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ROS-based robot-agnostic software architecture for interaction controllers


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Interaction controllers

This repository is a collection of ROS packages needed to perform interaction control on both simulated and real robots. Please cite:

Storiale, F.; Ferrentino, E.; Chiacchio, P. Robot-Agnostic Interaction Controllers Based on ROS. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 3949.

The repository is structured as follows:

  • the ros_control_controllers package contains the implementation of the direct force controller and admittance controller;
  • the force_torque_sensor package contains the library to handle the communication with real and simulated force/torque sensors;
  • the workspace_trajectory_msgs and workspace_trajectory packages contain the definition of a workspace trajectory message and a library to manage it;
  • the acg_control_msgs package defines the FollowWorkspaceTrajectory message needed for the transmission of a workspace trajectory through the action interface;
  • follow_workspace_trajectory_action_client package implements an Action Client over the FollowWorkspaceTrajectory action.
  • the smartsix container provides description, configuration and start up files for the Comau Smart-Six robot;
  • the ur10_acg_configuration container provides configuration and start up files for the Universal Robot's UR10 robot.

Refer to the Readmes of the single packages for further information.