or to handle CMS upgrades and website relaunches.

SyncData can executed unattended as Cronjob to generate automated backups and synchronizations.

All commands to start a backup, restore or another process will be executed as URL:


therefore SyncData does not need a complex surface and navigation: type in the command and see a brief response at the screen.

Note: <key> is a unique security key that will be created automatically on installation.

Next step: Logfile

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