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Stephan Bösebeck edited this page Aug 23, 2013 · 1 revision

Simple queries

most of your queries probably are simple ones. like searching for a special id or value. This is done rather simply with the query-Object: morphium.createQueryFor(MyEntity.class).f("field").eq(value) if you add more f(fields) to the query, they will be concatenated by a logical AND. so you can do something like:

    Query<UncachedObject> q=morphium.createQueryFor(UncachedObject.class);
This would result in a query like: "All Uncached Objects, where counter is greater than 10 and counter is less then 20".

Or Queries

in addition to those AND-queries you can add an unlimited list of queries to it, which will be concatenated by a logical OR.

   q.f("counter").lt(100).or(q.q().f("value").eq("Value 12"), q.q().f("value").eq("other"));
This would create a query like: "all UncachedObjects where counter is less than 100 and (value is 'value 12' or value is 'other')"

the Method q() creates a new empty query for the same object. It's a convenience Method. Please be careful, never use your query Object in the parameter list of or - this would cause and endless loop! ATTENTION here!

This gives you the possibility to create rather complex queries, which should handle about 75% of all cases. Although you can also add some NOR-Queries as well. These are like "not or"-Queries....

   q.f("counter").lt(100).nor(q.q().f("counter").eq(90), q.q().f("counter").eq(55));
this would result in a query like: "All query objects where counter is less than 100 and not (counter=90 or counter=55).

this adds another complexity level to the queries ;-)

If that's not enough, specify your own query You can also specify your own query object (BasicDBObject from MongoDB) in case of a very complex query. This is part of the Query-Object and can be used rather easily:

        BasicDBObject query=new BasicDBObject();
        query=query.append("counter",new BasicDBObject("$lt",10));
        Query<UncachedObject> q=MorphiumSingleton.get().createQueryFor(UncachedObject.class);
        List<UncachedObject> lst=q.complexQuery(query);

Although, in this case the query is a very simple one (counter < 10), but I think you get the Idea....


Well, the fluent query interface does have its limitations. So its not possible to have a certain number of or-concatenated queries (like (counter==14 or Counter <10) and (counter >50 or counter ==30)). I'm not sure, this is very legible... maybe we should replace f by field and a like... what do you think?