A must-use plugin that makes WordPress better. Tightens up WordPress settings and UI and modifies data output. Does not provide support to themes.
- Add setting in Settings/Media to prevent Authors and below from seeing others' media
- Don't let user see other's media if they can't edit other's posts (according to above setting)
- Add editable image sizes: Small, XLarge, Open Graph*
- Remove extra image sizes added by CoAuthors plugin*
- Move media below post types in menu*?
- Remove theme and plugin edit menu items*
- Add excerpt to pages*?
- Allow Editor role to edit theme options*?
- Contact settings screen for company name, email, address, social networks, and more. Up to theme to implement.
- Add theme support for post thumbnails, post formats, menus, HTML5*?
- Add user fields for Instagram username, Facebook URL, Twitter username, Linkedin URL*?
- Remove user fields for AIM, YIM, and Jabber*?
- Change excerpt length to 25 words
- Allow shortcodes in excerpts
* Will be removed in favor of soberwp/intervention
Details coming..
Returns integer. Can override site-wide with 'words_per_minute_to_read' filter.
Returns array of post objects. $postID defaults to current if in loop.
Like wp_parse_args() but recursive. Pretty sure this only works with arrays.
Globally change the words per minute for the minutes_to_read()
Modify the image sizes added by Launchpad, which are small, xlarge, and open_graph.
- SoberWP Models for registering post types and taxonomies
I didn't want to make this plugin dependent upon another plugin, even if that plugin is one of the most popular plugins in the WordPress community.