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Player Class=~ Current State of Player Class

katie-gao edited this page May 31, 2022 · 10 revisions

This the Current State of Player Class as of Spring 2022

Here is a documentation that will detail what we have accomplished this quarter in CS220, and what overall features Player Class has, as well as where we see future improvements lying. We hope that this documentation can allow future devs on this team to have less cognitive load onboarding to the features of Player Class, and reduce software archaeology

Current Features of Player Class:


  • One thing that our team (2022) expanded on was on creating multi classes, which can contain two classes, and the details of these can be found in multiclass.c. In addition, we have also created multi class prefabs such as "hexblade", "infernal", "paladin", "enchanter", and "assassin".
  • We also fixed the long and short descriptions of multiclasses so it reads nicely.
  • The added skills and stats of multiclass is also functional now.


  • There are six NPC-specific class prefabs, along with a basic NPC prefab for boring NPCs
  • NPC indefinite movement is affected by the speed stat of the NPC's player class


  • Each player class has three combat skills with a set of damages
  • There are skill trees associated with each class, and a functionality to add skills as the game goes on
  • The current skilltree is similar to that of an array
  • Multiclasses also have skill trees (can refer to multiclass: design page)


  • Currently, Battles has offensive_items (type: battle_item_t) , equip_weapons (type: battle_equipment_t), equip_armor (type: battle_equipment_t), equip_accessory (type: battle_equipment_t), consumable (type: battle_item_t). Examples of some of these particular items/equipments can be found in battle_default_object.c. As a part of integrating playerclass with battles, we have integrated use_battle_item() found in battle_logic.c to be able to interact with CONSUMABLES (only this, and none of the others yet), and made it change the stats of the player based off of what class type the player is.
  • We have created a battle wiki documentation to record all current possible stat change multipliers that can be changed from consuming different consumables. This can be found here: Battle Item Stats

Future Areas of Expansion and Improvement:


  • There can be more prefabs, and improved testing on all the multiclass.c function testing, because there are some edge cases that might not work. We ran into some issues when making the demo this year, and with further testing, there can be improvement on the little errors.



  • The skill-tree for multiclasses is not perfected yet - needs to have more in depth testing
  • The NPC-specific prefabs do not have skills yet - we were thinking these classes could do negative damage


  • As mentioned before in the current state, using battle items is only integrated with consumables. There is area for improvement in integrating battle items on its usage with offensive items, as well as other equipment type items (battle_equipment_t) that can change the stats of the player.
  • Furthermore, we think the battle_logic tests can also be improved to not be hard coded for a single instance of a battle consumable. You can find the relevant Tests in test_battle_logic.c, and the relevant tests are: consume_a_battle_item, uses_battle_item_correctly, remove_single_item, remove_item_of_multiple, and remove_last_item_of_multiple.
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