A memory game with Lolcat tiles.
Classic Memory tile game with randomly generated LolCat images. This was a Girl Develop It pair up programming exercise. Since then, I've converted it to other frameworks.
Version 1 navigates the DOM with plain JavaScript. Version 2 uses Backbone.js and its dependencies- jquery, underscore. Version 3 hopes to use Marionette or maybe Require.js.
Background images from subtlepatterns.com Helpful articles on the State Model:
- http://robdodson.me/blog/2012/06/02/take-control-of-your-app-with-the-javascript-state-patten/
- http://robdodson.me/blog/2012/06/02/managing-your-backbone-views-with-the-state-pattern/
Latest Version Demo at http://saratheneale.github.io/lolcatMemory/