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rasberry edited this page Aug 23, 2024 · 3 revisions



 Creates an image with every possible 24-bit color ordered by chosen pattern.
 -p (Pattern)                 Sort by Pattern (default BitOrder)
 -s (Space)                   Sort by color space components (instead of pattern)
 -so (n,...)                  Change priority order of components (default 1,2,3,4)
 -ps                          Use multi-threaded sort function instead of regular sort
 -o (number[%])               Color Offset to use (should be between 0% and 100%
 -on (number)                 Absolute Color Offset to use
 -l / --legacy                Use original (legacy) algorithm

 Available Patterns
  1. BitOrder                 Numeric order
  2. AERT                     AERT brightness
  3. HSP                      HSP color model brightness
  4. WCAG2                    WCAG2 relative luminance
  5. SMPTE240M                Luminance SMPTE 240M (1999)
  6. Luminance709             Luminance BT.709
  7. Luminance601             Luminance BT.601
  8. Luminance2020            Luminance BT.2020
  9. Spiral16                 Spiral blocks of 16 x 16
 10. Spiral4kBuckets          Spiral blocks of 4k x 4k using buckets
 11. Spiral4k                 Spiral blocks of 4k x 4k
 12. Squares4k                Square blocks of 256 x 256

 Available Spaces
 1. RGB
 2. HSV
 3. HSL
 4. HSI
 5. YCbCr
 6. CieXyz
 7. Cmyk


Default AllColors-0
-l AllColors-1
-s RGB -so 1,2,3 -o 20% AllColors-2
-s RGB -so 1,2,3 -l AllColors-3
-s Cmyk -so 1,2,3 AllColors-4
-s HSV -so 2,1,3 AllColors-5
-s YCbCr -so 1,2,3 AllColors-6
-s YCbCr -so 3,2,1 AllColors-7
-so 3,2,1 AllColors-8