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rasberry edited this page Aug 23, 2024 · 2 revisions



 Draws one of several mazes
 -m (Maze)                    Choose a maze (default prims)
 -cc (color)                  Change cell color (default black)
 -wc (color)                  Change wall color (default white)
 -rs (number)                 Random Int32 seed value (defaults to system picked)
 -sq (s,s,...)                Growing Tree cell picking sequence (default 'N')
 -sr                          Randomly pick between sequence options

 Available Mazes:
  1. Eller                    Eller's algorithm
  2. Prims                    Prim's (Jarník's) algorithm
  3. Kruskal                  Kruskal's algorithm 🐢
  4. BinaryTree               Binary tree maze algorithm
  5. GrowingTree              Growing tree maze algorithm
  6. Automata                 Cellular automata maze
  7. Spiral                   Experimental maze using a spiral layout
  8. ReverseDelete            Reverse delete algorithm 🐢
  9. SideWinder               Sidewinder maze algorithm
 10. Division                 Recursize division algorithm

 Available Sequence Options: (Only for Growing Tree)
 1. (N)ewest                  Pick the most recent visited cell (recursive backtracker)
 2. (O)ldest                  Pick the lest recent visited cell
 3. (M)iddle                  Pick the middle cell of the current path
 4. (R)Random                 Pick a random cell in the current path (Prim's)


-m 1 -rs 5003 Maze-1
-m 2 -rs 5009 -cc tan -wc red Maze-2
-m 3 -rs 5011 Maze-3
-m 4 -rs 5021 Maze-4
-m 5 -rs 5023 Maze-5
-m 6 -rs 5039 Maze-6
-m 7 -rs 5051 Maze-7
-m 8 -rs 5059 Maze-8
-m 9 -rs 5077 Maze-9
-m 10 -rs 5081 Maze-10