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Stephan Bösebeck edited this page Aug 23, 2013 · 3 revisions

All writer implementation support asynchronous calls like

   public <T> void store(List<T> lst, AsyncOperationCallback<T> callback); 

if callback==null the method call should be synchronous... If callback!=null do the call to mongo asynchronous in background. Usually, you specify the default behavior in your class definition:

  public class EntityType {

All write operations to this type will be asynchronous! (synchronous call is not possible in this case!).

Asynchronous calls are also possible for Queries, you can call q.asList(callback) if you want to have this query be executed in background.

Difference asynchronous write / write buffer

Asynchronous calls will be issued at once to the mongoDb but the calling thread will not have to wait. It will be executed in Background. the @WriteBuffer annotation specifies a write buffer for this type (you can specify the size etc if you like). All writes will be held temporarily in ram until time frame is reached or the number of objects in write buffer exceeds the maximum you specified (0 means no maximum). Attention if you shut down the Java VM during that time, those entries will be lost. Please only use that for logging or "not so important" data. specifying a write buffer four you entitiy is quite easy:

  @WriteBuffer(size=1000, timeout=5000)
  public class MyBufferedLog {

This means, all write access to this type will be stored for 5 seconds or 1000 entries, whichever occurs first. If you want to specify a different behavior when the maximum number of entries is reached, you can specify a strategy:

WRITE_NEW: write newest entry (synchronous and not add to buffer)

WRITE_OLD: write some old entries (and remove from buffer)

DEL_OLD: delete old entries from buffer - oldest elements won't be written to Mongo!

IGNORE_NEW: just ignore incoming - newest elements WILL NOT BE WRITTEN!

JUST_WARN: increase buffer and warn about it